
I have some health issues so probably dying alone and in pain in a prison cell because of marijuana or leaving the people I love too early and not being able to provide what I would like for them in the event something would happen to me. Those two things scare the fuck out of me but I try not to think about them much.
I don’t think I have any actual phobias, but I will admit, I don’t like sharks. If you’re in the middle of the ocean and you go overboard, those bastards will fuck your shit up. And then, what’s worse is, not only are you being eaten alive, but you’re also drowning too! Fuck that.
That's odd bro. I on the other hand can't see a shark without wanting to pet it.
Yeah, those Caucasian sharks are out of control. Did you hear I pissed the bed today, or what? I got a little bit on my cover and I just ignored it. Thats an inside scoop, no one knows about that part.
Lmao I’m not so keen on pissing the bed. But I will shit in it. Best way to get some space from your chick. Then just pass out and let her deal with it in the morning.
agoraphobia with panic disorder, clinically diagnosed.
I've never been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I've got some level of agoraphobia. I usually plan ahead when I'm going out to do stuff, rarely do I just go out spur of the moment, and I almost never go anywhere unless I'm driving, cause if I want to leave, I'm leaving. I also get a little anxious if I have to go anywhere there's lots of people. I don't do concerts/ sporting events or things like that anymore.

I guesses another fear is being diagnosed by a psychiatrist/ psychoanalyst. I'm pretty sure if I ever saw one and was honest with them, I'd be on a list somewhere.
I have a major in Glossophobia and a minor in Social Anxiety Disorder.

But I did come to terms with spiders 30 years ago. Back then I lived in the house by the pond. {simple floor plan, similar to single wide trailers back in the day} I killed a spider in the living room, then walked down the hall. A spider came leaping out of the bathroom and bit me on the foot. This was like 5-10 seconds after I had killed the one in the living room. That got me to thinking that they communicate somehow. And if they decided to team up on my while I was sleeping, there wasn't much I could do about it.

Since that day I have not knowingly killed another spider. Haven't been bit again either.