How close should I have my light


1000 watt led red white blue and sodium ive seen all the light height charts..just curiosity and I feel like it can go closer just Wana be sure it’s about 24 now


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The distance from light to plant is more determined by health. Some will go closer some futher away.

In veg i set my light to the point they grow upwards everyday, if they start compacting and showing no upwards growth i am too close.

In a perfect world id give you a distance but it would be much better to read each plant.

1000 watt led red white blue and sodium ive seen all the light height charts..just curiosity and I feel like it can go closer just Wana be sure it’s about 24 now
Use the actual wattage as a base. It’s not a 1000 watts probably more like 200 ish if it’s a cheap light.
This is what’s on the light it works great it’s blue red white and sodium I’ve had great growth at 30 inches away it’s at about 24 now. My plant is flowering just trying to make sure I’m not too far or to close. It’s a berry bomb strain she also droops completely after about 2/3 hours off the light and she will do it for about 5/6 hours and then perk right back up hours befor the light gets turnd back on . I assume she likes to lay down to sleep lol


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This is what’s on the light it works great it’s blue red white and sodium I’ve had great growth at 30 inches away it’s at about 24 now. My plant is flowering just trying to make sure I’m not too far or to close. It’s a berry bomb strain she also droops completely after about 2/3 hours off the light and she will do it for about 5/6 hours and then perk right back up hours befor the light gets turnd back on . I assume she likes to lay down to sleep lol

It's a piece of shit light that's only 140 watts. You could put it 12 inches away and it's not going to hurt anything.
Theres no way in hell thats right.. in veg I lowerd it 18 inches and it Burt my plant. Lol this thing is fuckin great lol and I’ve hit it with a lux light reader and the numbers are out of control
Theres no way in hell thats right.. in veg I lowerd it 18 inches and it Burt my plant. Lol this thing is fuckin great lol and I’ve hit it with a lux light reader and the numbers are out of control

Whatever. But for the record, it's shit. You'd be better off with a T5 fixture.
i Really don’t see it being that low on wattage if it’s burning holes and tops of plants at 18 inches man. Fuck a t5 great lights but horrible on your electric bill. I just don’t see my plants growing like they have been with that low of wattage 30 to 24 inches away. If the light was shit my plants wouldn’t look as good as they do not saying it’s the best light but I’m saying it’s great in my opinion because it’s been nothing but great growth since I got it. But there’s no fuckin way my plants will be fine at 12 inches or less away at all I’ve tried
I just wanna kno how far to keep this light in flower! Lol. I kno that it can’t be so low and it shouldn’t be to hi. And at 14/15 inches my top leafs start getting tares and holes in them
@Esp42092 Well if it's causing problems at 14/15 inches then you already no to hang it at 16/17 inches and raise at same distance from canopy as the plant grows.