No, that's you who's getting triggered by a yogic and Buddhist gesture that's well over 2,600 years old because a virgin living in mommy's basement trolled you. Which has nothing whatsoever to do with white power. All I'm doing is mocking you over it.
"The thumb represents the Supreme Reality called Brahman. The forefinger represents the individual soul or the Jiva or our inner reality. The two fingers touching each other signify the oneness of Brahman and Jiva. In other words the Individual self is not different from the Supreme reality Brahman.
Also, the three other fingers represent the three Gunas of Nature. The middle finger represents Sattva Guna (Light, Purity, Clarity of mind, understanding, etc.). The ring finger represents Rajas (action, passion, movement, etc.). The little finger represents Tamas (inertia, dullness, inaction, confusion, etc.). These three Gunas have to be transcended to reach the ultimate reality. That is the philosophical symbolism behind this gesture."