No he can't. I know many in the military. There isn't one person in the military who would follow the order unless during a temporary natural disaster or we are in the middle of being invaded. The order only goes as far as those who will to execute it.
You're beginning to talk crazier than Alex Jones!
okay well i don't know anyone in the military per se to hold my hand and tell me it's okay..there are ways he can accomplish..i threw one out to debate.
have you ever heard of the sociology experiment where volunteers were commanded to incite pain upon on an unknown person in another room? if not, look it up it was pretty famous and interesting results..tell me what you think after you read what happened..unless you know what i'm talking about.
i don't subscribe to conspiracy theory..i like facts and when they are questionable, i question.
some things in this world cannot be explained, that's the kind of fact i like to work or debate..i tend to like the paranormal some like DB Cooper. they are NOT conspiracy it happened- but how? the puzzle of the fact.
here i've solved the puzzle; now it's up to us to put the facts together of how trump will accomplish- factually..pipe bombs to top dems, 11 killed in synagogue, 2 black people killed in kroger after being turned away elsewhere for mass murder- all in the same week before midterms?
remember one said..'screw the optics'..that was trumps optics he was're murdering people and all you care about is what HERR LEADER thinks about how it looks?
i'll wait here for your answer, buddha.
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