Maryland police ready to investigate kavanaugh for rape

It was an interesting essay. A critique without purpose. Kind of like saying you are a shithead. Which you may be but not the whole of you.

The US is different. Not all in good ways.

Totally agree that the Scandinavian countries have gotten it right. I think need to work our way towards their system.

So? That article was hardly covering new ground.

Even with all the noise the silence is more deafening than ever.

Even with all the noise the silence is more deafening than ever.


My reply was adequate to the essay.

this isn't the first time you submitted a mundane essay or idea that you thought ground shaking.
My reply was adequate to the essay.

this isn't the first time you submitted a mundane essay or idea that you thought ground shaking.

You make life too complicated, along with most people. Namo Amituofo is all you need to get grounded in reality. That's it. If everyone realized that we'd get along without conflict.

These are just pixels on a screen, but to many like you here, seem to think they constitute the whole of that person. They're instead only mere shadows of something you must first realize on your own.

The point of that essay is like a gong'an 公案 to promote thought within. You lack insight we all have problems everyone shares. Even if all those who are causing you oppression were white, which of course is a lie caused from paranoia, using terms like white privledge, check your privledge, and goading others into accepting their white guilt is nothing more than a child who gets angry that his more well off friend has what he has not.

You have every right to feel that way but we also have every right to tell you to STFU and grow up.

Instead act nicely and ask for help in a friendly manner without all the angsty anger of teenage emo white girl. All it does is make you look pathetic and no one will therefore take you seriously.
So, what is the technical legal description of targeting women to intoxicate/drug them so that ‘trains’ of guys could take turns gang raping them?

Asking for a very troubled SC nominee who might be losing his job very soon

You have completely lost your mind.

Mrs. Ford has never even suggested that anything remotely like any of that happened.

In fact, she wasn't even drinking at all.

You are a part of the problem. You are why people don't take rape seriously.

They hear people like you making up complete falsehoods so they turn a blind eye to it all.

Congratulations, drama queen. You're one of the many reasons Kavanaugh is pretty much guaranteed to be confirmed.
She was outed by whom... a desperate progressive aka socialist sect who has taken over the democratic party? Yes

The Democrat sect you call "socialist" are anything but, they're economic fascists. Government control of corporations who the government can use to circumvent separation of church and state isn't about socialism. What they want is another form of Marxism's one party rule where the capitalism never gets thrown away like promised and the transitional stage to communism never happens either.
You have completely lost your mind.

Mrs. Ford has never even suggested that anything remotely like any of that happened.

In fact, she wasn't even drinking at all.

You are a part of the problem. You are why people don't take rape seriously.

They hear people like you making up complete falsehoods so they turn a blind eye to it all.

Congratulations, drama queen. You're one of the many reasons Kavanaugh is pretty much guaranteed to be confirmed.
Check the news
The Democrat sect you call "socialist" are anything but, they're economic fascists. Government control of corporations who the government can use to circumvent separation of church and state isn't about socialism. What they want is another form of Marxism's one party rule where the capitalism never gets thrown away like promised and the transitional stage to communism never happens either.
Why do you lie and spread disinformation in every post comrade?
You have completely lost your mind.

Mrs. Ford has never even suggested that anything remotely like any of that happened.

In fact, she wasn't even drinking at all.

You are a part of the problem. You are why people don't take rape seriously.

They hear people like you making up complete falsehoods so they turn a blind eye to it all.

Congratulations, drama queen. You're one of the many reasons Kavanaugh is pretty much guaranteed to be confirmed.
Not Ford, this is the next accuser Ramirez who got Micky finned and penis in the face, keep up