Increasing wages for unskilled workers just drives employers to automation. Recently, they increased minimum wage in Canada to $15/hour. Now all the fast food places have digital screens to place your order and grocery stores have more self checkout lines than actual tellers. Those machines don't need to be trained, don't need benefits, workers compensation, employment insurance, sick days or pay. Increasing minimum wage can decrease the amount of minimum wage jobs. Good luck to your kids getting an after school job, or even getting one if they don't have good enough grades to be accepted into post secondary education after they finish highschool.
This is where socialism can help. If you had more worker co-ops in these types of industries you could have a more balanced approach. When workers control or contribute to decision making of the entire business you would see a less profit motivated result. Workers won't vote to get rid of their own jobs.
Germany is leading the way with these types of industries and is prospering. Another great economist to watch/read on these matters is Richard D Wolff. One of the leading Marxists economists in the world.