Drinking coffee

Is drinking coffee good for health?
it raises the blood pressure at least with me

last time I was in 'merica I was stunned at how weak the coffee is their

even at mcdonalds/kfc/ or other shitholes finding a strong enough coffee was always an issue

but Russian drink tea, try finding tea in 'merica

now we have quality coffee at home I always buy in the strongest coffee

and add 2 HEAPED tablespoons to the plunger and load up 1.5 pints of hot water

goes very well with weed anytime of day

but for my blood pressure ....lo

it raises the blood pressure at least with me

last time I was in 'merica I was stunned at how weak the coffee is their

even at mcdonalds/kfc/ or other shitholes finding a strong enough coffee was always an issue

but Russian drink tea, try finding tea in 'merica

now we have quality coffee at home I always buy in the strongest coffee

and add 2 HEAPED tablespoons to the plunger and load up 1.5 pints of hot water

goes very well with weed anytime of day

but for my blood pressure ....lo

I like black dragon pearl tea really good black tea. And jasmine pearls if you get a chance try them.
I drink too much coffee. I was worried if it might cause any health issues in the future. Thank you all for the reply
Coffee may taste good and get you going in the morning, but what will it do for your health?

A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are:

“There is certainly much more good news than bad news, in terms of coffee and health,” says Frank Hu, MD, MPH, PhD, nutrition and epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.

But (you knew there would be a “but,” didn’t you?) coffee isn't proven to prevent those conditions.

For more data on your cup(s) of joe

Interesting that Pseudomonas fulva which is a gram negative bacteria, can metabolize coffee while it uses the beans as a source of Nitrogen. This microbe lives in the gut of a coffee borer beetle and when the poop of the beetle was studied, no traces of caffeine where detected. Not related to humans past the economic destruction if you grow coffee, but an interesting coffee fact anyway.
Psuedomonas is a very tricky microbe, certain varieties of this microbe can also detoxify common anti fungicides as many tomatoes growers are finding out where it partners with fusarium oxysporum Wilts etc
last time I was in 'merica I was stunned at how weak the coffee is their

even at mcdonalds/kfc/ or other shitholes finding a strong enough coffee was always an issue
US Corps buy all the coffee 3rd world countries won't drink. All the bitter nasty beans left by European, Asian and local buyers are scooped up cheap then blended with low altitude beans that have the taste but not the rich smoothness that altitude brings.

The end result is coffee that smells like Sumatran or Central American Highlands, but the bitterness is always there. Strong just makes it more bitter.
Take Kona, the majority of what you see is low and mid altitude for sale, then blended with a fine Columbian. The high altitude peaberry from that place is going to Ellison, Musk etc..they own Coffee plantations, Scallop fleets, Vineyards. You can't find that tangarine-sized Scallop in a grocery store, or those 5000 ft Kona peaberry beans. Them's all reserved, as the saying goes.
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in India this is literally true,. many of the worlds largest tea producers havent invested in toilets, so the workers just roll down and turd among the leaves. Some of the worst offenders are the makers of Tetley and PG tips.
That sucks indeed but it doesn’t make tea any less tasty. Plus all the tea I get is loose leaf I don’t do much bagged tea.
in India this is literally true,. many of the worlds largest tea producers havent invested in toilets, so the workers just roll down and turd among the leaves. Some of the worst offenders are the makers of Tetley and PG tips.
that's not good for the workers, but i doubt it's going to make much difference to the consumer. tea is the leaves of plants, they treat them with chemicals to sterilize them before they're packaged, then you boil them to make the tea...doubt you're getting many pathogens by then
in India this is literally true,. many of the worlds largest tea producers havent invested in toilets, so the workers just roll down and turd among the leaves. Some of the worst offenders are the makers of Tetley and PG tips.
then their is the story of the most expensive cup of coffee ever

from the asshole of an Indonesian monkey ..lol

please note human scat is good scat ....lol

should you ever be invited to a human wedding gay or otherwize

be sure to rub hand creme all over ur body first

3 coats is good to avoid the penetrating smell later
I take breaks from coffee when I begin to notice an opposite effect. Nobody's mentioned this yet but adrenal fatigue and caffeine intake are known correspondents. I know when I need to take a break when I feel myself wanting more caffeine as the day wears on. If you've found yourself adding more and more coffee to your daily routine, I'm willing to bet that you also suffer from some degree of anxiety or insomnia. Another negative to take into consideration is your gut. I see too many people in the workplace drinking their morning cup while simultaneously complaining about their acid reflux. Brewed coffee is highly acidic and your body will fight to regulate its pH so if you have stomach issues and you're a regular coffee drinker, try taking it down a notch, increase water intake, and see how things go. Cold brewed coffee is another option in this scenario but if you're a noob to cold brew, realize that it usually comes in concentrate form and is in general, much stronger (from a caffeine mg to fl/oz ratio) than traditional coffee (in excess of 2x).
Nobody's mentioned this yet but adrenal fatigue and caffeine intake are known correspondents. I know when I need to take a break when I feel myself wanting more caffeine as the day wears on.
Yep, you gotta regulate. You can tell when someone has just discovered that coffee comes in whole beans. They are similar to coke fiends
Brewed coffee is highly acidic
Bad coffee is highly acidic, brewed coffee is ambrosia! There's just smoothness in those high altitude beans from under the banana trees, just some guano ,charcoal and equatorial dappled light. Thats why its 50/lb for unadulterated...90/lb for peaberry top shelf
I drink too much coffee. I was worried if it might cause any health issues in the future. Thank you all for the reply

It can trigger cardiac arrhythmias and affects sleep. Consumption over 3 or 4 cups a day should be avoided. According to my Doc.