For Heavy Insomnia?

I had this strain called Blue Mystic, forgot which breeder but someone on Attitudes, that made me super sleepy with a 30 day cure. After about 60 days it changed to relaxing. I did not like it when it just made me sleepy, but if you are looking to sleep, I would suggest giving it a try. Just try to time smoking it between about 25 days- 50 days of cure.
A box of brownie mix and saute in 7 grams of indica hash into the butter it calls for. Id go for something with afghan or paki genetics if available. Edibles beat smoking for sleep I feel.
I had this strain called Blue Mystic, forgot which breeder but someone on Attitudes, that made me super sleepy with a 30 day cure. After about 60 days it changed to relaxing. I did not like it when it just made me sleepy, but if you are looking to sleep, I would suggest giving it a try. Just try to time smoking it between about 25 days- 50 days of cure.
Blue mystic is an offering from nirvana seeds but the name may have been used by some other breeder over time.
& if you do it right,you will see GOD...

well....look who just dropped in.....

Well she is a stoner..

So was this guy, but his late nite talk show put millions into a coma nightly. I don't grok your point. :)


Former CNN host Larry King was reportedly an avid pot smoker, but hasn’t smoked anything—cigarettes or marijuana—since his 1987 heart attack.

“I never smoked pot again. Not because I didn’t like it,” King told Wille Nelson on his radio show. “I thought pot was terrific, and I think it has medicinal value. [But] I feared that if I put it in my mouth and blew smoke out, I would get back to cigarettes again.”
I looked into this recently as I suffer from Insomnia as well. The strain names that came up the most recommendation wise were:

Black Domina

Sensi Star


There were also a few recommendations for Bubba Kush & Northern Lights.

Another thing that I saw recommended a lot was using edibles rather than smoking for a more sleep-inducing effect.

CBD was mentioned a bit in various threads but no-one seemed to have first-hand experience of using CBD strains for treating Insomnia.

Insomnia sucks badly, best of luck treating it.