Pittsburgh Synagogue Fatalities

Trumpass's response to the latest mass murder in this country is if they had armed guards at the synagogue, it wouldn't have happened.

President Donald Trump told reporters that the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue earlier on Saturday had little to do with gun laws and that the killings might have been prevented if there was an armed guard inside the building.

"If they had some kind of a protection inside the temple maybe it could have been a very much different situation," Trump said to reporters about the shooting at a synagogue that was holding a shabbat religious service.
"They didn’t and he was able to do things that unfortunately he shouldn’t have been able to do," Trump told reporters before getting on Air Force One to fly to Indianapolis for a farmers' convention.

Fuck me, that is a solution?

The NRA is smiling

Vote to help stop this madman and his subordinates in Congress, and hopefully shut them the fuck up.

you mean a guard standing outside like this?
you need 'protection'..'trump protection services' coming soon to a neighborhood near you..his knee jerk thinking is thuggish.


when he's gone there'll be nothing left but an oil slick; an orange oil slick.:lol:
you need 'protection'..'trump protection services' coming soon to a neighborhood near you..his knee jerk thinking is thuggish.


when he's gone there'll be nothing left but an oil slick; an orange oil slick.:lol:

I thought it was hot pink? That woman is wrong. The future is still human. Equality for all, no matter gender identification nor race that are both assigned rather than earned.

Anything which is automatically assigned and not earned shouldn't be deamed an important human quality.

Go out and earn it then. I did.
I do you don't. You already admitted you retired, gave up. I'm still out there not getting handouts, and footing my own way. While still fighting the good fight in a peaceful manner without trampling on liberty of others.
You said you were poor your last time around
I do you don't. You already admitted you retired, gave up. I'm still out there not getting handouts, and footing my own way. While still fighting the good fight in a peaceful manner without trampling on liberty of others.
Whatever you say youngster. Grow some gnads. Life is great. Made some homemade potato soup for lunch. Made love to my wife of 48 years. Took a nap. My son and his wife and the grandkids came over and we had a big dinner. You are so unhappy. I'm sorry.
Yeah, because this is America, not the UK. Us Yanks call them HOTDOGS.
A quartz banger is is to heat rosin which is then inhaled through a shower head bong. I picked up a nifty 6 ton rosin press. Squished some pappaya and am very relaxed. Anyway I hope you get everything you want out of life. I'm a bit slow typing this... Life is tough. I started out with nothing and pretty much ended up that way. Enjoy the ride!
A quartz banger is is to heat rosin which is then inhaled through a shower head bong. I picked up a nifty 6 ton rosin press. Squished some pappaya and am very relaxed. Anyway I hope you get everything you want out of life. I'm a bit slow typing this... Life is tough. I started out with nothing and pretty much ended up that way. Enjoy the ride!

In my hillbilly neck of the woods we call that a dab nail.Although I always thought it was too much hassle. Get the shittiest weed you can find, put a pin drob worth of dab on it, take what is about usually a quarter of a usual hit from a pipe. For over an hour you're a space cadet.