they make it legal yet they want BM pricing..BWAHAHAHAHAHAsuper high prices....Lp's are super greedy...if moms are in there for $10/per then also greedy, and out of the game....
what this does do, is open the market up to other them any color you grey blue green...
and then the not greedy will excel ....even at 3/gr or 4/gr there is a ton of profit to be had....and even craft growers could be in the not greedy ball park at 5-6/gr for tripleA or better.
The "greed" is the down fall for a cannabis economy ...quality and cheap will take over completely.
ITS GRASS YA BUNCH OF DUMMIES...… and YOU CANT MAKE IT YOUR GREEDY WAY EITHER unless ya jail and give records out left right and center..
is their plan as we said..
.Its not expensive ,,,,only being illegal makes it that way.!
Legal and illegal...hmmm...
TONS OF MOENY TO BE MAD except THEY WONT BE PART OF THE DEAL ...sad bunch they be...
suck it mofos
work for it !!