Roofers, Roofing Contractors in here! All construction trades welcomed!!

Damn it. When I get into saw, grinder, or nail gun. Just seems like a dumb idea for shades or safety googles. Always end up with dust or something...stay safe buf.
Funny thing. I wasn't the one cutting.... Someone was operating a circ saw about 6 feet away from me.
Thanks for doing the roofing. Cuz I sure as shit could not do it. I service and fix swimming pools for a pool construction company. I think that qualifies as a skilled trade. Just bought this for myself yesterday for the closing season and am really enjoying it.

Any tips for putting up large ceiling panels by yourself?
I've done my daughter's room, but I had a bunch of younger friends over who since moved, and it was a lot smaller. this is like a 4 x 14' ish panel.
Fwaaaak, that looks handy... little chance of finding one here though. Best I can do is find those pole thingies you lift the ceiling into place with.
I'm starting to think I could temporarily install something like a towel rail between the two sides, towards one end. lift the edge in there, and then hope my wife and me are strong enough to lift the other side.
That lift you can also rent for like 30 bucks a days, totally worth it. We've used them to help install drywall in apartment complexes. Dead useful, mostly on the ceiling, but yeah..
No gloves is just the way to go.
Union Lather here since ‘93. Drywall, lath, metalstud framer. UBC

Haven’t worked in a few yrs but I never wore gloves. My hands are pretty tore up.

One disadvantage of being a carpenter. Had a nice hole in my eye after.
A nail banger dude I knew lost an eye. Nail got em right in the eyeball. He immediatey pulled it out and it oozed. The same guy broke his back falling off some exterior scaffolding.
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That lift you can also rent for like 30 bucks a days, totally worth it. We've used them to help install drywall in apartment complexes. Dead useful, mostly on the ceiling, but yeah..
I’ve never seen one of those things out on a jobsite. We usually hang lids from scaffolding(rolling or fixed) or from lifts. We use our heads to hold it up at first. This is where hard hats are usefull.