Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?


No "monkey shines" on the TRUMP economy!

Middle class income breaks 61,000

"But Trump will tank the stock market"-- Mark Cuban

"millions will die in the streets if Trump elected!"

"Trump said mean things!"

do you not fucking realize that the economy is only one facet of the country? and while trumps economy isn't shitty at the moment, the consequences of his scuttling nafta and his multi front trade war have yet to take effect. when they do, things will look very different.
his tax cut for rich people has already taken one years worth of the social security reserve, and two years of the medicare reserve.
and while this inflated shit show is going on, trump is cutting funding for the arts, public television and radio. he's selling off national park land, and trying to bring back the hunting of endangers species. he's separating immigrant families, and allowing the children to be abused while in custody. he regularly makes hateful, divisive, racist remarks on twitter and in public.
over half of the things he says in public speeches are wrong. that means he's either stupid, or a liar, or both. there are people in the white house who are trying to see to it that he is provided with accurate information. he ignores them, and makes up facts that fit his programs. then he tries to give them legitimacy by repeating them.....that doesn't make anything legitimate, it just makes trump a compulsive, serial liar.
i'm beginning to be concerned for you. it seems to me that the only people who can support trump are either very stupid, or very hateful.
or both. the policies of the person you support are as much your responsibility as his. to be able to support trump, you must be alright with racism, misogyny, and compulsive lying. or are you just a greedy pig, and like anyone who is making you more money at the moment? because if that's the case, your support will come to an end soon enough, when trump does tank the economy.
that was better than calling him a cuck pedo sock bot racist russian for sure:clap:
have no fear though...they'll monkey up the thread soon.
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Republican Bernie Sanders on NAFTA.

bernie sanders isn't a democrat...he's a progressive democrat, part of a minority within the party, and many people don't agree with his views.
and, this is just bernie's opinion. there's no way to know if nafta really cost jobs or not, or to say how many, if any. it's all supposition and theory.
no clips about selling off parklands? no clips about the impending trophy hunt of grizzlies on former yellowstone property that was sold off under trump?

Trump is stupid for that. Something weird exists in the national forests, otherwise we'd've strip mined them long ago. People disappear from them and their dead body shows up where it shouldn't.
i've lived literally next door to the great smoky mtns. national park half of my life. people don't disappear then show up as corpses in weird places. someone drowns once in a while, and they get washed up downstream. there have been two murders in the park that i recall, and neither one had anything supernatural about it.
the parks exist because president Roosevelt was a lover of nature, and he wanted to protect the natural beauty of the the country. he started 5 parks, then president Wilson signed the national park act, which made them national property, and established more parks.
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Trump is stupid for that. Something weird exists in the national forests, otherwise we'd've strip mined them long ago. People disappear from them and their dead body shows up where it shouldn't.

What are you talking about?

The only thing weird about our national forests is that they are treated like cattle ranches and tree farms. For the most part, they were mined out long ago. Only a fraction of BLM and National Forest land remains untouched.

What are you talking about?

The only thing weird about our national forests is that they are treated like cattle ranches and tree farms. For the most part, they were mined out long ago. Only a fraction of BLM and National Forest land remains untouched.

The government is a terrorist criminal organisation who cares nothing about you and only its elites. FDR lied when he said the national parks are preservation for the future.

If you go to a national park, you're on your own. Park officials refuse to release information on cases over 25 years old that haven't had any investigation in years claiming "ongoing investigation."

"But despite the supernatural undertones, Paulides did discover something spooky. Something more disturbing than a mythical man-ape stealing children from their parents: The National Park Service doesn't keep track of missing persons. It doesn't know how many individuals have disappeared in its parks. If you were to ask, they'd tell you, "We don't know.""

It's not white people who hate you and wants you dead, it's the elites of all colors in government who do.

How America’s National Parks Became Hotbeds of Paranormal Activity
The government is a terrorist criminal organisation who cares nothing about you and only its elites. FDR lied when he said the national parks are preservation for the future.

If you go to a national park, you're on your own. Park officials refuse to release information on cases over 25 years old that haven't had any investigation in years claiming "ongoing investigation."

"But despite the supernatural undertones, Paulides did discover something spooky. Something more disturbing than a mythical man-ape stealing children from their parents: The National Park Service doesn't keep track of missing persons. It doesn't know how many individuals have disappeared in its parks. If you were to ask, they'd tell you, "We don't know.""

It's not white people who hate you and wants you dead, it's the elites of all colors in government who do.

How America’s National Parks Became Hotbeds of Paranormal Activity
i've lived literally next door to the great smoky mtns. national park half of my life. people don't disappear then show up as corpses in weird places. someone drowns once in a while, and they get washed up downstream. there have been two murders in the park that i recall, and neither one had anything supernatural about it.
the parks exist because president Roosevelt was a lover of nature, and he wanted to protect the natural beauty of the the country. he started 5 parks, then president Wilson signed the national park act, which made them national property, and established more parks.

Many strange occurances also happen around water, even manmade lakes. I think it's some sort of inter-dimensional beings similar to the Predator. Lot's of times stuff they make up for Hollywood has some basis in truth.

Mysteries and Death at Georgia’s Cursed Lake