70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all

Every American should have the same healthcare plan that Congressman have

Except Congress people should not have a plan paid for by other people if the other people haven't specifically agreed to it on an individual basis.

What you're really advocating is, "hey how come I don't get some of that stolen loot" ?

Except Congress people should not have a plan paid for by other people if the other people haven't specifically agreed to it on an individual basis.

What you're really advocating is, "hey how come I don't get some of that stolen loot" ?

I think it is more so advocating healthcare for all. If you are an American citizen you should have free universal healthcare. YES YES YES our taxes would and can pay for that.
I know you hate taxes but at least if we did this you could say your taxes are helping all.
I also believe ALL of Congress should get a pay cut, limit terms, and make it unlawful with mandatory sentences for congress members to accept large amounts of monies from Corp....would have to discuss and agree on figures.
Well that's a subjective way to look at it I guess

If money is transferred from the owner to a nonowner absent the consent of the owner, calling it stolen loot is an accurate depiction of what has occurred. If you don't believe me, give me your address and leave your wallet on your doorstep, for me to redistribute according to my ideas.
If money is transferred from the owner to a nonowner absent the consent of the owner, calling it stolen loot is an accurate depiction of what has occurred. If you don't believe me, give me your address and leave your wallet on your doorstep, for me to redistribute according to my ideas.

Good morning, Rob


Why did you force this lumberjack to be your love slave without his consent?
I also believe ALL of Congress should get a pay cut, limit terms, and make it unlawful with mandatory sentences for congress members to accept large amounts of monies from Corp....would have to discuss and agree on figures.

I'd apply that to ALL politicians, from local authorities upwards, for if there's no trough then those in the game for their own benefit won't have anything to stick their snouts into.
If money is transferred from the owner to a nonowner absent the consent of the owner, calling it stolen loot is an accurate depiction of what has occurred. If you don't believe me, give me your address and leave your wallet on your doorstep, for me to redistribute according to my ideas.

Except by living in a land, voting, paying taxes, etc, you give the implicit consent, so you don't have an argument there other than "I want free stuff NOW and damn everyone else" which really isn't much of an argument at all when you think about it.

You don't vote, then you have no say in what happens, you are consenting to them doing what they wish no matter what by your inaction.

You don't like it, move to a land that suits your ideals. Like Venezuela.
I think it is more so advocating healthcare for all. If you are an American citizen you should have free universal healthcare. YES YES YES our taxes would and can pay for that.
I know you hate taxes but at least if we did this you could say your taxes are helping all.
I also believe ALL of Congress should get a pay cut, limit terms, and make it unlawful with mandatory sentences for congress members to accept large amounts of monies from Corp....would have to discuss and agree on figures.

If money is transferred from the owner to a nonowner absent the consent of the owner, calling it stolen loot is an accurate depiction of what has occurred. If you don't believe me, give me your address and leave your wallet on your doorstep, for me to redistribute according to my ideas.

i understand..you get sent a bill that you must pay without ever having any say in the matter. true no one likes that. when it comes to YOUR money and the tax cuts the wealthy receive?.i'm with you which is why i took steps to put more money in my pocket NOW..i could be dead tomorrow. i take my life into my hands every day on l-95.
Yes, implied consent. A condition of me receiving a CDL, is that anytime a State cop or DOT officer requests me to take a drug or alcohol test...I have to no questions asked
Except by living in a land, voting, paying taxes, etc, you give the implicit consent, so you don't have an argument there other than "I want free stuff NOW and damn everyone else" which really isn't much of an argument at all when you think about it.

You don't vote, then you have no say in what happens, you are consenting to them doing what they wish no matter what by your inaction.

You don't like it, move to a land that suits your ideals. Like Venezuela.

Implied consent is real
Yes, implied consent. A condition of me receiving a CDL, is that anytime a State cop or DOT officer requests me to take a drug or alcohol test...I have to no questions asked

Implied consent is real

It's a common argument I see from a certain group in various societies, unless they live in tyrannical despotic states such as DPRK or Belarus where there ain't much of an option, just because they don't like what happens means that it's "legalised theft" when the reality is that merely living in a country is giving that consent to the politicians they say they do not give. You vote, you consent to the terms of the election which is that the winner sets the policies whether you like them or not. You don't vote, you have no say as you have not made your opinions clear and open and are therefore consenting to others taking these decisions for you. You don't like it, move to somewhere more agreeable to your ideals.

But that never satisfies the "I want everything and someone else has to pay for it" brigade, but, hey, we all know reality sucks so maybe we should leave him to his delusions.