reference to Charlottesville last year.
You showed a picture of an Asian man who was dressed up in a girl's school uniform and posing for a camera. Not hurting anybody. You told me to fear him. I don't fear a goofy old guy who enjoys being goofy. I looked him up on Google. He's a known goof in Japan, the call him Sailor Suit Old Guy, his name is Hideaki Kobayashi. Your fear of him is typical for homophobic white guys.
I do have a rational concern of the people you most clearly align with, the alt.right. As the token RIU alt.right troll, I figure you'd be the guy to answer a question that I've had for a while. Why is it that alt.right white guys get all angry and drive into crowds. They show up in Portland several times a year and I stand with the resistance against fascists with them. Very angry young men for the most part. I have no idea why but they hate a whole lot of people, mostly skinny people in black leotards, Jews, Black and Hispanic people. But they also hate anybody holding an sign that says "Fascists go home". Enrages them. Some even drive cars into crowds. Why do they do that?
Just give up on the Buddhist Asian fakery. It's obvious you are a racist white guy, from your rhetoric you say the same things as Proud Boys, so I'd peg you with that group for now.
By the way, I'm still wanting to send a coat hanger to Senator Collins. Address plz.