It can have unforeseen implications, one is that original strains are controlled only by the commercial breeder and they can do with them as they see fit. Two, the material they create is modified from it's original state in a way that may not be beneficial and for reasons purely for monetary reasons. That is why a large movement is on to preserve heritage vegetable seed stock. Which leads me to preservation and regular localized use of landrace species- If these seeds do not continue to be grown in their native lands by their peoples, the original seeds will not keep pace with changes in their original environment and the species risk extinction. If you watch the videos where those guys go around the planet in search of weed seed, one video the videographer asked the main guy " hey you stand to make millions off the seed of these African peoples, if you do will they get a percentage?" his answer... " no unfortunately that's not how our business works" He's a fucken crook! only in it for the money, he paid village elders $40 American dollars for the right to steal their genetic material! So he could make millions selling it as feminized drug weed around the world! Don't know about you but that stinks of foul smelling shit!