palin guilty


Well-Known Member
Agreed, and while we're at it; Why should I have to pay for military protection for those that live in big cities? We should privatize the military so I only have to pay a premium based on my own districts risk of foreign invasion/attack. And why should I pay for other peoples' children to go to school? I send my kids to private schooling. We should privatize education so everyone is educated based on how much they can pay. Why should I pay for border security? I live in the Mid-West, people that live in border states should foot that bill. Disaster relief? That should be privatized as well, why should I pay for people who decided to live in earthquake/flood areas? Police officers? Privatized. We should all just hire our own private security. Fire/rescue? We should all pay based on our personal risk of fire or accident. Environmental protection? Clean your own air and water..


Well-Known Member
Agreed, and while we're at it; Why should I have to pay for military protection for those that live in big cities? We should privatize the military so I only have to pay a premium based on my own districts risk of foreign invasion/attack. And why should I pay for other peoples' children to go to school? I send my kids to private schooling. We should privatize education so everyone is educated based on how much they can pay. Why should I pay for border security? I live in the Mid-West, people that live in border states should foot that bill. Disaster relief? That should be privatized as well, why should I pay for people who decided to live in earthquake/flood areas? Police officers? Privatized. We should all just hire our own private security. Fire/rescue? We should all pay based on our personal risk of fire or accident. Environmental protection? Clean your own air and water..
Boy, what a fucked up way of thinking. :wall:


Well-Known Member
There are still the wasted right wing woodniks that think she is hot. Myself, I find her disgusting and finding her sexy is a no-starter. She should get some kind of punishment for her offense, and definently be kicked off the ticket.
Actually she fired s guy for not firing her former brother in law for a personal grudge involving their divorce
Why should anyone be surprised.. You can't be a Republican without being vindictive and petty... They outed a CIA agent for petty dispute (truth) and the gall of someone daring to rebuke the almighty... The Rove tactics..... take out your targets... legal or not.. it must be nice to be a "moral right" member.. laws, ethics and treason are all in play.. Praise the lord...right guys..:finger: (fingers for the Gov.. not u) :!:


Well-Known Member
Boy, what a fucked up way of thinking. :wall:
Sarcasm. Sorry if it wasn't obvious. Just pointing out all the socialized systems in place that no one complains about. People act like socialized medicine would be the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back", as if paying for others' health care was any different than the trillions we spend on defense.


Well-Known Member
Sarcasm. Sorry if it wasn't obvious. Just pointing out all the socialized systems in place that no one complains about. People act like socialized medicine would be the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back", as if paying for others' health care was any different than the trillions we spend on defense.
i got it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I know it was sarcasm, But if the so-call conservatives had their way, that would be exactly the way it would be.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, and while we're at it; Why should I have to pay for military protection for those that live in big cities? We should privatize the military so I only have to pay a premium based on my own districts risk of foreign invasion/attack. And why should I pay for other peoples' children to go to school? I send my kids to private schooling. We should privatize education so everyone is educated based on how much they can pay. Why should I pay for border security? I live in the Mid-West, people that live in border states should foot that bill. Disaster relief? That should be privatized as well, why should I pay for people who decided to live in earthquake/flood areas? Police officers? Privatized. We should all just hire our own private security. Fire/rescue? We should all pay based on our personal risk of fire or accident. Environmental protection? Clean your own air and water..
I know you're being sarcastic but I agree with most of this. The private sector is more effecient than the public sector in everything. Everything should be privatized except a few things including military. You have to be retarded if you think more government bureacrcy is a good thing:dunce:


New Member
If Obama's shaded a little toward a gray area once in a while, McCain's got a pitch black soul in comparison. As a combat veteran myself, giving information to the enemy is the most galling to me personally. If I'd been a prisoner with him, and found out what he'd done, *I* might have killed him. Cowardly dishonest traitorous pussy, that's McCain.

Although not quite so enthusiastic about snuffing McCain, I totally agree with the above statements, and lest we forget, The USS Forestal incident, 134 dead, 26 destroyed planes and countless burned and wounded plus taking the forestal out of commission for 8 months in a drydock. Thanks John, You and your smart ass wet starting of your F4. I can't understand why Obama doesn't use this as a judgement of McCains judgement. Once an asshole, always an asshole. He berates his help and screams at secretaries etc, he is the definition of asshole.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, privatize everything. I *want* to pay 19 different road tolls to get the grocery store, and 19 more to get home with the groceries. That'd just totally rock, and would be way more efficient than what we're doing now.



New Member
Health care for profit is one of the big problems we already have. $120 to spend 15 minutes with a doctor. WTF is that about? If they see 10 patients per hour times 8 hours per day that is $9600 per day. We all know rush more than 10 patients per hour throught the office.

It is just not morally right to have a health care system that is out of the reach of so many.


Well-Known Member
Sarcasm. Sorry if it wasn't obvious. Just pointing out all the socialized systems in place that no one complains about. People act like socialized medicine would be the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back", as if paying for others' health care was any different than the trillions we spend on defense.
I was going to post about this.. I've had grief from those that say socialized medicine raises taxes.. I was watching CNN this week and they said for a family of 4 it costs $12,400per year... Here it raises your tax maybe $10-25 per week in tax. plus this covers all.. pre existing, cataustrophic (sp) illness.. no limit..I've had 3 hip replacements..2 shoulder..1 knee.and 4 others...cost 0...all blood tests free... x-rays free.. room I don't see where 12,000 with deductibles and limits is better then what we've got at a fraction of your cost..
If the US can socialize wall st.. why not protect their health...Not everyone needs wall st.. but Drs. yes..


Well-Known Member
The so called "partisan" Alaska Legislative Council consisted of - 10 Republicans, 4 Democrats. Sorry to steal your thunder.....


Well-Known Member
anyway looks like you guys are gonna win unless Mcain pulls a fresh batch of ruby red roses out of his ass

so yes viva fidel, you guys may as well celebrate I would bebongsmilie

This is interesting. . . according to some, the polls are actually scewed because of how they are tallied. The answers of those polled are extrapolated using the number of people registered as either Republican or Democrat. Because of Operation Chaos (Go Limabaugh!) there are a lot of people who will be voting Republican but are used in the extrapolation as Democrats because they registered as Democrats to screw up the primary. Ha/Ha!! So the polls showing that Obama is ahead isn't necessarily accurate - Of course now the Demoncrats only have three weeks to try to unravel that conundrum!