Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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It all Comes Down to Post Counts

It is all a sad joke
I now know its all about the post count

He posts all useless shit all day, Tons of it (post Count goes up and someone benefits from it) Hence the owner of the web site can now advertise to potential paying advertisers- That their site get so many people posting everyday without saying it is mostly only one Fuck head. Hey dude Look at my Hash Pipe LOL.
Get the picture?
So Yes they Love him, a looser with nothing else to do all day but get high . drunk and post on line forums.
Oh and live in his Parents Basement on Government Welfare because he is too lazy to work or too stupid.
The really sad part is I taught him how to decarb his hash so his edies would be stronger and now he runs around telling new Billys how to do it like he wrote the book
And the other guy gives grow advise like he has grown more then 2 or 3 stunted horrible looking plants also like he is a grow god LOL
I pity the poor people who take either one of their advice .
It just wrong
Oh and Hashman does azzboy know how you would always pm me when you were my best bud to say how azz was bad mouthing me in a thread and stirring the pot so I would get mad and go after him
All the bad mouthing of how the kid azz was so annoying and we should get him banned.
And now I see you are his Best Bud, when will you decide to do him too?
I have screenshots of that too.
Do you remember
partridge farm remembers so do all my screen shots
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