Thank you sir
I’ve tried 99% ipa from shoppers and Walmart but I keep reading that it leaves behind unwanted residue.Costco IPA 99%
all day long. They sell it by the skid load lol Bought 12 4 litre containers today
they come in four packs for 9fitty
used to be less but ..LOTS OF PEOPLE BUYING IT for some weird reason hahahahaha
purged well YOU cant beat it..
removes the same amount of meds as BHO !!In less than three minutes time FROZEN
cant buy the real stuff in ONT unless ya know someone who makes it it is easy enough
sugar water distill
presto 93%
you can use a water still to capture most of it if you like...but the still heats it to the boiling point of water which is hot for making oil in all intensive purposes.
First off, making extract with alcohol in Canada is illegal.
not for me
lots of things in CNADA ARE STIL ILLEGALFirst off, making extract with alcohol in Canada is illegal.
99% ISO is plentiful and relatively cheap at most farm stock stores, like a Co-Op.
A Still cost about $100 and a hot plate is $15.
Or you could make bubble or dry ice hash, rosin press etc.
yer licensed are yo?New
First off, making extract with alcohol in Canada is illegal.
not for me
I’m not worried about the legality of it
My lawyer would probably agree alive and charged is better then legally dead!
Just curious what other folks were using to make oil. I am not looking to make anything else extract wise just rso
what is everyone using for alcohol to make their oil at home?
I’ve been looking around for food grade alcohol or everclear in Ontario and can’t find anywhere to buy it.
I’m hoping to make some oil to put in gel caps
The Supreme Court ruling granted med patients the right to concentrates. But they can't be made with any solvents.
So a rosin press is perfect for those wanting to remain law abiding. I can't think of any other way to make concentrates without some type of stripping solvent.
Tumbling also qualifies.