70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all

My ideas center around peaceful and consensual human interactions, which works well for me.

Back to the first part of your question....."Venezuela" . I win, AGAIN !!!

"Denmark" So no, you lose. Back to healthcare. Please provide examples of countries that have adopted a universal healthcare plan, hated it, and reverted back to free market profit driven exploitation of the sick. I'll wait............
Obama promised to close Gitmo but instead droned more than all previous presidents combined. If we elector another Democrat, what assurance will you give it won't start WW3?


The first 41 didn't have drones to use.

I guess saying he droned more than Bush Jr. and Clinton didn't have the same ring to it.

Keep your chin up. Your boy is setting a competitive pace.
Trump is ordering airstrikes at 5 times the pace Obama did
"Denmark" So no, you lose. Back to healthcare. Please provide examples of countries that have adopted a universal healthcare plan, hated it, and reverted back to free market profit driven exploitation of the sick. I'll wait............

I'd agree with you if you were right, but you're wrong.

First of all the efficacy of something from one persons point of view is not the sole determinant of whether or not that "something works". For instance, I could force you into slavery, and take the product of your labor and spend it as I like, while you await my orders.

That might work for me, but presumably it wouldn't work for you. How is a mandated "healthcare" policy where others make your choices for you under threat of harm for disobedience any different than the scenario I described above?

I'll see your Denmark and raise you a Soviet Union. You want another card?

You had a choice whether or not to send your 3 boys to a public school.
Did you burn the deed to your land/home ? or do you keep it for safe keeping ?
you are a hypocrite and all talk. You can not even live up to your own crazy talk. Reality is a motherfucker

Did I have a choice of NOT paying if I kept my kids home or sent them someplace else?

Let's see how that works in "reality" shall we?

I go to a laundromat, (not yours) and pay to use their facility. Everybody's happy they got my money, I got clean clothes.

I'm traveling home and a strange man with a gun and a pair of pilfered underwear over his face (too cheap to buy a proper robber's mask) accosts me and says, "hey Rob Roy, gimme yur money"

RR - I don't understand, are you robbing me?

LF - No, it's not like that, you see, I own a laundromat and you owe me some money now, pay up...grrrr

RR - (incredulous) I'm sure you must be mistaken, I didn't use YOUR laundromat, I went to another one

LF- Doesn't matter, pay ME now !

RR - "HEY look a squirrel ! " (sound of running feet)

LF - hUH, WHA...A squirrel !!??? Doh !!! ….awww shit... he got away
I'd agree with you if you were right, but you're wrong.

First of all the efficacy of something from one persons point of view is not the sole determinant of whether or not that "something works". For instance, I could force you into slavery, and take the product of your labor and spend it as I like, while you await my orders.

That might work for me, but presumably it wouldn't work for you. How is a mandated "healthcare" policy where others make your choices for you under threat of harm for disobedience any different than the scenario I described above?

I'll see your Denmark and raise you a Soviet Union. You want another card?

Are you asking what the difference is between slavery and socialized medicine?
Are you asking what the difference is between slavery and socialized medicine?

No, I'm pointing out that a person who has others make their choices for them, upon pain of harm for disobedience, is already a slave, slave.

I have nothing against individual people combining their justly acquired resources to create economies of scale when purchasing services.
I have everything against, some people making those choices for other individuals without the others consent.

You have a hard time realizing that you are a thug who promotes thuggish, thuggery, eh little Thug Boat ?
