Big question: Why are outdoor flowers devalued?

Thanks to all who have weighed in to share their perspectives. I can see that indoor cannabis could have the advantage of being produced in a more-controlled environment, but what about greenhouse-grown product? I have seen on WeedMaps something like "White Widow: $65 an eighth.... White Widow (greenhouse) $35 an eighth."

As far as bugs go, indoors, you can assume just about any bugs on your plants are up to no good, except for spiders I guess. Outdoors, I try to give the critters the benefit of the doubt because I know that some of them are predators eating the bugs that are eating my plants.

Growing in the sun is great because the light is free and you don't have to worry about whether the spectrum is "correct." Artificial light always "looks right," but my naked eyes can't tell if it has the desirable ratio of blues to reds or whatever. And the output of some bulbs changes as the bulbs get older, but I could never notice the difference, so I end up "retiring" a lot of bulbs after they reach six months or so of age because I assume they have lost some of their output. LEDs are great technology IMHO but you have to be a dedicated electronics nerd like the kind that used to frequent Radio Shack to understand what the hell is going on with them and keep up with the constant innovations and obsolescence of "legacy" devices.
Best bet run autos
in albion, lansing, battle creek, jackson, benton harbor, flint & detroit ? the season ends in september you think ? less stoney bud since they have to be chopped early, what about doing a light dep ? is outdoor up there really devalued ? or is it more so further up like saginaw & traverse city ? that the season ends early?
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in albion, lansing, battle creek, jackson, benton harbor, flint & detroit ? the season ends in september you think ? less stoney bud since they have to be chopped early, what about doing a lep dep ? is outdoor up there really devalued ? or is it more so further up like saginaw & traverse city ? that the season ends early?
I have done light dep but as a rule our season needs to run into October and often time we get rains in the fall then comes the mold and pm ...
Long story short, there's the impression that indoor implies using a "perfect" environment.
Once upon a time, people though UV degraded trichs (and it does) but didn't know that UV is useful to resin production, too, but that's pretty much out of the bag now.
But because you can't control potentially critical factors outdoors, never mind the association of outdoor and brick (at least where I used to live), the thought is no matter how good you did, the weed could be better indoor.
Indoor is given the benefit of the doubt on quality, basically.
I don't believe UV light degrades trichomes or THC on a living plant. I think that's only the case after the plant material is dead. Do you know if there's any verifiable info in regards to this on living cannabis plants?
you know if there's any verifiable info in regards to this on living cannabis plants?
Nothing beyond experience and intuition.
Trichs that get the most full sun amber earlier, in my experience. UV is damaging to living tissue, and trichs take that hit; that's the conventional wisdom of my area.

Not to say there aren't other repair systems in play, of course, making the damage negligible, as you say.
I don't believe UV light degrades trichomes or THC on a living plant. I think that's only the case after the plant material is dead. Do you know if there's any verifiable info in regards to this on living cannabis plants?
might be a little truth in that as @Herb & Suds stated in the mitten which i know is at a higher elevation than myself, mentioned that growing in the location that theyre in, the trichs stay clear longer as the season goes on. i know the uv index has a lower level in the fall than where i am located than in the summer. i really wouldnt mind a heavy yield of clear trich bud though. i mean i know it wouldnt be as good as some 70% cloudy 20% amber 10%clear bud, but i am sure id still enjoy it, as fleeting as the high might be.
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Lab tests s how outdoor strains (if left to be finished and cured properly will have just as high of a thc content as indoor.) So the sun I do not believe degrades anything as long as the plant is alive.

Someone said something about outdoor weed gets cut too early ....
All the indoor around here that we get from all over sucks ass. You can tell it was massed produced ...taken too soon and had a short cure (so harsh to smoke)

The last stuff I tried was lemon haze (indoor) from Oregon. other then it looked pretty...that is where it ended.

All I can say is do your best to grow til it's a proper slow cure.. try to stand out and above the rest of the massed produced shit and then true Connoisseurs Will still pay top shelf prices
What the hell do I know just giving my opinion based on “side by side”
Indoors- dial in your environment and buy good genetics and it seems to almost take care of itself
Outdoor- there’s bugs and other nefarious creatures, rain, fog, rippers, humidity and more humidity, temperatures, rippers, bird shit, worm shit, cat raccoon and skunks etc I can go on. If you’re growing outdoors on a regular basis you have my respect. You are working hard.
What the hell do I know just giving my opinion based on “side by side”
Indoors- dial in your environment and buy good genetics and it seems to almost take care of itself
Outdoor- there’s bugs and other nefarious creatures, rain, fog, rippers, humidity and more humidity, temperatures, rippers, bird shit, worm shit, cat raccoon and skunks etc I can go on. If you’re growing outdoors on a regular basis you have my respect. You are working hard.

I live in the Triangle, so Mother Nature dialed in my environment for me. I have it way easier outdoors than just about anywhere, so I really don't deserve that much credit.
I look at it this way. Gardening is my relaxation. I try to be perfect with everything I put in the soil. I do not spray any of my crops with pesticides. For my medicine crops I use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I also use those for my tomatoes. I am out there in my garden every single day attending to beans, carrots, corn, peas, tomatoes, cukes, broccoli(fail), strawberries and of course, my babies, hidden behind the corn.

I am a gardener. I love to have the earth under my nails and spend hours under the sun perfecting my techniques for maximum quality and yields. I apply those techniques to my cannabis plants. They are provided an incredible environment with soil naturally rich from limestone from Lake Michigan. Wisconsin is some of the best earth on the planet. That is not just hyperbole. That is fact.

Wisconsinites are a special bunch. We all know someone who farms. I spent summers on my uncles farm. We love to grow, and our short seasons makes us adapt and do some amazing things. It is a culture here.

My daughter wakes up just after dawn. I grab her and she says in her 20 month old voice, "garda" and points to the backyard. And we go look at the crops each morning, just her and I.

So that is why I garden outdoors. And why, for 7 months of the year, I jones to be back out there doing it for the little blessed time I get to. And soon, my daughter will have dirt under her nails with me. Not my son, he hates anything thats not baseball!!
What the hell do I know just giving my opinion based on “side by side”
Indoors- dial in your environment and buy good genetics and it seems to almost take care of itself
Outdoor- there’s bugs and other nefarious creatures, rain, fog, rippers, humidity and more humidity, temperatures, rippers, bird shit, worm shit, cat raccoon and skunks etc I can go on. If you’re growing outdoors on a regular basis you have my respect. You are working hard.
You forgot deer and termites.