What did you accomplish today?

Ha no, it’s kombu. Japanese seaweed, used in a lot of thier soups and stocks. It’s pretty good stuff and it doesn’t taste as seaweedy as you’d think. If I’m not mistaken it’s where they found msg from. So it gives a real good umami flavor.

We eat it a lot here in soup yep. As far as flat green vegetables go, it's actually pretty fucking good. Has a rather satisfying consistency too it as well. Bitch got a crunch.
Since you're not sleeping you might as well keep us updated. ; )

She is in a lot of pain ( surprise surprise ) . Her blood pressure was high today at around 3:00 PM so her and her mom stopped by the hospital just to get checked and it kinda snow balled from there, she's at 37 weeks so everything should be good. The Dr is in there right now so I had to take a walk.

Yup, best wishes bro! If she pushes the baby out tomorrow(28th), will be the same birthday as my kid. And on a sturgeon moon too! Bad ass!

I'm a little ahead of you in time zones so it's already the 28th , and after working 11 hours it's going to be a llooonnnngggg night. Hahaha

Peace everyone , I'll keep y'all posted.