Spida's Micro Grow


Well-Known Member
DWR, I'm going to aim to just top your dry weight. ;) For healthy competition. Haha. You did have a beautiful harvest still though. :)


Well-Known Member
i'll proly use
2 85w
1 40w
1 26w on her so that's like 236 watts probably do 2plants under all that tho

She'll probably be in a drip system or maybe soil idk yet

we can throw in a poll after too:leaf:


Well-Known Member
wusssup spida!!!!! so that k!ngsp4de ur always gettin me confused wit hahaha n everything sounds good thos dont know anything bout ur root hormone shit but what i can tell u is UR MISSING A THERMOMETER important man u n can get that and socket splitters at wal-mart n if u cant find sockect splitters at walmart heard to menards or home depot they always have them ur prolly gunna need some omre lights since u plan on having 5 plants in one grow room i dont think those 3 lights can cover everything get maybe 2 or 3 more cfl's and did u see the thing i have my lights connected to in my grow u can find those at walmart to for 8 BUCKS n man if u want some cheap mylar like mine head to a dollar store and check there gifdt wrappin paper sorry i keep mentioning all this shit but i want ur first grow to be fukkin amazing for u GOOD LUCK ill keep in touch


Well-Known Member
N00b - I have a thermometer sitting around here somewhere, but I forgot about that one. Thanks for giving me that reminder. I will throw one of those in there or run to Big Lots and just rack a small electronic one with a humidity device in it. For reflection I was deciding between like 2 coats of white paint or emergency blankets. I don't really want to put wrapping paper up in there, cus then I'd have to go buy it also. I have paint and emergency blankets here. I went to lowes and couldn't find the y-sockets or anything, and will go back later to try and find more. It's only probably going to have 4 regular plants, or once I get everything going I want to do a SOG dr.budgreengenes style so I can get 25 plants in there. Yield's about 10-21 grams per plant. The box is only 2.25 Square ft. 5.625 Cubic Square ft. If i have done my math correctly. So I was going to get more lights, but didn't think it was necessary to have like 12 cfls like some people. I'll have to check out your light fixture. Do you have a link?

"SICC" - Cool, glad to have you in on this one. Hope you enjoy. :weed: Btw, I'll send you those pictures later, I've been busy lately. Sorry.

mane - My area will be a little smaller than yours, but still will be fun to compare. My box is going to be 1.5 w x 1.5 l x 2.5 h


Well-Known Member
juss click my sig its on the first page it looks silvery n hell yeah those blankets or white paint w/e u go with will do fukkin good n hey u never gave me the link to that guy u were always talkin bout


Well-Known Member
Don't remember which guy.. Dr.BudGreengenes? I thought I put a link up in your journal. I'll get one for you on his SOG wonders. He currently grows under 1176 watts of CFL's!! I'll go check out your lights.

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Compact SOG with CFL's

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***

There ya go. Two great links for you. This guy is amazing.

EDIT: Those lights look nice. Where did you pick-up the reflector? And if that is the blue spectrum CFL, where did you pick that up at, and how much?


Well-Known Member
if ur talkin bout my reflectors i got on the walls than like i said thats my cheap mylar i got at the dollar stor and the thing where i got my lights hooked up its not a reflector its a light ficture for the bathroom n damn that guy is fukkin crazy did he really grow that in a fukkin 16 oz moutain dew bottle damn if he got that LIKE THAT hes fukkin crazy n those buds are fukkin OMG wtf how the hell did he do that those buds look grown with a HPS or a MH was he organinc or nutes?? i gotta research this guy and learn how to be likew him cuz thats fukkin perpetual shit every 2-3 weeks he said right


Well-Known Member
Yup. Perpetual every 2 weeks I think. 16oz containers, all cfls. All clones flowered at 2 inches right after they root. He uses some nutes ya. That's what I based some of my nutes after. Especially the supplement superthrive. :) He mixes a lot of stuff together.


Well-Known Member
here`s some info on using mg. also i recomend smaller wattage cfl`s for the side lighting. they are more effitient. smaller wattage and more of them works better for spreading the light around. also if you must use mg soil DONT give any nutes during veg.

If you really MUST use Miracle Grow Nutes or Soil cuz there isn't anything else available (cost can't be a reason, MG is about the same price as some organics !)
(enough for 2-3 plants .. just use more jugs for more plants!)
Get regular miracle grow (Not tomato or Rose food or azalea formula!)
AND Blossom Booster (or Schultz Professional Bloom food)
get 2- 1 gallon jugs of spring water from the store (about $1 each)
and an empty jug. Mark them (A) (B) & (C) --- (B) is the empty jug!
in the 1st jug (A) mix the MG at 1/4 the recomended rate for indoor plants.
In the 2nd jug (C), mix at 1/2 stregnth for indoor plants.
pour 1/2 of both into the empty jug (B)
Now-- when your plants get their 3rd set of leaves, feed once every 10 days. Start with (A) for the 1st 2 feed... then (B).. and end-up with (C) the week before you go 12/12.
MG builds up-- and will lock-up as you add the stronger bloom nutes!
as the final part of the flush-- pour in a couple pints of your new bloom nutes (see below)

Do the same with your bloom nutes, Mix ahead in larger amounts... BUT--mix Jug (A) at 1/2 rate, Jug (C) at full stregnth-- and (B) the 2 mixed.
Start with (A) the 1st day of 12/12, then again in 10 days,
then switch to (B). Do not switch to (C) until the week before you flush for harvest!
when the trichomes just start turning cloudy, give em their last dose. In 10 days, check the trichs again.. if not all cloudy, you can feed again-- But go back to (B)
You need to flush all the Nitrogen and magnesium out of the plants-- so Flush them well, put back in the bloom room the full 2 weeks till harvest, water as needed .. but absolutely no nutes or foliar sprays!
IF you foliar fed during the grow-- be sure to use a sprayer of water to gently shower it off the plants! (also gets rid of dead bugs & dust stuck to the buds!)
it has TIME RELEASED nutes-- so flushing is impossible... and you do not know how much nutes are being released or used by the plants.
If yYou Used MG soil, do NOT nute at all during veg... and use only additional P-K and suppliments without "N" during bloom...
And pre-harvest flushing can NOT be done on the normal 2 week schedule because of the time released nutes-- you must emergency flush when the trichs are how ya want em...

Cut the plant off at soil level. Place plant in a bucket with enough PLAIN tapwater to cover the base, but not touch lower limbs or vegetation....
Add a bubbler to the bucket to help "fool" the plant into thinking it is still alive (this only works up to 4 days before they wilt!)
Tthe plant will now use the nutrients stored in it's system . Leave under the lights at least 2 days-- up to 4 (3 is the usual amount)
IF you are one who puts their plants in the dark the last 3 days, give em at least 24 hours under lights before ya do... the photosynthesis will help the plant flush out unused nitrogen.

When using MG Fertilizer (as well as Schultz or Peter's ) Watch for:
brown dry spots
crinckling leaves
pale new growth
if these happen, flush the plant, and wait 2-3 days before feeding again.
If Using MG soil and this happens, your best route is to re-plant in a bigger planter with different soil... DO NOT try to remove the existing soil from the roots of the plant!!!!


Well-Known Member
sweet bro scribed for sure. It is about to get very addicting for you lol. Looking forward to seeing your ladies draped in giant buds.


Well-Known Member
Bonz - Thanks for all that info. I'm about to read it, have to take a dip of some grizzly chew first to keep me focused. ;) I'll +Rep if it allows me too for giving me all that information. Hmm, I just read it, and that's interesting. Although for veg, I don't think I was going to veg for 40 days. I'll hold off on nutes for those 2 for the whole veg period. I will still add superthrive every 2 weeks or so, as I feel necessary. That's interesting that MG soil is soo bad. Because, in Buds for Less, he uses MG soil, and he grows some outstanding plants.

Underphire - It is very addicting already. Haha. Once I bought my supplies I was like all excited and everything. So far everything is going together as planned.

UPDATE - I have 4 plants I'm going to start very very shortly. I think I only have 4 seeds in germ, but not sure. So I am going to place them all in 6" pots, and 2 pots will have some kellogs soil with the bat guano, worm castings, etc. The other 2 pots will have miracle grow soil. I will be watering the 2 with MG with regular tap water. I'm trying to follow what it says in Buds For Less for those 2, and the other 2 plants i'm going to feed with distilled water I think. Might have to let some tap water sit out for a while, cus I heard that works. But anyways, for putting the seeds in. I'm going to put them about 1/8 inch deep, and I was going to water all the pots before hand and maybe put a drop of superthrive in the water. I was going to water it until it's barely dripping out of the bottom into the drip pan. Then once I plant the seed I was going to give it a tablespoon or two of water right above the seed. Advice guys? Would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
it works, it`s just alot more work to use it than other types. and otheres are healthier.
there i said it now who`s going to attack me for that one............lol
they have been in some serious trouble in the past for not naming certain deadly ingredients. some staff have died there


Well-Known Member
Oh really? That's weird. Bonz, or anyone else, got any advice whether when I moisten the soil just to the point where its dripping out the bottom barely and use superthrive in that water, then plant the seed 1/8 inch in and water in with 1 or 2 tablespoons of water, if that would work? Would the superthrive help the roots grow bigger to support the little seedling?

Edit: Thanks for whoever gave me rep for my tidiness and my welcome. :) It was appreciated. Whoever it was, enjoy the grow.


Junior Creatologist
Spidey, basically the only nutes i used during the entire grow that were successfully taken up without causing nute burn, was all my Fox Farm shit. I got the complete line now, from grow big to ChaChing, and i think its worth it. There is other shit you can use, like NowStopWhining recommends using Sensizym and Tarantula from Advanced Nutrients, and he swears by them, But you can also use those in accompanyment with the Fox Farm shit. N if u ask him about it, hell tell you that with FF nutes, its pretty easy to not burn your plants, you actually have to try to overfeed them on purpose if you wanna burn your plants as a matter of fact, lol. Just snatch up some Growbig(make sure it just says fertilizer, not hydroponic), Big Bloom n Tiger Bloom bottles. N then they have Solubles - just powdered additives that you can use at different times of your grow, all the way up to harvest, Open Sesame, Chaching, and Beastie Bloomz. I havent used the solubles yet, but im going to on my grow comin up here.

I can also hook u up with the FF feeding schedule that i got in my hydrofarm catalogue.

As far as watering goes, All i can really say is, use your finger, LOL. Basically i dont personally do that, i just water every 2 days. My soil is FF Ocean forest mix, n it holds moisture pretty well. I have a Ph, Moisture, and Light meter for soil - cost me 7 bucks, and whenever i stick it all the way to the bottom, and it reads dry, thats when i watered originally, but when i got into the swing of things, it basically was every other day anyways,so thats what ive been doing. Now the Amount, im not 100% sure either, i can only tell u what ive been doin. I have 3 gallon growbags. Ive only filled each one up with 2 gallons of soil, and ive folded down the top for a lip so i can grab on to the bags without them slippin. The amount of water/nutrient solution i give them is a half a gallon per plant. I dont know if thats underwatering them, but they seem to like it just fine. I give them water one feeding, and then the next feeding i give them my nutrient solution. and i use distilled water mostly, but when i cant wait to get the the store, tapwater works fine.

Everything is going smoothly now dude, and i promise you that it will for you aswell. I see that your gonna be using MG for one of your plants, n thats all well n good, but my personal experience with MG hasnt been one thats been very fun. It worked for the first 3 weeks of veg, and then when i went to give it nutes, i burned the plant. So i flushed it out, and tried some different nutes, and i burned it again, lol. So finally i transplanted into some different soil, i think it was hyponix potting soil, and i got some MG perlite, and i didnt use nutes at first n everything went fine. But then i went out cuz i thought i fixed the problem, and i got me some MG nutrients, and i fuckin burned them again!!! the problem with MG is, that the NPK ratio is too high, rather than shit being like 2-5-3, its 15-34-19, and that shit is just too much for the plants to take. So be careful with the MG - it can work out good for you as youve seen with buds for less, but it can also go the other way if your not careful.

If you can, just hit up your google, and look up hydroponics shops in (your city n state here) , and it should pop up any hydro shops around your area where you can get your hands onto some Fox Farm soil, FF nutes, Advanced nutrient nutes, and pretty much every other product that people talk abotu using on here. First time i went into mine was halfway through my grow, when i realized there was one 20 minutes away from my house, n i didnt wanna leave man. it was the shit, lol. I musta spend like 200 bucks that day, just gettin my shit properly fixed. they have it all.

But it sounds like your gonna have shit under control man, and i hope ive given enough of my 2 cents on nutes n watering for you to at least give u an idea of how i did mine, n mine is successful so far *fingers crossed*. Good luck with your grow brow, ill be here man if you need anythin :D



Junior Creatologist
N Bonz bro, i forgot to give u a BIG ASS THANK YOU for giving me the same advice when i was having problems. It did work for a little while for me, no nute burn at all, all was goin good, n then i found my hydro shop. So im sorry i forgot to message u n tell u that it worked, i just found my shop n decided to make it harder for me to fuck up, cuz im pretty good at fuckin shit up when shit is easy to fuck up, lol.


Well-Known Member
fukin up is easier than doing it right and us humans are lazy bastards, so we tend to take the easy way out.
glad things worked out.

spida, as far as moisture for them. i like to keep the seedlings a little wetter than the bigger plants, but you dont need to get any run off yet. keep it moist thats about it till they get a bit bigger. it`s hard to say how much as your soil may retain or not moisture at different rates than anyone elses. you should be able to tell soon enough