god damn holey stupid Elmer Fud..


Well-Known Member

uses it to his own idiotic advantage? bring up the real issues not prohibition issues ya freak

Scheer says Canada will see ‘consequences’ of marijuana legalization
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer said on Wednesday that Canada would see the “consequences” of the Liberals’ marijuana legalization, saying it was pushed out too quick “without a mind to outcomes” and that they would evaluate where the problems are.
its honestly time for a change....real change....
would be nice if the green/and or cannabis party would put together a serious platform...
with real contenders for MP's... especially now they can down play the stigma thing...
and show what real stoners are capable of...
JT =worst ever
Singh=there is no npd anymore..just jt diversity lite
Green=cute but will not happen
Scheer=jt lite ,weak
Bernier= yes probably ...ps its not just about cannabis..
I agree but we dont need another term with Liberals and their identity politics.
Unfortunately we don't have many options. I will never vote conservative regardless of their mascot, I don't like Trudeau and nobody in a turban is ever going to be PM in Canada. I'm only going to vote to stop the cons, not to support the liberals. I wish there was a BC separatist party to get behind.....
Harper V.2 in the making, we need to keep that moron out of the PM office...

Scheer might even be worse.
What Eastern folk didn't know about Harper was that he was from a very kooky religion... 7th Day Adventists. Many people think its just a cult. Harper was super devout and lucky that crazy didnt play out when he was in office. Scheer is even more kooky religious....
all choices basically suck....how about time for a zero confidence vote.
That is where we all tag our ballots as having no /zero confidence that any member of the house... could form a productive government.
And so the next four years are done as " rule of law" and no party has jurisdiction... the house is then run by a panel of judges,,,
none of which have been elected.....and just like jury duty..any one of us could be donating a week to running
governed by "selected representatives" or Supreme court judges... and no longer represented at the world level by elected officials...
Fuck every current party lead, they are all shit in their own way (outside of maybe Singh but I do not know enough of him to form an accurate opinion at this time, and there are far too many bigots in this country for him to get elected anyways).

The best thing for this country would be proportional representation, it forces parties to work together to pass bills instead of this bullshit where getting 35-40% of the vote (representing less than 26% of eligible voters) creates a majority government that makes decisions for us all, often conflicting with the views of the majority of Canadians.
all choices basically suck....how about time for a zero confidence vote.
That is where we all tag our ballots as having no /zero confidence that any member of the house... could form a productive government.
And so the next four years are done as " rule of law" and no party has jurisdiction... the house is then run by a panel of judges,,,
none of which have been elected.....and just like jury duty..any one of us could be donating a week to running
governed by "selected representatives" or Supreme court judges... and no longer represented at the world level by elected officials...
Same as last election. All choices sucked. So i voted for legalization and JT.
He has turned out to be the little spoiled brat we all knew he was... and now he has added rock star prima donna to that role. He loves being famous more than the khardashians do... lol

But he hasnt really done anything bad (or good) while he has been in office so... wtf??

... vote for him again... best of some really bad choices...
Same as last election. All choices sucked. So i voted for legalization and JT.
He has turned out to be the little spoiled brat we all knew he was... and now he has added rock star prima donna to that role. He loves being famous more than the khardashians do... lol

But he hasnt really done anything bad (or good) while he has been in office so... wtf??

... vote for him again... best of some really bad choices...
-He gave a terrorist 10.5 million dollars without it being voted on based on his personal feelings on the matter.

- He's currently working with Global Affairs Canada to bring a UK ISIS fighter to Canada. Jihadi Jack. Currently captured by kurdish forces while fleeing to Turkey. His parents have been charged under the UK terrorism act for sending him money. All because Trudeau said VERBATIM ""The Liberal party believes terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship."

-He gave Ontario all of $11 million dollars to pay for the illegal migrants which have cost Ontarians $130+ million and continues to climb due to the fact he's a globalist who believes in open migration.

-He is giving veteran services to a man who has NEVER served our military, for PTSD he gave HIMSELF when murdering an off duty police officer. All because his father served and somehow this applies to him. Yet he has the nerve to tell veterans they're asking too much from the government.


-He can barely string a sentence together without umm or uhhh.

-Believes in equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity as evidenced by his 50% female cabinet. Despite it historically being in the mid 20% as VOTED for by the people. Not chosen because of their gentalia, but their qualifications.

-When the hijab hoax cutting occurred he got on TV talking about how we need to be better. He never apologized for his pious condemnation after the fact when it was found to be a lie . Also, he was completely silent for DAYS on end after the Toronto shooting. Both happened in the same city yet he stayed quiet when one of the biggest shootings the city has seen in awhile had occured.

-When he sat down to talk trade with the steel industry his main focus was to try and talk about how we need more women in that industry INSTEAD of talking trade.

-He botched NAFTA

-His qualifications are that his dad was prime minister. He is literally only qualified to teach skiing and substitute teach drama.

Notice how all his terrible choices are based on identity politics?

FUCK NO I wont vote for him just cause lol
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-He gave a terrorist 10.5 million dollars without it being voted on based on his personal feelings on the matter.

- He's currently working with Global Affairs Canada to bring a UK ISIS fighter to Canada. Jihadi Jack. Currently captured by kurdish forces while fleeing to Turkey. His parents have been charged under the UK terrorism act for sending him money. All because Trudeau said VERBATIM ""The Liberal party believes terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship."

-He gave Ontario all of $11 million dollars to pay for the illegal migrants which have cost Ontarians $130+ million and continues to climb due to the fact he's a globalist who believes in open migration.

-He is giving veteran services to a man who has NEVER served our military, for PTSD he gave HIMSELF when murdering an off duty police officer. All because his father served and somehow this applies to him. Yet he has the nerve to tell veterans they're asking too much from the government.


-He can barely string a sentence together without umm or uhhh.

-Believes in equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity as evidenced by his 50% female cabinet. Despite it historically being in the mid 20% as VOTED for by the people. Not chosen because of their gentalia, but their qualifications.

-When the hijab hoax cutting occurred he got on TV talking about how we need to be better. He never apologized for his pious condemnation after the fact when it was found to be a lie . Also, he was completely silent for DAYS on end after the Toronto shooting. Both happened in the same city yet he stayed quiet when one of the biggest shootings the city has seen in awhile had occured.

-When he sat down to talk trade with the steel industry his main focus was to try and talk about how we need more women in that industry INSTEAD of talking trade.

-He botched NAFTA

-His qualifications are that his dad was prime minister. He is literally only qualified to teach skiing and substitute teach drama.

Notice how all his terrible choices are based on identity politics?

FUCK NO I wont vote for him just cause lol
I could use just about every one of the points you mentioned to describe why I won't ever vote conservative. It's clear you don't like the Liberals, and that's fine, but how can you overlook what the last conservative government did? It was Harper's refusal to deal with the terrorist constitutionally that cost us $10 m. I would have preferred he was shot and pissed on over there. It was Harper who ended lifetime pensions for injured veterans. It was Harper who failed to pass dozens of bills because he didn't understand the constitution. It was Harper who ordered our gardens destroyed and violated our privacy. Etc, etc. We were either with him or we were with the pedophiles, remember that? Scheer Stupidity was a willing participant. I don't like any political party, but if you are going to expose the puss on one, we need to do it to all.
-He gave a terrorist 10.5 million dollars without it being voted on based on his personal feelings on the matter.

I see this comment a lot from conservatives, it was an unwinnable lawsuit that was going to take the country for substantially more thanks to him having ironclad evidence supporting his claim (including the ruling by the supreme court of Canada), I don't like Trudope but to ignore that fact is foolish.
These guys are just puppets,
The guys who pull the strings run the banks and major corporations.

Follow the money, your vote don't count and neither does mine.

Anyone who leads a party only got there because of fund raising.

Follow the money.
Scheer is dumb enough to repeal law. But what are the alternatives. They are all bad. :D I am not partisan i hate them all equally. But trudeau did get er done before his term was up. If scheer does try to change it he will get that voter turnout that wont go his way. :D

And Singh will never win. He will lose Quebec which is close to a third of the votes. And I am not a big fan of a party wanting to level my hoard out for some poor welfare recipient. Because you know that line of rich people started at 250k and is shrinking....150k....Under NDP do I hear anyone making more than 70k should get taxed to the nuts to help our social experiment.

Green party....no thanks

Stuck with the battle of 2 idiots. Coin flip or abstaining is the way Im voting in a year. Subject to a party implosion making it easier to pick.