I had a commercial grinder, I would go to a grocery store, that I had an arrangement with, and pick up green waste every few days. Would grind, package and freeze, then feed as needed.
I used the vermicompost on the golf course I managed and sold both VC and VC tea. Would make a large batch of tea on Saturday morning, and go to the farmers market and sell both tea and VC.
Starting new beds I would add only shreadder paper, some unfinished VC and worms from a harvested bin.
I believe that pre-digestion of the waste by BSF and fed to the composting worms would be Tit's. The only problem I see would be the dampness of the BSF compost, would have to dry it some prior to adding it to the worm bins. I had always thought that having the BSF in the worm bins would work good but if the population of BSF overwhelms then the heat that the BSF produce would thwart the growth of the worm population. Never had the populations to test my theory.
I have lost two herds of composting worms in my Can O Worms since I moved back here due to freezes, now I have three large green waste, lawn and leaves, compost bins(sectional 4 feet across and 5 feet high, all three have red wigglers and each is staggered for harvest. They are kept on the SE side of the house for warmth. I harvest one in the spring and one in the late fall, each bin get approx a year to finish. I will be adding two more bins this fall. Out large bins have worked best for me, the worms can bundle and keep warm within the bin.