Maryland police ready to investigate kavanaugh for rape

Because it's not a fact.
The fact is that you're jealous of anyone having sex and have plenty of time to fantasize about the sex you want that you assume they're having since you can't.
Why don't you like asian men or hispanics?
You are right, it's not a fact. What is a fact is that nobody likes you here and you just wandered in and just started trolling us.

What is it with this forum that people think this behavior is OK?
You are right, it's not a fact. What is a fact is that nobody likes you here and you just wandered in and just started trolling us.
What is it with this forum that people think this behavior is OK?
It's worked for you and Buckold and I just thought you'd appreciate just how stupid you sound when you don't have an undivided consensus of opinion to support you.