Why is my smell not as strong

The other WR may have flowered at different time of year slightly different ambient temps/rh.
The clones could bloom later and smell stronger closer to finish.
there is a difference in the sequencing of protein cascades between a clone and a seed grown plant. Ergo they require different skills to understand the best timings of added products. But quite right, environmental factors are critical to plant health
I use nirvana seeds. I never had a quality problem before with them so i dont think i will experience any problems this time. I just wanted to try a larger run as i never go over 5.
I mean use less clones and dont boost your lights, ergo get better quality from less is more theory :-) I am not criticizing Nirvana seeds mate
How do you get carbs? im sure there is other stuff besides carbs in boost. i read somewhere theres something else in it for trichome production but i forget the word. alphalpha meal produces the chemical but i cant remember what its called.
wait, if your first run was great, and identical feeding second run is not....look to your environmental controls.
adding anything to ill plants is rarely the answer if they're already being fed. I never seen a mj plant starve to death,
but seen many over loved failing.
wait, if your first run was great, and identical feeding second run is not....look to your environmental controls.
adding anything to ill plants is rarely the answer if they're already being fed. I never seen a mj plant starve to death,
but seen many over loved failing.
The problem was i tripled the plants but did not up the feeding regimen. Imagine this, you have 5 plants in a drip/nft system on a 10 gallon res. They do great. They drink the reservoir down in 5 days and go on the last two days with ph'd water. For some reason i figured they would drink it all down in the same 5 days but not thinking that i also increased the height so instead of only 3 to 4 feet they can grow all the way up to 6 feet if they want. Well as they got bigger of course the nutrient requirements would be more but they were still on a 10 hallon reservoir and they were eating all of it in 2 days so they were on 5 days of water instead of 2. So now instead i started. Doing conplete res chang every 4th day. So in essence i increased the reservoir to 20 gallons and they get 2 days of water in between each feeding. Already getting sticky back. Smell is better also. Just a minor blip that i overlooked. Im going to add a minimum of calmag and silicone to see how they do with that so i can start my next run with all of it. Problem has been solved but thanks for your comment.


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How do you get carbs? im sure there is other stuff besides carbs in boost. i read somewhere theres something else in it for trichome production but i forget the word. alphalpha meal produces the chemical but i cant remember what its called.
Black Strap Molasses for carbs, may be salicylic acid is the added thing in Boost but its still over priced watered down BSM. Something to trigger the plants Innate Systemic Response will boost trichome density, so will adding UV light or Mycorrhizal Fungi. If you buy BSM make sure its unsulphured and organic, any heath food shop or large super market will sell this. If you cant find this you are really looking for sugars, so add some Panela or something with coconut water to keep K levels up
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This is a very good thread about the use of molasses.I personally think molasses is abused. And is responsible for many N deficiencies of those thet use it as a part of their regular feedings.
Where is the evidence to support this as its not in your blog link or post?
So you know this is molasses causing N defs or and not some other oxidation present in organic soil systems? EG excess Ca++ can cause N to oxidize rapidly, this is a fact of course I am not sure if the blogger covered it or not? He isnt exactly being deliberate
I presume the author is monitoring microbial and plant respiration rates and performing regular gene tagging and counts to know exactly what populations are increasing, as well has having near perfect environmentals during his testing? And do you or him know its a lock out and not a lowered rate of mineralisation because of environmental factors?
I wish he actually provided an answer and not an opinion. Microbial feed back loops are a critical part of nutrient cycling and of the healthy soil system, and of course they balance the wider ecology which is dynamic even if we dont add stuff.

Most bloom nutes are made or fermented using BSM so these are al crap?.

Perhaps users are miss diagnosing problems and or dont understand what a burst of bacteria, secreting bio films does to pH and so N forms. Like I said i wish the article gave some data and not an opinion with next to no science to back it up but this is gardening all over.

Added i never said add too much BSM which might cause a headache as would excess anything, i just said it was an example of a carbohydrate which could be used to improve smell and taste. You could of course if you have a phobia of BSM, try to foliar feed aspirin to boost the sweetness and taste etc

This is a very good thread about the use of molasses.I personally think molasses is abused. And is responsible for many N deficiencies of those thet use it as a part of their regular feedings.
added for those that bothered to read the comments page too....here is a real science paper about water soluble carbon, the guy Pavril or whatever is a bit of a doofus if you ask me, "No such thing as liquid carbon...." indeed, is water soluble not as a liquid, what about WS Humates?
I did not mean to imply you promoted the over use of BSM. Just an interesting thread. And as far as the 'liquid carbon'.. Does something being water soluble actually make it a liquid? Most would say no.
I doubt any of our grow temps are 4500 kelvin. Not to mention the incredible pressures involved.Its a long stretch to consider water soluble organis carbon as liquid carbon.

And by my response about the use of BSM is the same. I think its abused and over applied by many growers thinking it is a magic potion. Just my opinion.

And thanks for your link. I look forward to reading it when I am around my laptop.
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I understand you guys totally. Im only a little worried because at this time last run this same strain was so much stronger. But i just thought about it with the increase in plants i increased yhe space but still running wiyh two 600 watters. Im thinking maybe i dhould have gone with two 1000 watters jnstead.

Have you changed your bulbs recently?
Have you changed your bulbs recently?
I rotate bulbs out on each run. I have a lux meter and I measure at the beginning middle and end of each run when they get to a certain degradation I chuck them completely. The space with the lights is actually ok, although I am going to add an extra 600 on the next run to get the shadows out of the ends of the room.
Black Strap Molasses for carbs, may be salicylic acid is the added thing in Boost but its still over priced watered down BSM. Something to trigger the plants Innate Systemic Response will boost trichome density, so will adding UV light or Mycorrhizal Fungi. If you buy BSM make sure its unsulphured and organic, any heath food shop or large super market will sell this. If you cant find this you are really looking for sugars, so add some Panela or something with coconut water to keep K levels up
ive tried using flora nectar and floralicious, flora nector contains molasses but it doesnt work nearly as well as canna boost used to.
I did not mean to imply you promoted the over use of BSM. Just an interesting thread. And as far as the 'liquid carbon'.. Does something being water soluble actually make it a liquid? Most would say n
I doubt any of our grow temps are 4500 kelvin. Not to mention the incredible pressures involved.Its a long stretch to consider water soluble organis carbon as liquid carbon.

And by my response about the use of BSM is the same. I think its abused and over applied by many growers thinking it is a magic potion. Just my opinion.

And thanks for your link. I look forward to reading it when I am around my laptop.
Likewise on the link, and science is always agreement disagreement, and as it should be, or we would end up in a world of unchecked pain. Maybe its as simple as Liquid carbon being easier on the tongue than Carbon in Liquid, or may be if its in the water and its dissolved to become one, then it has become a liquid, just as water becomes a solid or a gas?? I mean what comes out of your tap, is that water, and is it a liquid, but what about the salts in it, are they a liquid salt or not? If not how can we not feel each molecule for its solid self? For me if its soluble it has become liquid. But being liquid is a matter of state and state is a matter of condition, so moving between states is possible subject to dynamic conditions??

IMO all forms of nutes are over used and mis timed by a large portion of this community I would say. Driven in no small part by week one week two style guides and nutrient def charts and pictures. I dont blame the readers, but I do think these guides are indicative of wider problems, that of ownership and blame capacity.
No one wants to spend time to really understand, but everyone wants success, in fact its as if its a right of birth :cool:
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Where is the evidence to support this as its not in your blog link or post?
So you know this is molasses causing N defs or and not some other oxidation present in organic soil systems? EG excess Ca++ can cause N to oxidize rapidly, this is a fact of course I am not sure if the blogger covered it or not? He isnt exactly being deliberate
I presume the author is monitoring microbial and plant respiration rates and performing regular gene tagging and counts to know exactly what populations are increasing, as well has having near perfect environmentals during his testing? And do you or him know its a lock out and not a lowered rate of mineralisation because of environmental factors?
I wish he actually provided an answer and not an opinion. Microbial feed back loops are a critical part of nutrient cycling and of the healthy soil system, and of course they balance the wider ecology which is dynamic even if we dont add stuff.

I must admit, this seems to be the case with my current grow. I used 1/2 tbs per feed, and the leaves have yellowed and growth has slowed. I'm not going to be using molasses at these doses again. I must do more reading.


Happy growing !!
ive tried using flora nectar and floralicious, flora nector contains molasses but it doesnt work nearly as well as canna boost used to.
may be its something as simple as SiO2? there are many things that alter the density of trics and or effect availability of other elements eg P, K, Mg, Ca etc in the case of silica, so could be used in bloom based products.
Bio Floret is x4 stronger than Canna Bio Boost, produces better results and is half the price. Plus it is designed to promote and work with LOS where Bio Canna is a bolt on to the existing and more widely used Synthetic system they have, its a mood swing against synthetics after we learned that excessive Nitrogen salts destroy soil carbon and so fertility, meaning its much easier to see how bad all nutrients are unless they are stabilized by humifiying microbes.
N+8 the 8% being that required by your microbes.
People may be dont understand how BSM works???
There is a difference between using BSM in a fermentation, versus using it in the raw as appears to be happening here???
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