The testimony

Show me the anti-capitalist socialist libertarian party in America? There's a communist SEQ that comes close except for the whole one party statist rule philosophy that states only negative liberty exists for the individual and an oppressive state gives away permission for a fake positive liberty if you tow the thought police line. Noam Chomsky explains what I believe, but he lies about voting Democrats gets me there.
Yeah, my grandpa went senile and incoherent too

We put him in a home
Show me the anti-capitalist socialist libertarian party in America? There's a communist SEQ that comes close except for the whole one party statist rule philosophy that states only negative liberty exists for the individual and an oppressive state gives away permission for a fake positive liberty if you tow the thought police line. Noam Chomsky explains what I believe, but he lies about voting Democrats gets me there.
Chomsky quite rationally recommends voting for whom you want in the primaries and voting tactically in the election. He preferred Sanders in the primary and strongly recommended Clinton against Trump. Not because he liked Clinton but quite rightly saw Trump's science denying environmental policies as a great threat to the people and environment.

You don't stand for anything with even a chance of working, much less something good. Just another cynical alt.right sexually conflicted white guy who will most likely whither and die without ever really knowing a woman. Or other if it turns out that's your bag. Other than your mother, of course.

Have I told you that your mother did you a great disservice when she told you how smart you are?
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reference to Charlottesville last year.

You showed a picture of an Asian man who was dressed up in a girl's school uniform and posing for a camera. Not hurting anybody. You told me to fear him. I don't fear a goofy old guy who enjoys being goofy. I looked him up on Google. He's a known goof in Japan, the call him Sailor Suit Old Guy, his name is Hideaki Kobayashi. Your fear of him is typical for homophobic white guys.

I do have a rational concern of the people you most clearly align with, the alt.right. As the token RIU alt.right troll, I figure you'd be the guy to answer a question that I've had for a while. Why is it that alt.right white guys get all angry and drive into crowds? They show up in Portland several times a year and I stand with the resistance against fascists with them. Very angry young men for the most part. I have no idea why but they hate a whole lot of people, mostly skinny people in black leotards, Jews, Black and Hispanic people. But they also hate anybody holding an sign that says "Fascists go home". Enrages them. Some even drive cars into crowds. Why do they do that?

Just give up on the Buddhist Asian fakery. It's obvious you are a racist white guy, from your rhetoric you say the same things as Proud Boys, so I'd peg you with that group for now.

By the way, I'm still wanting to send a coat hanger to Senator Collins. Address plz.

You're the racist. Not all Asians are like the dalai lama who preach about how scientific they are even through reincarnation completely violates science.

My family had to flee communist oppression. America seemed like the best bet to ever go through that again. Many Democrats espouse sympathy for communism as misunderstood and not the death trap it is. I will do everything within my power to prevent communism of any sort taking place here.

People who spoke like you later made Asia into an anti-free dystopian nightmare where many feared for their lives and still do. I'm not falling for your rhetoric. #neveragain

There's no such thing as a fake Buddhist in my culture. We believe in every sort of philosophy under the rainbow and understand all of us follow our own path. It's you who aren't Buddhist who think because they read an article on Buddhism in Rolling Stone it makes you an exper on identifying one.

We probably agree on more than we disagree. But you refuse from wanting to punish others for the sins of the father, that even if 199 out of 200 whites are oppressing it gives you no right to punish that one who doesn't too. But it's actually closer to the opposite.

I believe everyone should be judged for their actions and not because they fit a profile. You agree that profiling muslims is wrong, so do I, but if they're white. Unlike you who says if that's not your racial yard you stay away. Even though alt-right white people aren't my people and I believe nothing they do, I will defend their right to think and say what they believe unless they become violent.

Defending a person's right to think like an idiot doesn't make a person what they believe, even if it does in your bizarre world.

These highlights are me. But I'm like a man with no country, in this case of no party. I will work towards destroying both Republican and Democrat ideals until the day my party of socialist libertarians has their own too.

"Here in North America, there are large numbers of registered Republican Buddhists. Many of them are Asian-Americans, immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who fled left-wing violence in their native countries. One can only believe that Buddhists are naturally aligned with liberalism if no time has been spent among Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, or other Asian-Americans. Anti-Communism drives many such Buddhists into the Republican Party, as does similar views on traditional values, economic policy, patriotism, and other issues."
You're the racist. Not all Asians are like the dalai lama who preach about how scientific they are even through reincarnation completely violates science.

My family had to flee communist oppression. America seemed like the best bet to ever go through that again. Many Democrats espouse sympathy for communism as misunderstood and not the death trap it is. I will do everything within my power to prevent communism of any sort taking place here.

People who spoke like you later made Asia into an anti-free dystopian nightmare where many feared for their lives and still do. I'm not falling for your rhetoric. #neveragain

There's no such thing as a fake Buddhist in my culture. We believe in every sort of philosophy under the rainbow and understand all of us follow our own path. It's you who aren't Buddhist who think because they read an article on Buddhism in Rolling Stone it makes you an exper on identifying one.

We probably agree on more than we disagree. But you refuse from wanting to punish others for the sins of the father, that even if 199 out of 200 whites are oppressing it gives you no right to punish that one who doesn't too.

I believe everyone should be judged for their actions and not because they fit a profile. You agree that profiling muslims is wrong, so do I, but if they're white. Unlike you who says if that's not your racial yard you stay away. Even though alt-right white people aren't my people and I believe nothing they do, I will defend their right to think and say what they believe unless they become violent.

Defending a person's right to think like an idiot doesn't make a person what they believe, even if it does in your bizarre world.

These highlights are me. But I'm like a man with no country, in this case of no party. I will work towards destroying both Republican and Democrat ideals until the day my party of socialist libertarians has their own too.

"Here in North America, there are large numbers of registered Republican Buddhists. Many of them are Asian-Americans, immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who fled left-wing violence in their native countries. One can only believe that Buddhists are naturally aligned with liberalism if no time has been spent among Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, or other Asian-Americans. Anti-Communism drives many such Buddhists into the Republican Party, as does similar views on traditional values, economic policy, patriotism, and other issues."
You are a faking to be Buddhist, faking to be asian and in reality an alt.right white guy troll.

You say that black people are poor because they are shiftless and lazy. Your posts also show you have a terrible fear of independent women and are sexually conflicted leading to rampant homophobia. You objectify women and will never form a close relationship with one. You are just another reason why demographics are gradually shifting to make your kind irrelevant. This is for the better.