How maga is the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter?


Well-Known Member
imgonna go ahead and say he’s got a real hate boner for soros and globalists
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's another Trump supporting motherfucker, that felt he was empowered by the Nazi shit that Trump and his supporters espouse..
Nice political climate today in America, but some things never change.

Listen, and either laugh or cry.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting question. Let's do some research.

Ok it seems Trump came up with MAGA.

Trump defines it as Make America Great Again.

Trump is a narcissist and loves Trump and is an Evangelical so he also loves Jews, even though they hate him, bigly.

Let's look up what the shooter thinks. He hates Trump and Jews.

Therefore it seems the shooter fails Trump's MAGA qualifications.

My conclusion.

The shooter is not MAGA. Sad.


Well-Known Member
All I've seen so far is he had an account on Gab, which is a known right-wing nut-job site that actually believes Twitter and Facebook are anti-republican.

So, yeah. It's only a matter of time before they find his MAGA hat and Trump posters.
Whether he supported Trump directly or not isn't really the point. Trump has supported these right-wing nuts with every dog-whistle he knows. Given that society still has some standards (for now), Trump is merely the candidate closest to their views that was actually electable. Despite the fact that many of them are terribly disappointed that Trump hasn't gone far enough, Trump has done everything in his power to legitimize and energize their movement. He named the editor of Breitbart as his campaign manager, gave Alex Jones White House credentials, supported their conspiracies, harbored and repeated Qanon, etc.. Whether Trump actually does this because he supports them or if he just realizes that this is an important and previously disenfranchised group that could help him get elected is debatable, but the truth of the matter is that a large part of Trump's supporters are a basket of deplorables and their movement has gained strength and momentum.

He disliked Trump because Trump won't come right out and preach hatred for non-whites openly. His complaint wasn't that Trump was a bad guy, but that Trump's brand of nationalism didn't go far enough to actually kill all the Jews and blacks. Don't think for one moment that this asshole not supporting Trump removes Trump from culpability.
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Well-Known Member
This is only the second act. We'll have to wait for the third.

This isn't an American thing. It's global.

The internet is the death knell of the nation state. It won't be easy.
Throughout our terrible human history there were turning points. Things such as speach, writing, the printing press, radio, television and now the internet have allowed people to pass on information good and bad. But a lot of the people I know in my old stomping grounds in Appalachia can't even text. Especially anybody over 50. They just gossip and it makes it's rounds. Some people believe a certain way and seek that out to strengthen their own beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Throughout our terrible human history there were turning points. Things such as speach, writing, the printing press, radio, television and now the internet have allowed people to pass on information good and bad. But a lot of the people I know in my old stomping grounds in Appalachia can't even text. Especially anybody over 50. They just gossip and it makes it's rounds. Some people believe a certain way and seek that out to strengthen their own beliefs.
The news used to be something that television networks used to produce that they saw as a public service. In the 80s it became a commodity that was expected to make money. That began a slide to the bottom. When they did that, they started to realize that people would watch the news they wanted to believe. Murdoch saw it earlier than most.

Never has non-profit news been more important.


Well-Known Member
A man executed two black people at a grocery store, but didn’t engage a white man outside because “whites don’t shoot whites.” A Donald Trump supporter and apparent anti-Semite who looked up to white supremacists sent bombs in the mail to the president’s opposition. An avowed anti-Semite walked into a synagogue and killed 11 people after screaming, “All Jews must die!”

This was one week in American hate.

Some of the bloodiest and most excruciatingly tense news stories in recent memory felt painfully similar to one another, unified under the same banner of racism, violent rhetoric and anger. The only difference between this week and the last is that a few of the angry, hateful people under that banner decided to go out and act on their hate.

On Monday, packages containing pipe bombs began to arrive at the doorsteps and offices of high-profile Democrats, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Rep. Maxine Waters, Robert De Nero, George Soros and former CIA Director John Brennan.

The first showed up at a home owned by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who has been the right’s favorite punching bag, conspiracy catchall and boogeyman for decades. Five days passed, and more packages arrived. The news media pointed out that all of the victims were Trump’s public enemies, and that he’d prodded his followers to commit violence against some of them in the past. Conservatives ― including the president himself ― implied or outright stated that the bombs were a so-called false-flag operation committed by the Democrats.

Next week, Trump has ordered American troops to the Mexican border to stop the caravan full of "infiltrators, criminals and persons of Middle Eastern decent", knowing that it is nothing but refugees seeking a better life in America

He is violating US law by doing that, but what the fuck, he has done this time and time again, with no apparent consequence, so why stop now.

Please, pretty please, Mueller get your job done and show America what a criminal fraud Trump is, so we can impeach that motherfucker, and save whatever morality we as a nation have left, which in my fucked up opinion, is absolutely zero.


Well-Known Member
A man executed two black people at a grocery store, but didn’t engage a white man outside because “whites don’t shoot whites.” A Donald Trump supporter and apparent anti-Semite who looked up to white supremacists sent bombs in the mail to the president’s opposition. An avowed anti-Semite walked into a synagogue and killed 11 people after screaming, “All Jews must die!”

This was one week in American hate.

Some of the bloodiest and most excruciatingly tense news stories in recent memory felt painfully similar to one another, unified under the same banner of racism, violent rhetoric and anger. The only difference between this week and the last is that a few of the angry, hateful people under that banner decided to go out and act on their hate.

On Monday, packages containing pipe bombs began to arrive at the doorsteps and offices of high-profile Democrats, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Rep. Maxine Waters, Robert De Nero, George Soros and former CIA Director John Brennan.

The first showed up at a home owned by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who has been the right’s favorite punching bag, conspiracy catchall and boogeyman for decades. Five days passed, and more packages arrived. The news media pointed out that all of the victims were Trump’s public enemies, and that he’d prodded his followers to commit violence against some of them in the past. Conservatives ― including the president himself ― implied or outright stated that the bombs were a so-called false-flag operation committed by the Democrats.

Next week, Trump has ordered American troops to the Mexican border to stop the caravan full of "infiltrators, criminals and persons of Middle Eastern decent", knowing that it is nothing but refugees seeking a better life in America

He is violating US law by doing that, but what the fuck, he has done this time and time again, with no apparent consequence, so why stop now.

Please, pretty please, Mueller get your job done and show America what a criminal fraud Trump is, so we can impeach that motherfucker, and save whatever morality we as a nation have left, which in my fucked up opinion, is absolutely zero.
Mueller's report will not matter as long as the Republicans have the Senate (or even one third of it). It's gone too far. We're on our own. I literally can think of nothing in the report that will make a difference. Trump's approval is in the high 40's and Mueller's report may just increase it.

Thinking that we live in some sensible era where Nixon would resign because of a botched burglary is missing the point.

It's all about 2020 now.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting question. Let's do some research.

Ok it seems Trump came up with MAGA.

Trump defines it as Make America Great Again.

Trump is a narcissist and loves Trump and is an Evangelical so he also loves Jews, even though they hate him, bigly.

Let's look up what the shooter thinks. He hates Trump and Jews.

Therefore it seems the shooter fails Trump's MAGA qualifications.

My conclusion.

The shooter is not MAGA. Sad.