Maryland police ready to investigate kavanaugh for rape

ever heard of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
Why would dr ford pay money to a therapist only to lie?

Do you suppose she is a soothsayer who knew kavanaugh would be nominated to the Supreme Court years later and prophetically set it all up?

My guess is that you’re a mentally retarded nazi who is willing to defend rape to further his dipshit agenda
Watching you refuse to even state how many times kavanaugh lied under oath might even be more entertaining than watching choomer the neo nazi (who you give likes to) refuse to state how many Jews were murdered in the holocaust

How many times has kavanaugh lied under oath?
Asked and answered. Move on.
Why would dr ford pay money to a therapist only to lie?

Do you suppose she is a soothsayer who knew kavanaugh would be nominated to the Supreme Court years later and prophetically set it all up?

My guess is that you’re a mentally retarded nazi who is willing to defend rape to further his dipshit agenda

My dipshit agenda is hoping the whole system collapses. Because this America dream has obviously failed. The only recourse is starting over completely from scratch. Sometimes things get broken beyond repair.

You can slowly boil a frog, but throwing it in boiling water immediately will only cause it to jump out.

America hasn't fallen anywhere near the point of complete revolution. But hopefully that time comes before a totalitarian misanthropic complete police state installs itself forever.
No statute of limitations on sex crimes in Maryland, she can file charges when she comes to testify. That will put a fork in Kavanaugh and we will get a new nominee.


toad you so
It's worked for you and Buckold and I just thought you'd appreciate just how stupid you sound when you don't have an undivided consensus of opinion to support you.
You right wing nuts tend go to the of use false equate argument quite a bit. The difference between you and I is one of degree. Yes, I troll. I don't troll incessantly. Nor do I make up shit or post made up shit. I get my facts right and you don't.
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This whole white patriarchal rape culture is a myth

Oh, that's a sweepingly breathtaking statement.

Please post a link to some essay that says the same. Whatever you post, no matter how "infowars" the site is, post something that you can say you agree with about "patriarchal blah blah" and I'll read it.

No videos please.
who is the real scum making our lives hell?


Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li(Chinese), Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefellers, Rothschild( Khazarian Turks not Jews), Russell, and Van Duyn.

So no, it's not the Jews.

The Li's are actually now becoming the most powerful and the most influential member of the Triads.
Oh, that's a sweepingly breathtaking statement.

Please post a link to some essay that says the same. Whatever you post, no matter how "infowars" the site is, post something that you can say you agree with about "patriarchal blah blah" and I'll read it.

No videos please.

America is a so called promised land for the despised. That group constantly changes and brings with them their own unique brand of fear who they rile up not wanting the same. Most of the time how they feel is irrational from a well deserved stand point. But those who are broken generally have no way of knowing how to fix themselves. Nor should they. All you get is a continual endless influx of damaged people.

The elite are very conscious of what they're doing. Once one problem is nearly fixed, they pick a next it group who complains and tears down any progress made. It's a vicious cycle and it indeed sucks. But they do it on purpose to keep us forever fighting others that've been abused. The abused fighting abused is a fun time for them, no so much for us.
America is a so called promised land for the despised. That group constantly changes and brings with them their own unique brand of fear who they rile up not wanting the same. Most of the time how they feel is irrational from a well deserved stand point. But those who are broken generally have no way of knowing how to fix themselves. Nor should they. All you get is a continual endless influx of damaged people.

The elite are very conscious of what they're doing. Once one problem is nearly fixed, they pick a next it group who complains and tears down any progress made. It's a vicious cycle and it indeed sucks. But they do it on purpose to keep us forever fighting others that've been abused. The abused fighting abused is a fun time for them, no so much for us.
It was an interesting essay. A critique without purpose. Kind of like saying you are a shithead. Which you may be but not the whole of you.

The US is different. Not all in good ways.

Totally agree that the Scandinavian countries have gotten it right. I think need to work our way towards their system.

So? That article was hardly covering new ground.