Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Until the votes are counted I will remain terrified.

You just can't tell anymore.
A couple of weeks ago, the odds of Democrats taking the House are the same that Clinton had of winning in 2016 - about 70%.

So, yeah. Be nervous

538 currently has odds of Democrats taking the house at 85%. Better but considering the alternative, not good enough. Be nervous, get out and vote. Get like-minded friends out to vote too.

Not comfortable until the odds of winning are greater than 95%.

Still, 85% is pretty good.

Kowabunga, dude
A couple of weeks ago, the odds of Democrats taking the House are the same that Clinton had of winning in 2016 - about 70%.

So, yeah. Be nervous

538 currently has odds of Democrats taking the house at 85%. Better but considering the alternative, not good enough. Be nervous, get out and vote. Get like-minded friends out to vote too.

Not comfortable until the odds of winning are greater than 95%.

Still, 85% is pretty good.

Kowabunga, dude
yeah, I read Nate Silver's article this morning. He feels that, though Trump's popularity is climbing, there chances for the house are dropping..
But I work with people who accept his lies at face value. One said today "you can't prove there are no middle Eastern terrorists in the caravan. Exactly the words of the talking Trump-heads on TV.

They also believe that there is rampant voter fraud. I brought up Trump's blue ribbon vote fraud panel that met for months, spent millions, and disbanded without any evidence presented. I asked why Trump would remain quiet about the panel if they found any he said that he didn't care, he felt like there was lots of it. This guy has literally not left the county in three years.

Gingrich laughs.
yeah, I read Nate Silver's article this morning. He feels that, though Trump's popularity is climbing, there chances for the house are dropping..
But I work with people who accept his lies at face value. One said today "you can't prove there are no middle Eastern terrorists in the caravan. Exactly the words of the talking Trump-heads on TV.

They also believe that there is rampant voter fraud. I brought up Trump's blue ribbon vote fraud panel that met for months, spent millions, and disbanded without any evidence presented. I asked why Trump would remain quiet about the panel if they found any he said that he didn't care, he felt like there was lots of it. This guy has literally not left the county in three years.

Gingrich laughs.
The only thing we have control over is the use of our vote. I think we are going to be OK.

That said, my family has rented a yurt at a State Park on the days surrounding election day. We will have phones off, no TV and enjoying a good dinner after long walks on the beach. I'll find out what happened when we get back.

Triangle oysters raised in a protected area near the mouth of the Umpqua River has the best oysters in the world. The smallest are best eaten raw. Mediums go on the coals. Fuck politics.


The ocean doesn't care what happens on Nov. 6. Those waves will be washing up and down the coast on Nov. 7 just the same.