Aussie Growers Thread

I've started using a mix of sugar cane and horse shit I left to rot for a month..working well so far..the fabric pots are awesome man i should have used them along time ago. they hold more moisture than I thought but I'm sure without the mulch they would be drying out..I'm preety much copying your grow style for my outdoors haha minus the dripper.
Yeah the fabric pots are unreal,they let the soil breath and the root ball dries out evenly which makes a big difference.
If those fabrics are 30s or under they will dry out and need watering within 24 hrs...that mulch helps fabric pots so much
I use the 15s anything temps from 28 or above they need a water once a day once the plant is 2 feet plus
Yeah their 30s far they are holding out for 4-5 days..might be a problem when they turn into trees in the summer heat
I like them to need water daily once they are up to size so I run about 1/3 Perlite but even with less I wouldn't expect to go more than 48 hours max.
I was putting down 700L a day last season for the 15 in 30's
Make sure the best , chunkiest parts are done ..stab a pin through the bottom of the stem for a day or 2 to send the trichs up to the buds.. it's a trick I got from ILGM and it shocks it and it freaks out and then pull it up mate
Wow that sounds interesting, won't shocking the plant stun the growth?
It doesn't work,you need to use a steak knife
Not a huge change but if u watch it religiously then u will notice the change I would think.. I thought u needed space for the trichs to get past and head up the plant ... Sounds like hot water would be easier
Stunt.... It's finished dude just shock the goods from the roots and pull that bitch..:hump: or I'd take it from Coco he knows more than I do..
My old man still boils the root ball in boiling brown sugar lol.
I'm smoking this sticky , sweet smelling stuff , it's fluffy as fuck. He uses lemonade and sugar .. I gave my plants a soda water foliar feed and they seemed happy and praying for a while after