Spida's Micro Grow


Well-Known Member
K1ng - Damn, why you gotta make me read all that? Haha. Thanks for advice. I think I have the same light/moisture/ph meter as you. Mine cost 7 as well. I had my moisture between moist and dry, but it was looking wet so better to underwater then to overwater. I can always add more later if needed. I have big bloom, but its MG. I also have schultz which is 10-15-10. I can look up the big bloom specs later I'm too lazy right now. I have everything already to go though.

Bonz - Thanks for advice. I decided not to get any run off, it seemed like overwatering to me, so I just got it moist, and then once i planted seeds I watered it in with a tablespoon of water.

GanjaLova - I have a total of 5. Two of them are in MG soil, because I was trying to copy after the book of Buds for Less. The other 3 are in kellogs soil whatever the hell that is, and it has the bat guano, worm castings, etc already mixed in it. This is my first grow, going to see what works for me and what doesn't. I'm going to do different things with each plant. I have 1 of each type of soil on a seedling heat pad, and the other 3 not. All have equal light though. I'm going to see what works best for me.

UPDATE: Seeds are all sprouted, but I'm scared one or two over-sprouted. They had brown tips on part of the root, but I don't know how to explain it. I have pictures of everything so far, but none of the seeds. I don't have steady enough hands to take that clear enough. So I planted all 5, and watered them in, and got it moist. Right now, I have them just sitting in my closet under 2 40watter cfl's, but I will add much more light in later. This is a temporary set-up until tommorrow when I build my box. So don't say OMG that looks so unsafe, blahblahblah. Hopefully in a few days, I will have 5 little seedlings. :) I am going to water once a day until they sprout, but only about 2-3 tablespoons each, and right above the seeds. Advice/Suggestions. Pics are attached.

Picture 1 - Seeds with tap root coming out sitting on paper towel.
Picture 2 - Current set-up until tomorrow. That reflector actually makes the light increase quite a bit.. I put my light measure under it and then put it under the cfl without, and the light differences we're pretty amazing.



Well-Known Member
Aight. I don't have any clear covers really. Would plastic wrap over the tops work? I have a heat pad under 2


Well-Known Member
try to get some of those solo cups. the cheepo plastic things a the grocery store or dollar store if you have one.
you could use saran but it need to be raised up like a cover for them


Well-Known Member
Alright, well nothing has sprouted above soil, so should I just place them above where the seed is? For now I think it should be fine, but your the experienced one. If need be, I can make a make shift cover for all of them with some wire and saran wrap.


Well-Known Member
ya just put the cup over were the seed is. take it off a couple times a day and mist the plant if needed, may not depends on how wet the soil is. it will sweat inside the cup keeping it moist enough.
when it gets about the 2nd or third node then you can take it off.


Well-Known Member
Alright. I'll put a cup on one of the MG's and one of the Other ones. For experimentation, see which do best probably.

I have a real good feeling about this grow. The past time I tried to grow and never even got to seedlings everything was so unorganized, and not put together right, and now I feel I have the set-up down good, and I am confident in this grow. :)


Well-Known Member
lol spida dont worry those seed germed juss fine lol calm down n smoke some u might get a lil paranoid in what ur doin but juss relax u got this maaan n yeah everything bons said was right trust him hes who im learning from basically everything i know lol


Well-Known Member
n00b - Thanks.

DWR - Yup, did some building for a few hours today, and a friend of mine helped me out, and by I mean help, I mean he basically did it, and I assisted him. Haha. It's not done, but it's coming along great. Will Post an update in about 2 hours.


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Grow Box Build
:leaf: Part 1 :leaf:

So guys, construction on my box started today. Unfortunately I did not have enough time to finish it completely, but will work on it and finish it as soon as I can. For now I'm sure the plants are fine where they are. So just some background info on the box. It will be 19.5" W x 19.5" L x 30.5" H I went to buy some fans, and couldn't find much useful, but found a pack of 4 on sale for about $16 I think it was. So I will have 2 intake fans placed on the bottom, and 2 exhaust near the top, but on the other side. I will put the dimensions of each board, incase anyone at home wants to build something similar. Or you can have my expert grow box builder and I construct one for you, and we can talk about making it look real and stealthy and deal with costs. ;) It really is coming along to be a great box. Wood used was a 4x8 sheet of 3/4" plywood from lowes at about $14.38 or somewhere along those lines. Not bad. All the supplies for the box came together at a price of about $35 roughly. Not bad there either. Also had a question on some wiring of the fans. I know how to do the wiring but at Radioshack, I saw this fan speed controller that will work for up to 4 fans. Which is exactly the number that I have. Would this be an ideal thing to get to control each and every fan individually? Is it worth the extra $16?

Board Dimensions
2 Boards - 19.5 inch x 19.5 inch. (Bottom and top)
2 Boards - 18.25 inch x 29 inch (Sides, but inside the two bigger pieces)
2 Boards - 19.5 inch x 29 inch (Bigger sides)

That's all the boards you need, and the two smaller ones will be placed in between the two bigger boards. If that makes sense. To hold it together, we screwed 3 screws in each side, and supported with L brackets inside - 2 on each place where the walls meet. We used silicone to make a nice tight seal, hopefully helping to eliminate smell, and it should keep light leaks out pretty well. So we put silicone on the bottoms, before mounting them to another wall or the bottoms then screwed the walls together, and will go over later, and silicone again over the inside of the box where all the walls meet, for an extra seal. I will be mounting the door on with 2 hinges, that are exactly the perfect size, and will place a latch so I can lock the door. Pics can be taken of these pieces for you guys if necessary. The door will be sealed hopefully pretty tight with 3/4", thick weather stripping. That's about all I can think of right now, so I will post the update pics of the process. NOTE: This shit ain't done yet. ;) Enjoy. :bigjoint:

Picture 1 and 2 - Fans I got sitting on top of my restoration in progress car. :)
Picture 3 - Random supplies laying around. Had a bitch of a time trying to get the silicone working.
Picture 4 - Pieces laying around.
Picture 5 - Measuring L brackets and constructing the box. (With the arm of a box building pro in it. Haha. :leaf:
Picture 6 - Drillin' some holes.
Picture 7 - Drillin' some more holes. (Went camera crazy)
Picture 8 - Can see the silicone coming out the sides.
Picture 9 - As far as we got today. (No the top is not on, its just sitting on top.)

STILL to come:
- Putting the top on
- Hinges/Latch on the door and weatherstripping
- Caulking the insides of the box when finished
- Cutting the holes for, and installing of the fans.
- Wiring
- Holder for my Lights
- Painting the insides of it white for reflection
- Get those bitches growing in their nice new home :leaf:



Well-Known Member
:leaf: Update on the Plants :leaf:

After I got home from work today, I decided to give them a little water. I did about 2-3 tablespoons for each plant and poured just over the seedling. I have heard this should work fine. Just keeping the seed moist until it gets some roots growing. I will probably water between 1/2 and 1 table spoon before I go to bed. Lights are currently on 24/0 until I see a sprout, then they will be 18/6 and we'll see how it goes. :) Advice on watering/comments suggestions welcome.



Well-Known Member
keep on 24 hour till third node. let it fry up between waterings after you see the green show.
also on the fna speed controler, you wont need to slow the speed, they dont draw the air verry good compared to a proper fan. so you will need evrything it has.
you may want to look at a vent fan booster, they are cheep


Well-Known Member
how thick is that plywood? 1/4 in?,i would go like a inch thick so that way water wont warp it too much.