How Does Your Garden Grow??????

a tip to growing onions , when your about 8 weeks from harvest , bend the tops right over , or just walk on them , so the top is level with the ground , this helps , the bulb develop , not the leaf , they will come back up in a few days , so about once a week , do it again you do get the odd 1 that will snap , but not many
this method , works really well on garlic too
a tip to growing onions , when your about 8 weeks from harvest , bend the tops right over , or just walk on them , so the top is level with the ground , this helps , the bulb develop , not the leaf , they will come back up in a few days , so about once a week , do it again you do get the odd 1 that will snap , but not many
this method , works really well on garlic too
never heard that, will have to try it
Yes Roger A...……. if you think about it , it will make sence … stops all the goodness going to the top , & delivers to the bulb, it seems to work better , not long after a water , coz U don't snap as many , but even if a few do snap they keep growing , …..I just walk all over mine , about once a week, any type of onion it will work with (spring)

Not a lot different to carrots , I just run the mower over them
If I could post pics I would , but scince they changed the , set up here , I just wont let me
Ive got sum rippin garlic on the go
I didn't get any pictures, but I hoed the sweet corn {planting sweet corn in the old field corn patch might not have been the smartest thing I have ever done} and okra. Good stands on both of them. The peas and green beans are coming up, but not as good a stand.

Also saw my first Armenian cucumber in a long time. Worms are hitting the cukes real hard. I've sprayed, but it's still raining everyday, so. . . .
Not a good stand on the peas and green beans, but the ones that are up look good. I did cover more of the scoops on the planter. I had about 1/3 covered, and it was still too close for peas, so I covered 2/3 of them for this planting. Not sure how much is that, and how much is the seed just not popping.

Did a first taste test of some cukes. I didn't get a picture of the first one, the Adam Gherkin, but it was my favorite of the three sampled.

The other two, as pictured top and bottom, are the Excelsior and Gherking. Both, as you can see, are seedless as advertised. I like the more regular shape of the Gherking (the Adam Gherkin was the nicest), also felt the flavor and texture of the Gherking to be superior to the Excelsior.

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Found another one that was a good size...they grow so fast.

This is the Harmonie cucumber. Fine spined, nicely shaped, similar in appearance to the Adam Gherkin, with the latter being a bit chubbier. Flavor wise, this might be my favorite, need to try the Adam Gherkin and Harmonie side by side. Regardless, very nice cucumbery flavor, mildly sweet.

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Now I'm jonesing for a fresh cuke. lol

Those look good.
Thanks, they were all delicious. Wish I could share some with you.

I can definitely see growing the Adam Gherkin, Gherking and Harmonie in the future. The jury is still out on the Excelsior, a bit bland and dry-textured, might do fine as a pickle though. The H-19 Little Leaf has yet to do anything except grow, seeing male flowers but no females as of I see why Johnny's has them heavily discounted.
DSCF0456 (2).JPG I plowed the sweet corn and okra this morning. Just barely got through before a big thunderstorm blew in. This one was rougher than most. I drove the truck around to the barn, but was stuck for like half an hour. {before I walked to the house in underwear and shoes}
These are the Harmonie (top) and Adam Gherkin (bottom) side by side. Very similar visually, fine spined and nicely proportioned, either would make a great looking pickle. Tasting them side by side, I can't pick which I like better, both are excellent. No bitterness, not dry and very crisp. If I had to give the edge to one, it would be the Adam strictly based on appearance, but it's slight.

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