Are riots next?

I never said I was voting for either. I wish 3rd party candidates were included in the debates. It seems like a monopoly between 2 as they have it set up now.

Who is your candidate Brutal? Are you for Ron Paul? I kind of like his ideas, but I haven't had the opportunity to hear many of them.
I never said I was voting for either. I wish 3rd party candidates were included in the debates. It seems like a monopoly between 2 as they have it set up now.

Who is your candidate Brutal? Are you for Ron Paul? I kind of like his ideas, but I haven't had the opportunity to hear many of them.

I might write him in, or I might vote Libertarian or Constitutional Party. The only thing I have decided for sure is that I'm not voting for Obama or McCain.
Yes I have listened to their plans. McCain wants to tax me more. Obama wants to tax me less.

Obama - 1 McCain - 0


I like the Constitution Party even more, they don't want to tax me at all.

Or Libertarian Party, which will allow me to choose how I get taxed (and will probably reimburse me more than I spend in taxes.) (NRST)

(Where's Doctor Pot, I need to set the record straight with him on his statement his father would be taxed on purchases of Fertilizer and Seed. It's not true, because those are not retail sales.)
Because he doesn't want me to pay for it. Obama wants to cut my taxes. I never even said I was voting for him either, I just for certain McCain is out of the race for me.
I can see a difference between "old geezer" and "nigger". Black folks aren't dumber, or slower, or slavier or anything else different from anyone else. Old people, however, are different from those that aren't old. Their bones break easier, they aren't mentally as sharp as they were when their brains were younger and their neural networks hadn't "locked in", they move slower, they have more health problems generally, their vision often isn't as good, nor their hearing, and so on. The "geezer" part is what's offensive, but there's nothing wrong with calling an old man an old man, just as there's nothing wrong with calling a tall man a tall man.

Also, since skin color doesn't affect anything else, there's no reason even to mention it. Age does affect things though, so it's informative. If I'm told I'm going to need to walk 10 miles to do some canvassing, I'd want to know if the dude coming with me is 90 years old, because that would mean I'd be going slower and would need to push dinner up a few hours. If he was black, that wouldn't affect anything, and I wouldn't need to know.

That's not true, I'd say Ron Paul's mind is still pretty damn sharp.
Yeah, even I can't agree with Vi all the time, it seems like all he does is attack, attack, and attack, kind of like Med, ChuckBane and CCodaine.

I'm not attacking really ... at least that's not my intent, unless I'm attacked first. All I'm attempting to do ... and all I've really ever done as long as I'm not attacked first, is to point out the double standards expressed by the lefties on the site.

And ... I didn't say "miss" was VOTING for O'Bama ... only that she is supporting him here on the forum.
