Advice on HPS kit purchase.

I have never (yet) had a magnetic ballast just fail. Heavy but also no RFI/EMI problems.
The ballast will not fail, the capacitors them reducing output and you will never notice it at all other then reduced production, I personally would only use a electronic ballast , they are consistent in output and run a lot cooler,
Just my two cents ,
The ballast will not fail, the capacitors them reducing output and you will never notice it at all other then reduced production, I personally would only use a electronic ballast , they are consistent in output and run a lot cooler,
Just my two cents ,
true true, my house has 200 amp service you think a 20 amp would run 7000w? 5 1000w lights and all the bells and whisltes
No. You want a double 30 amp on a 10 gauge wire running on 240v just for the lights. That will run 5 1k's but no more safely since will be close to 80% load on the 30 amp.
true true, my house has 200 amp service you think a 20 amp would run 7000w? 5 1000w lights and all the bells and whisltes
7000 watts would take around 35 amps to run at 220 volts , you would need and want a 50 amp 220 volt breaker in the panel for it , that will give you some over current protection you will need another two 20 amp 110 volt circuits and 2.5 tons of cooling to three tons of cooling ( 30k to 36 k btu) to cover the cooling of the bulbs and any other loads, the amps for that will be around 40 amps for the cooling unit unless you go with the mini split system then it will be around 15 amps if I remember correctly ,
7000 watts would take around 35 amps to run at 220 volts , you would need and want a 50 amp 220 volt breaker in the panel for it , that will give you some over current protection you will need another two 20 amp 110 volt circuits and 2.5 tons of cooling to three tons of cooling ( 30k to 36 k btu) to cover the cooling of the bulbs and any other loads, the amps for that will be around 40 amps for the cooling unit unless you go with the mini split system then it will be around 15 amps if I remember correctly ,
5k watts of lights air cooled, planning on no cooling system as they will be air cooled reflectors venting outside
No. You want a double 30 amp on a 10 gauge wire running on 240v just for the lights. That will run 5 1k's but no more safely since will be close to 80% load on the 30 amp.
Each 1000 wat balast pulls around 5 amps each at 220 volt, for seven bulbs will be 35 amps by itself , I do not remember the exact amps but it was around 5 amps per thousand fixture , then you want the wire over sized for future use of the circuit also and a little for over current protection of the circuit ,
5k watts of lights air cooled, planning on no cooling system as they will be air cooled reflectors venting outside
If you go this route you will have to make sure you design the duct work for the hood system or ventilation of the room correctly or it will not work , especially with the heat of 7000 watts of bulbs
If you go this route you will have to make sure you design the duct work for the hood system or ventilation of the room correctly or it will not work , especially with the heat of 7000 watts of bulbs
Only (5) 1k watt bulbs, the 7k was the whole grow, timers, fans, and ballast and everything. The ducting would be insulated and go strictly in then thru the hoods then exhaust out, no gaps, or open air and an 800cmf fan to be sure the bulbs stay cool
true true, my house has 200 amp service you think a 20 amp would run 7000w? 5 1000w lights and all the bells and whisltes
Not even close. Even three 20 amp circuits would be maxed out. 7000 watts is nearly 60 amps at 120 volts or about 30 amps at 240. 4-20 amp circuits is what you need to run safely and reliably.
Not even close. Even three 20 amp circuits would be maxed out. 700 watts is nearly 60 amps ay 120 volts or about 30 amps at 240. 4-20 amp circuits is what you need to run safely and reliably.
So then I should get two 30amp 240v lines run to the room? When you say 240v can I still run regular cords to that? The ones that just run regularly into the wall? Or do I need like special plugs for each light
This should give you some idea , this is designed for 6 inch exaust , 6 ince will hold 100 cfm of air, for 1000 watt bulbs I preffer 8 inch opening that will handle 200 cfm of air cooling more effectively then 100 cfm but requiring a larger fan and intake and exhaust air ducting