Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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The worst part is that I fell for the trick hook line and sinker when Brewbutts PMed and said lets get azzbui and use to egg me on to get him because he was talking shit about me before he could edit it out
Tricky tricky
But The Truth will come out very shortly
The Bomb is coming
The Brian Injury allows me to function fine as long as the blood does not bleed out the shunt
Thats Bad, could cause a hematoma and bad things will happen if BP gets too dam high

But Just being a stupid fuck comes from all day long smoking Hash and Not having a job

At Least my friend Frasier Has a brain and can think for himself

That is a cool song!

Damn, It's nice to have a real computer back...I couldn't never live with just a phone for internet,they're too damn small for my fat fingers,lol
( and my old eyes,too )

Me too, and they don't give you the same features online as a computer. It is so dumbed down, I can't even get to my email accounts All Mail folder when I'm on my phone. Only the inbox!

Oh and Hashman does azzboy know how you would always pm me when you were my best bud to say how azz was bad mouthing me in a thread and stirring the pot so I would get mad and go after him
All the bad mouthing of how the kid azz was so annoying and we should get him banned.
And now I see you are his Best Bud, when will you decide to do him too?
I have screenshots of that too.
Do you remember
partridge farm remembers so do all my screen shots

Lets have a BBQ!

I will be created an account soon to do a screen shot dump to the owner.
That will be the mother of all drama bombs.
He who laughs left laughs best
I love that saying

They don't call you psycho for nothing

I love that song!

Holy Shit that looks real!

so we are all on the same page here... I finally achieved this after so much hard work !

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They should have given you two! lol. You've gone above and beyond!
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