Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
That was public knowledge was my it it was in our states news I'm sure?

I see the dickhead mod stalking me has deleted my wifes tit donation
I dunno mate, I haven’t read O/s news for a while, just saw an article saying a high profile person got done and they weren’t allowed to say anything about who they were or what they did in oz cos of a court order so I had a look.


ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I dunno mate, I haven’t read O/s news for a while, just saw an article saying a high profile person got done and they weren’t allowed to say anything about who they were or what they did in oz cos of a court order so I had a look.

Was he in south aust courts ?


Well-Known Member
The tall piece of shit on the left turnd out to be male. just an excuse to pop more phone went flat out there so I couldn't get any more pics
my white rhino ended up male so it's getting replaced with a bodhi cross - it wont get as long to veg so yield won't be up there but it's better than having an empty space. going to bin the boy when the lights come on later


Well-Known Member
One of the lower fan leaves on this one has 13 fingers . It's crazy to see the variation on my skunk crosses so its obviously not stable yet. It's a good thing tho so I can find what I want to breed again this round
Trying to stabilise Poly-Hybrid x Poly-Hybrids is a tough ask,just try to lock in the desirable trait/s so they breed true (6/10 or close). If you can get it down to having 3 phenos that regularly appear and most of those carry the traits you're trying to lock in (smell,structure,bud shape size,resin production,flowering time,etc) I'd consider that as a success,but if you aren't seeing what you want by F4 going deeper into the line isnt going to make it happen,that's when you need to go back and reselect from the F2 gen and make a new lot of F3's


Well-Known Member
Trying to stabilise Poly-Hybrid x Poly-Hybrids is a tough ask,just try to lock in the desirable trait/s so they breed true (6/10 or close). If you can get it down to having 3 phenos that regularly appear and most of those carry the traits you're trying to lock in (smell,structure,bud shape size,resin production,flowering time,etc) I'd consider that as a success,but if you aren't seeing what you want by F4 going deeper into the line isnt going to make it happen,that's when you need to go back and reselect from the F2 gen and make a new lot of F3's
Yeah these are the F2 so it's no surprise I'm having so much variation .I've just put down some beans from another female . I've got 2 seperate lots of F2 same dad just from 2 different plants that are sisters from the F1 just incase one of the females were shit but both mom's ended up with good yield so I'm looking at phenos from both. I found one plant that has ticked all the boxes and I'm hoping it's a male. It has an abnormally thick stem and the smell is so strong and putrid as but that's what I'm chasing . I couldn't get a photo because the phone died


Well-Known Member
my white rhino ended up male so it's getting replaced with a bodhi cross - it wont get as long to veg so yield won't be up there but it's better than having an empty space. going to bin the boy when the lights come on later
That's growing ae. I'm still going to run a late season crop also. I was surprised last year how much you can still pull from late starters