New Member
The science here isn't up for debate, children. You Peak Oil folks are dead wrong. Just like Ted Danson; "The oceans will be dead in ten years!" Remember that?Coo Coo, you are missing the point. Just because humans are killing off all the other creatures of the earth does not mean those creatures are turning into oil.
Have you ever bought a 2 liter bottle of soda? You can't drink that same bottle of soda for the rest of your life. Eventually that soda runs out. It's kind of like the oil reserves. The aren't just filling back up. Once all the oil is pumped out of an area, that is it, the oil from that area is gone for ever. It may return hundreds of millions of years after we are gone, but you don't have a plant die today and turn to oil tommorrow.
There are old closed down coal mines all over my state. They are closed because all of the usable coal has been mined. No one is checking them daily to see if new coal has sprung up in its place. Those coal mines were the major source of income for my area when I was growing up. By the time I got a drivers license they were shutting down, the mining fun had ended.
Oil wells routinely shock the "experts". After they're drained, some have a tendency to refill.?. On top of that, we haven't even started serious exploration on our own piece of ground.
We are the Saudi Arabia of coal and natural gas. The technologies used to extract and utilize these gifts are in their infancy, just like drilling technology.