Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Boo! Take a look at every other president's cabinet, nothing new.
Too funny. You are excusing the corruption of "drain the swamp" Donald Trump's administration by saying "others do it too". He was voted in on the promise of being better and now you are saying "they did it too". Even though your whole premise is dumb because it shouldn't matter how bad others were, let's look at some other administrations.

Five convictions thus far under Trump's 1 1/2 YO presidency.

conviction from Obama's (8 year) administration. That would be then-CIA director David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty to one count of removing and retaining classified information in conjunction with a tawdry affair. He received two years probation and paid a $100,000 fine.

Twenty-One criminal convictions and guilty pleas from GW Bush's administration and 10 prison sentences -- including Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby, who had his sentence commuted by President Bush and recently received a full pardon from President Trump. Eight members of his administration got caught up in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal.

two convictions and guilty pleas under Bill Clinton: former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros, who pleaded guilty to lying about payments to a mistress dating back to his time as mayor of San Antonio, and Ronald Blackley, a chief of staff to Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy

one conviction and prison sentence doled out to a senior member of GHW Bush. Catalina V. Villalpando, the US treasurer, whose name was printed on all dollars, pleaded guilty to three felony counts after leaving office, including tax evasion, obstruction of justice and making false statements.

Twenty-four convictions and guilty pleas over eight years under Saint Reagan. They were largely related to the Iran-Contra scandal, whose most famous protagonist today is probably Oliver North, formerly of Fox News and now the NRA. Those investigations ultimately ensnared his Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and two national security advisers, John Poindexter and Robert McFarlane, among others. Many of the convictions were for withholding information or lying to Congress.

Zero under Carter

Dozens of Nixon administration and campaign aides convicted, at least 10 of whom were primary players who served jail time in connection with Watergate, were not small players. Even before Watergate broke wide open, Nixon's "law and order" Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned in disgrace for accepting bribes when he was governor of Maryland.

You are either a fucking liar or fucking ignorant or both. No matter, you aren't very good at this.
My parents were the hippy types. Like lived in communes off the coast of Washington hippy types. They told me all about the "radical movement" that started in ultra liberal places like CA and NY. Most of the "leaders" were already convicted violent offenders, woman abusing felons, child molesters, or illegal immigrants. The rest there University rejects. These are the facts people. I have done the research for myself.

The liberal agenda has turned on its head, insisting that if you are a certain color you should feel bad for something that someone else has done.

I am white. I am proud of it. Just as any other person is proud of their heritage and background.

If you think being white has saved my ass from a difficult life, given me all that I asked for, and gave me some special ability to be better than another, you are a true fool with a very narrow concept of life.

You all believe this for popularity, not because it is your conviction. You wouldn't die for it.
You were born white. You didn't earn it. It isn't something you had any control over. Being proud of being white is like being proud of getting a "you showed up" medal for a kids soccer event.

I'm white too. I'm not proud of my skin color. I am proud of my Swedish peasant ancestors who faced incredible hardship yet they made through it. My Mississippi white trash ancestors were bad ass too. I'm not proud of their support for slavery but I'm proud of their tenacity and hard work.
Boo! Take a look at every other president's cabinet, nothing new.



Nothing new? I guess you're right. Republican administrations are consistently criminal.
I Pledge Allegiance to the United States
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States
of America,
and to the republic
for which it stands,
one nation under God,
with liberty
and justice for all.

Where does it say just white Rich people ?

The flag stands for freedom and all the things our country was built to become.

  • Red stands for courage, hardiness, and bloodshed. Courage because our country is based on the courage of separating from what we once knew, courage of starting over, courage of fighting for our freedom. Hardiness because our founding fathers believed our country will outlast the land that we came from. Finally, blood shed to honor all those who lost their life for our freedom and our country.
  • White stands for purity and vigilance: purity because our country is independent and is not corrupted by any other country. Vigilance because our country needs to be alert and careful in the choices we make.
  • Blue stands for justice and perseverance: justice because it is the basis of our country, and perseverance because although our nation is young, we will stand strong against all opposition.

Have we not come far enough to stop all the Killing, Pollution,Starving,Burning Coal, Killing this Planet, and all the Corruption, When we all know good and well what we are doing to this Small Planet we all Share.
We Know Right From Wrong I know we do, But we choose to stand behind someone either because they have and R or a D in front of their name, Or because you voted for a person and can't admit that you may have been wrong.

It may be that being Wealthy is more important than being Safe having fresh water, Plenty of food and better energy sources. It's seems not that hard to do, But yet we keep headed in the Direction of the Upper Class getting what they need and screw the future.
What does Colonal Sanders think about this asshole? His punishment should be drowning in a hot cauldron of their gravy! Only fitting.