i are republickin

Fat ass. I lost 50lbs this year backpacking about 4 miles every morning this year. What's your excuse?

High metabolism and big frame. 17" neck, 51" chest, and 30" waist. I need to constantly eat to maintain, doing 45 minutes of spinning daily. I also do a bit of weights since contracting diabetes. More muscle means greater utilization of glucose. If I didn't tell you, you'd have no idea I was vegan. I'm not huge by any means, but adequate.

But you're right, most Americans are fat asses and need to step it up. They're embarrassing "the best nation" on Earth.
High metabolism and big frame. 17" neck, 51" chest, and 30" waist. I need to constantly eat to maintain, doing 45 minutes of spinning daily. I also do a bit of weights since contracting diabetes. More muscle means greater utilization of glucose. If I didn't tell you, you'd have no idea I was vegan. I'm not huge by any means, but adequate.

But you're right, most Americans are fat asses and need to step it up. They're embarrassing "the best nation" on Earth.
At least we can agree on something fundamental like the ethical treatment of animals. I stopped eating processed food and animals about 3 years ago.Thank you for not being a militant piece of shit about it. Our problems are problems that literally 3/4 of the world would literally kill to have.
At least we can agree on something fundamental like the ethical treatment of animals. I stopped eating processed food and animals about 3 years ago. Thank you for not being a militant piece of shit about it.

I only start shit if you do. Otherwise I'm real chill. People need to relax more. Differences of opinion, are just that. It"s not like you're after their first born. Namo Amituo fo, homie.

Contracting diabetes has been kind of a blessing. It woke me up to proper health and nutrition maintenance. It also gives me an excuse to eat my weird diet.
When I hire a plumber, I expect to see some ass, not for him to perform a rectal examination. The same when I go to a doctor. I expect him to take out a bullet when some scum shoots at me while trying to prevent him from stealing my shit. I certainly don't want a lecture about how he took a class from Smokey the Bear style of, "only a liberal busy body can fink on his patients being accused of a potential right wing terrorist. Because we all know only insane Trump worshiping cock suckers own baby killing guns of mass destruction!"

That's why Iie about owning any guns to my doctor. But I told the doctor the truth about using the condoms.
Folks, it’s 2018, if you still think guns make people safer you’re exactly as dumb as the people who think vaccines cause autism
BREAKING: Nation decides weekly massacres are a small price to pay to let weirdos cosplay as army men.

We should just confiscate all guns and replace them with big fake anime swords.
Folks, it’s 2018, if you still think guns make people safer you’re exactly as dumb as the people who think vaccines cause autism

Actually it's not all vaccines, just the MMR. The measles portion causes a reaction, which in a select few, whether the symptoms of actual or the body thinking it's contracted measles, causes an immuno response which affects the body's ability to synthesize certain key nutrients that develop parts of the brain responsible with mirroring.

A key factor in common with all those with autism is an IBS like condition. If a child presents with these symptoms, a particular regimine of supplements can offset these deficiencies and allow proper neurological development like any other child.

But doctors refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings vaccines cause for a select few. It would be admitting fault, for anotherwise treatable condition.

This fact is known by the rich elite who give these life changing supplements to their children, while tje rest suffer various degrees of shame, resulting in depression, from being an emotional outcast.

Through much trial and error, through supplements and nutrional research most of these conditions have ceased for me. Along with studying psychology, and careful observations.

But what about the majority who aren't intelligent enough to overcome by intellect alone? Why aren't there more programs for average to below average persons that teach the same?
Actually it's not all vaccines, just the MMR. The measles portion causes a reaction, which in a select few, whether the symptoms of actual or the body thinking it's contracted measles, causes an immuno response which affects the body's ability to synthesize certain key nutrients that develop parts of the brain responsible with mirroring.

A key factor in common with all those with autism is an IBS like condition. If a child presents with these symptoms, a particular regimine of supplements can offset these deficiencies and allow proper neurological development like any other child.

But doctors refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings vaccines cause for a select few. It would be admitting fault, for anotherwise treatable condition.

This fact is known by the rich elite who give these life changing supplements to their children, while tje rest suffer various degrees of shame, resulting in depression, from being an emotional outcast.

Through much trial and error, through supplements and nutrional research most of these conditions have ceased for me. Along with studying psychology, and careful observations.

But what about the majority who aren't intelligent enough to overcome by intellect alone? Why aren't there more programs for average to below average persons that teach the same?
So all of the doctors in both our countries are trying to coverup a mistake made by others ...... please feel free to provide proof, oh right, there is none, it’s a giant world wide coverup to hide a mistake. I for one am highly skepticle of your claims, just sayin.
Actually it's not all vaccines, just the MMR. The measles portion causes a reaction, which in a select few, whether the symptoms of actual or the body thinking it's contracted measles, causes an immuno response which affects the body's ability to synthesize certain key nutrients that develop parts of the brain responsible with mirroring.

A key factor in common with all those with autism is an IBS like condition. If a child presents with these symptoms, a particular regimine of supplements can offset these deficiencies and allow proper neurological development like any other child.

But doctors refuse to acknowledge the shortcomings vaccines cause for a select few. It would be admitting fault, for anotherwise treatable condition.

This fact is known by the rich elite who give these life changing supplements to their children, while tje rest suffer various degrees of shame, resulting in depression, from being an emotional outcast.

Through much trial and error, through supplements and nutrional research most of these conditions have ceased for me. Along with studying psychology, and careful observations.

But what about the majority who aren't intelligent enough to overcome by intellect alone? Why aren't there more programs for average to below average persons that teach the same?
That is like 8 paragraphs that I didn't read defending assholes who don't care about their own children's health and then brag about it online.
That is like 8 paragraphs that I didn't read defending assholes who don't care about their own children's health and then brag about it online.

Those supplements are very expensive and cost over $300 a month. Not everyone can afford that. They aren't covered by any insurance, even gold plans, and must be taken care of 100% out of pocket.

Those kids appear otherwise healthy,,except for their peers considering them freaks.
Those supplements are very expensive and cost over $300 a month. Not everyone can afford that. They aren't covered by any insurance, even gold plans, and must be taken care of 100% out of pocket.

Those kids appear otherwise healthy,,except for their peers considering them freaks.
Everyone appears otherwise healthy before they die.
I knew old Jeff would run for the senate again and he knows his voters! I wonder if Donald is gonna make him wear a collar and walk him like a dog on the stage at his rallies? Donald can't resist the urge for revenge, I bet he'll back Roy Moore for the GOP nomination. They make em extra special stupid in Alabama and their support for Trump proves it beyond any doubt, the place has a history of treason as I recall.

Jeff's campaign video is a hostage video! I guess since he can't get Barr to say he was innocent over the Ukraine scandal, his former AG Sessions will do it because Donald will demand it. The republican base is Donald's slave and Donald is Putin's puppet, Jeff will say anything to get back to Washington and treason is no impediment at all.
'This Was A Hostage Tape' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
In a new ad, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday he is running for his old Senate seat from Alabama and that he still supports President Trump. The panel has a few thoughts on Sessions' bid and ad. Aired on 11/8/19.
They couldn't even find someone with dark skin to put in the booth lol.

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They could have at least given them some time in a tanning booth! How about that orange shit that Donald uses? I remember John Boehner had a very dark tan and spent a lot of tanning booth time, John used to look a couple of shades darker than Barack when they were on TV together.:D