The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Politics are normal and boring in Canada most of the time, none of the excitement of the current US situation, but still plenty of stupidity too. Just to show you how things work in a normal country in 2018, here is the lead story from last nights CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) National News.

Executives dismissed from beleaguered Winnipeg cannabis producer after product recalls

or watch the show

The National for Thursday, December 27, 2018 — Problems on the pot market, stocks go for a ride.

It seems there's a shortage of pot in Canada, since I produce my own bud and oil I haven't noticed too much except the government price is at least 4 times as much as I sell it to friends for (I also give bud and oil to poor medical patients for free). I don't figure the shortages will persist, there's money to be made, it grows like a weed and between greed and capitalism the supply issues will be resolved.

This is off topic, but it allows a bit of perspective, nothing will change in America until you get rid of not only Trump, but the republicans too. Then you can deal with the real problems that confront the country and you too can enjoy news stories about pot legalization issues at the top of the news.
I wonder how many businesses will go under if idiot follows through and closes the southern border, it would probably be in the hundreds. The US sells a lot of corn to mexico too and after this stunt they won't be buying much, fucking the farmers who support him again. BTW It's also a violation of NAFTA and WTO rules, eventually America will have to pay up for Trumps antics.

Imagine what Trump is gonna be like when the heat gets turned up, you'd better impeach him cause if he runs and is defeated America won't make it from the election to the inauguration. Trump knows that the bible will still be warm from the hand of the new POTUS being sworn in, when the cuffs would go on his wrists, the FBI would perp walk him away from the inauguration. Ya best do Donald with a lighting quick impeachment before he can cause too much mischief. Donald has to go sooner or later and if he has too much time to ponder his fate we all could be in deep trouble, almost all the cabinet is being filled with temp help and Mattis is gone in days. Donald will try to hide Mueller's report and yer gonna see some fireworks in congress and the courts soon, Donald is gonna need a big distraction around then...

Trump threatens to shut down southern border as government funding stalemate drags on

With the partial government shutdown headed toward its second week and no resolution in sight, President Trump on Friday issued a string of tweets in which he once again vowed to close the entire U.S. border with Mexico and halt aid to several Latin American countries unless Democrats agree to his demand for billions of dollars in wall funding.

Trump is also canceling plans to visit his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, and will remain in Washington over the New Year holiday, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said.

About 25 percent of the federal government has been shut down since Saturday, with roughly 800,000 workers affected, including an estimated 350,000 who are on furlough at home.

“We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with,” Trump said in a morning tweet.
Deadbeat Donald, chickenshit Donald, character is destiny...
New Reporting Sheds Light On Donald Trump, Robert Mueller During Vietnam Era | Morning Joe | MSNBC
New NYT reporting sheds light on how the president is said to have avoided the Vietnam War draft, and new Wired reporting discusses Robert Mueller's military service. Also: What's next in the Mueller probe?
I was watching the news this morning and they were throwing the 'I' word around pretty liberally. They were saying the first thing the Democrats will do is reopen the government then possibly look into the article of impeachment. I hope they get their way, I voted for them.
I was watching the news this morning and they were throwing the 'I' word around pretty liberally. They were saying the first thing the Democrats will do is reopen the government then possibly look into the article of impeachment. I hope they get their way, I voted for them.
When they go after Donald it will be shock and awe and it will be fast too, Donald will be shocked and in cuffs real quick, perp walked out of the front door of the WH by the FBI. When Nancy decides to do Donald she won't fuck around at all, when the case goes to the senate they will have very little choice but to convict, I figure Nancy, Chuck and Mitch will have it all worked out in secret beforehand. If that's the case the impeachment trial will be very fast and Pence sworn in before Donald knows what happened. The evidence will be overwhelming, conclusive and shocking to the vast majority of Americans and enough of the republicans will have to vote to impeach or face near certain defeat in the 2020 election. The GOP is even having trouble in Dixie and not even gerrymandering can save them from another pounding in the house, besides the senate can't be gerrymandered anyway. Next time around you could run a corpse against Trump and win in a landslide, but he'll be in prison or a corpse himself by then.

I'm sure the democrats would prefer to wait on impeachment until they get closer to the election, but events are gonna force their hand along with everybody else's. Donald is going nuts and taking the country with him, sooner or later someone is gonna have to step on his neck. In the end Donald will probably do himself by triggering impeachment with some outlandish act of extreme stupidity.

I can't wait for Mueller's book, DOING DONALD, it would be a smash hit bestseller and a Helluva movie or maybe mini series...
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I wonder if Donald fucked over any Russians over loans? Why would anybody lend Donald Trump a dime after his track record? Donald laundered Russian money and sold a lot of condos to them including a few in Trump tower. Deadbeat Donnie has a bad track record of not paying debts, so the Russians have other reasons to lend him money.

I don't think Paul Manafort is ever gonna see the light of day again and he will wait a long time for a Trump pardon. Donald might not even get a chance to pardon his family and if it's all part of a conspiracy to obtain his office by fraudulent means, those pardons might be challenged and thrown out by the SCOTUS, in any case it won't help them with state charges. The law suits that have been and will be filed against everything Trump will break him and his family anyway. Donald has got his cock caught in the meat grinder and he's getting sucked in screaming all the way.
TIME: Ex-spy pressured Manafort over debts
Paul Manafort was pressured by a former Russian associate to pay back millions he owed during the time he was running Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, according to a new report from Time magazine. #CNN #News
I wonder if Donald fucked over any Russians over loans? Why would anybody lend Donald Trump a dime after his track record? Donald laundered Russian money and sold a lot of condos to them including a few in Trump tower. Deadbeat Donnie has a bad track record of not paying debts, so the Russians have other reasons to lend him money.

I don't think Paul Manafort is ever gonna see the light of day again and he will wait a long time for a Trump pardon. Donald might not even get a chance to pardon his family and if it's all part of a conspiracy to obtain his office by fraudulent means, those pardons might be challenged and thrown out by the SCOTUS, in any case it won't help them with state charges. The law suits that have been and will be filed against everything Trump will break him and his family anyway. Donald has got his cock caught in the meat grinder and he's getting sucked in screaming all the way.
TIME: Ex-spy pressured Manafort over debts
Paul Manafort was pressured by a former Russian associate to pay back millions he owed during the time he was running Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, according to a new report from Time magazine. #CNN #News

it amazes me how cable is JUST reporting's been out for a long time.
Eugenics is a very right wing political view, Trump is very right wing and allows children to die in his ice camps, they are brown children hence the eugenics reference, ergo tacit support.
You realize the same laws and treatment occurred during the Obama years right , nobody screamed then. Selective outrage .
I was watching the news this morning and they were throwing the 'I' word around pretty liberally. They were saying the first thing the Democrats will do is reopen the government then possibly look into the article of impeachment. I hope they get their way, I voted for them.
Trump will not be impeached with a Republican majority in the Senate, sorry it wont happen.
You realize the same laws and treatment occurred during the Obama years right , nobody screamed then. Selective outrage .
Only ones screaming are the rest of the world, absolutely nobody outside the US likes trump except Erdogan, Duterte and Kim, and one of them wants to nuke you.
Trump will not be impeached with a Republican majority in the Senate, sorry it wont happen.
In a way I kinda hope yer right, it will mean the end of the GOP and the right in America, the republican brand has been damaged beyond repair and the ranks of the party are filled with racist idiots who will vomit up undetectable loonies in 2020. I kinda figure some republicans in the senate might want a post Trump political future and Mitch McConnell doesn't want to lose the senate in a landslide in 2020, the GOP has it's ass exposed in the senate then and they are headed for another pounding in the house too. The republican senators are gonna be between a rock and a very hard place after the impeachment case is made, for many it will be an impossible position.

Don't be too sure about the impossibility of impeachment, Mueller isn't wasting his time and when the evidence is presented things and attitudes might change a bit. When Nancy does Donald it will be prearranged with Mitch, or he and the republicans will be put in one Helluva position and might just find the votes. Remember Donald and his family are sloppy, arrogant and ignorant idiots who left a ton of evidence and dozens of co operating witnesses. Don jr. communicated the conspiracy via email for Christ sake, everybody with even the tiniest brain knows that email is insecure and permanent. The evidence seized in the Micheal Cohen raid is measured in tons with millions of documents and even sound recordings on the dozen or so phones among other things. Shit, Donald is an unnamed co conspirator in at least two election related criminal cases.

This game is not done by a long shot and at this point Donald is hiding behind the presidency to keep from being indicted. I don't think anybody is gonna give Donald a deal or a pardon because they don't know the true magnitude of his treason. Oh well, at least his jump suit will match his complexion, until the tan wears off at least, then he should turn the same color as the pale circles around his eyes cause by the tanning goggles.

Donald isn't the great leader of the white tribe, but a rather pathetic second rate con man who played millions of American morons for suckers. Donald is a traitor too and when it's proven beyond a reasonable doubt, those who still support him will eventually be considered to be traitors as well. The republicans have lost the national security communities en mass and most of the military too. How many Trumpers do you figure there are left in the FBI? CIA? NSA? DOJ?
In a way I kinda hope yer right, it will mean the end of the GOP and the right in America, the republican brand has been damaged beyond repair and the ranks of the party are filled with racist idiots who will vomit up undetectable loonies in 2020. I kinda figure some republicans in the senate might want a post Trump political future and Mitch McConnell doesn't want to lose the senate in a landslide in 2020, the GOP has it's ass exposed in the senate then and they are headed for another pounding in the house too. The republican senators are gonna be between a rock and a very hard place after the impeachment case is made, for many it will be an impossible position.

Don't be too sure about the impossibility of impeachment, Mueller isn't wasting his time and when the evidence is presented things and attitudes might change a bit. When Nancy does Donald it will be prearranged with Mitch, or he and the republicans will be put in one Helluva position and might just find the votes. Remember Donald and his family are sloppy, arrogant and ignorant idiots who left a ton of evidence and dozens of co operating witnesses. Don jr. communicated the conspiracy via email for Christ sake, everybody with even the tiniest brain knows that email is insecure and permanent. The evidence seized in the Micheal Cohen raid is measured in tons with millions of documents and even sound recordings on the dozen or so phones among other things. Shit, Donald is an unnamed co conspirator in at least two election related criminal cases.

This game is not done by a long shot and at this point Donald is hiding behind the presidency to keep from being indicted. I don't think anybody is gonna give Donald a deal or a pardon because they don't know the true magnitude of his treason. Oh well, at least his jump suit will match his complexion, until the tan wears off at least, then he should turn the same color as the pale circles around his eyes cause by the tanning goggles.

Donald isn't the great leader of the white tribe, but a rather pathetic second rate con man who played millions of American morons for suckers. Donald is a traitor too and when it's proven beyond a reasonable doubt, those who still support him will eventually be considered to be traitors as well. The republicans have lost the national security communities en mass and most of the military too. How many Trumpers do you figure there are left in the FBI? CIA? NSA? DOJ?
i think you're leaning in the right direction...but don't underestimate the number of lunatics in the republican party....if trump has the opportunity to run again in 20, there's a real chance he could get back in. Democrats like to talk a lot, but they don't seem quite as keen to actually get out and vote, while the crazy ass republicans will be there at the crack of dawn, waiting for the doors to one thought he would get elected to begin with....don't project your feelings onto the cold, clinical, and frightened
You realize the same laws and treatment occurred during the Obama years right , nobody screamed then. Selective outrage .


actually it was confirmed by General Kelly this morning that it was Sessions who ordered the child internment in may.

FOX isn't news or facts..they're an opinion talk show.
i think you're leaning in the right direction...but don't underestimate the number of lunatics in the republican party....if trump has the opportunity to run again in 20, there's a real chance he could get back in. Democrats like to talk a lot, but they don't seem quite as keen to actually get out and vote, while the crazy ass republicans will be there at the crack of dawn, waiting for the doors to one thought he would get elected to begin with....don't project your feelings onto the cold, clinical, and frightened
I don't blame ya for being pessimistic, but Trump and the republicans have lost the middle of the country and all of the true patriots. I figure the GOP brand has been damaged beyond repair, at least until demographic changes start to bite. There are a lot of smart patriotic people who are determined to see justice done and the threat to the country removed. The last "America First" movement collapsed in the wake of Pearl Harbor and this one will too in the wake of Trump's impeachment and the release of overwhelming evidence.

I don't think you could consider those who would still support Trump as patriots in the aftermath of an impeachment trial and overwhelming evidence of literal treason. They have clearly put their cult leader above the law and before the welfare and safety of the country, they have demonstrated allegiance to something that is an enemy of the constitution and therefore the country. " To protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic", is I believe how it reads...
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