White Widow Germination


Well-Known Member
Hello I am hoping I will succeed my first germination.

I just recieved my white widow seeds from nirvana a couple days ago, so yesterday, I put 3 seeds in a cup with warm water for a couple hours, then I transfered to the paper towel method.
I first put the paper towel on 1 plate, then covered with another plate, but then I found out it is better to get something that retains the heat.

So 1 day later, I transfered them into a plastic butter container and put a plate ontop.




Well-Known Member
I only have 3 more places in my hydroponic system!
check my grow journal n chekc out my other plants!!!

BTW I plan to put these widows into flowering in about a week or 2.


Well-Known Member
best bet is to get some soil and a few pots and do them organically for mothers so that you can clone em ready for when the flowering area becomes free:hump:


Well-Known Member
well i only have 1 light, and id ont wanna spend any more $$.
I think im going to put them in their own hydroponic system, since i can easily make1 myself.


Well-Known Member
Don't fuck around with all the handling you did to your seeds. Get some stuff locally known as Oasis. It is a foam type product that comes in sheets of 1 1/2" cubes with holes pre-punched in them (also great for cloning but then I punch two holes in them and have two cuttings per cube which I cut in half after rooting). Pre-soak your cubes, drop a seed into the hole, leave the hole open, no covering the seed, keep soaked, when sprouted and rooted (about a week on a warm seedling mat in a clear covered sprouting tray) simply drop the whole cube into your growing medium and you are off and running. You shouldn't handle the seeds or sprouts at all after starting them. Your process of warm water to wet paper towel, etc. is a waste of time and the chance of messing up a seedling greatly increases every time you touch it or handle it. Start them under a cheap flourescent grow light and then into your main lighting after transplanting. I have 100% success with this method when using seeds or cuttings.


Well-Known Member
day 4, i came back not seeding them for a day and 2 are nicely out of their shell, while 1 is cracked, but not out yet.

now it was time to put those2 into my 1" rockwool cubes.
so I soaked 1 corner of the rockwool cube in distilled water that had a tiny bit of liquid seaweed untill the whole cube was damp/wet. A pH of 5.6 - 5.8
Then I waited about 30 minuties and put the 2 seeds/taproots in with the taproots facedown.
I then put alastic bands around so the whole would close, so no light would get to the taproot.

I then sprayed my tray & lid, made 2 holes, and put them in to start.:D

Good luck to me!!:D:D

You can watch how these go by going to
My Afghani x Big Bud Grow Journal:hump:


Well-Known Member
what kind of light? nice job on gettin the WW's.. hope they grow nice and beautiful.. yeah u should just mother one of them.. xD and grow alot of that stuff..
Also 1 or 2 weeks?? erm u need like over a month of veg for them to get nice big and mature to flower.. and the more light the betta.. get some massiv buds i hope..


Well-Known Member
yeah the problem is i only have 1 light.
iv been trying to get another but i dont know what ill do about light seeking in. I really dont have money:(
I REALLLLYYYY WANT a mother plant, but i just dont have enough room and appliances:(:(:(:(

N what I think i might do now, is give my other plants I have now another 2-3 weeks so the WW will have time to grow a little, then Ill put them into floweirng.


Well-Known Member
likeblazin, you sure do go to a lot of trouble to germinate seeds and you really run the risk of killing the sprouts by handling them at all. It sounds as if seeds are a pretty precious commodity to you so the less you handle the whole affair, the better your chances of 100% success. If you are using the rock wool or better yet, Oasis cubes, just poke a hole with the end of a chop stick about a half inch to three quarter deep, drop a seed in, keep the whole thing wet in your covered flat, under a soft lite, and don't sqeeze the hole shut as you want oxygen to get to the seed and eventual root. And as for letting light hit the root, no problem as there is going to be roots all over in a week or two anyway. If your set on germinating the old fashioned way, drop the germinated seedling into a larger hole, don't squeeze it shut, yadda yadda yadda! Keep 'em warm on a seedling matt and you will have success as good as your seeds. Same thing with the cuttings, just drop 'em in that same size hole but actually poke the stem into the bottom of the hole a bit, keep 'em wet, presto, clones! The less you handle the youngsters, the less chance of stress that can stunt or kill your plants. Oasis® Horticubes


Well-Known Member
likeblazin, you sure do go to a lot of trouble to germinate seeds and you really run the risk of killing the sprouts by handling them at all. It sounds as if seeds are a pretty precious commodity to you so the less you handle the whole affair, the better your chances of 100% success. If you are using the rock wool or better yet, Oasis cubes, just poke a hole with the end of a chop stick about a half inch to three quarter deep, drop a seed in, keep the whole thing wet in your covered flat, under a soft lite, and don't sqeeze the hole shut as you want oxygen to get to the seed and eventual root. And as for letting light hit the root, no problem as there is going to be roots all over in a week or two anyway. If your set on germinating the old fashioned way, drop the germinated seedling into a larger hole, don't squeeze it shut, yadda yadda yadda! Keep 'em warm on a seedling matt and you will have success as good as your seeds. Same thing with the cuttings, just drop 'em in that same size hole but actually poke the stem into the bottom of the hole a bit, keep 'em wet, presto, clones! The less you handle the youngsters, the less chance of stress that can stunt or kill your plants.
now that i kno that ill stop touchin em durin germination.
but i still had 100%. all 3 of mine are germinated


Well-Known Member
now that i kno that ill stop touchin em durin germination.
but i still had 100%. all 3 of mine are germinated
You are lucky because every time you touch those little critters you run the risk of killing them. See if you can find Oasis cubes near you and try them. They are similar to rock wool but I like them better. I punch two holes instead of the one center one so as to get two starts per cube. Cheap bastard, I know! You simply drop the seed or cutting into the hole (with a cutting you actually press the stem into the foam a bit at the bottom of the hole for stability with the stem dipped in hormone first), leave hole open, keep wet and in a covered seedling tray under cheap grow flourescents until you are ready to veg and kick under the big lights. No touching at all. You grab the cube but never the plant. Good luck. You are on the right track with WW.