Drinking coffee

That sucks indeed but it doesn’t make tea any less tasty. Plus all the tea I get is loose leaf I don’t do much bagged tea.
order of picking doesnt impact the fact it is fertilized by a human who has likely never seen a toilet, but loose leaf is best, the tea rolls in more volume and you dont get the Cl- from the bleached bag. In China we had tea which literally was poured from the full extension of the mans arms, from a pot into a sock and into a cup. The strainer, which wasnt a sock but sure looked like one had more tannin stains than a sack of maternity ward nappies. But yeah the tea was dam tasty and the high pour is about Oxygen he said :-)
US Corps buy all the coffee 3rd world countries won't drink. All the bitter nasty beans left by European, Asian and local buyers are scooped up cheap then blended with low altitude beans that have the taste but not the rich smoothness that altitude brings.

The end result is coffee that smells like Sumatran or Central American Highlands, but the bitterness is always there. Strong just makes it more bitter.
Take Kona, the majority of what you see is low and mid altitude for sale, then blended with a fine Columbian. The high altitude peaberry from that place is going to Ellison, Musk etc..they own Coffee plantations, Scallop fleets, Vineyards. You can't find that tangarine-sized Scallop in a grocery store, or those 5000 ft Kona peaberry beans. Them's all reserved, as the saying goes.
the food industry is a dirty shark man, they sell Olive Oil which is 40% pumice but fail the label it...thank god I have my own olive trees :-) Lots of people can grow tea, not sure they can coffee but i hear ya. Its funny when people come here, they say..."oh this is what food tastes like....!"
that's not good for the workers, but i doubt it's going to make much difference to the consumer. tea is the leaves of plants, they treat them with chemicals to sterilize them before they're packaged, then you boil them to make the tea...doubt you're getting many pathogens by then
well may be you dont get pathogens, but rather a wide array of enzyme inhibitors, including mineral chelators like Glysophate
I take breaks from coffee when I begin to notice an opposite effect. Nobody's mentioned this yet but adrenal fatigue and caffeine intake are known correspondents. I know when I need to take a break when I feel myself wanting more caffeine as the day wears on. If you've found yourself adding more and more coffee to your daily routine, I'm willing to bet that you also suffer from some degree of anxiety or insomnia. Another negative to take into consideration is your gut. I see too many people in the workplace drinking their morning cup while simultaneously complaining about their acid reflux. Brewed coffee is highly acidic and your body will fight to regulate its pH so if you have stomach issues and you're a regular coffee drinker, try taking it down a notch, increase water intake, and see how things go. Cold brewed coffee is another option in this scenario but if you're a noob to cold brew, realize that it usually comes in concentrate form and is in general, much stronger (from a caffeine mg to fl/oz ratio) than traditional coffee (in excess of 2x).
how do you know this is coffee and not elevated Cortisol keeping you awake or making you tingle?
what if you drink coffee and then green juices like Kale, Apples and Lemon, lovingly called Kalespresso.
If you are a vegan, can you drink coffee without pH issues by eating tones of Alk leaves?
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how do you know this is coffee and not elevated Cortisol keeping you awake or making you tingle?
what if you drink coffee and then green juices like Kale, Apples and Lemon, lovingly called Kalespresso.
If you are a vegan, can you drink coffee without pH issues by eating tones of Alk leaves?

You can test yourself with pH strips and know for sure.
how do you know this is coffee and not elevated Cortisol keeping you awake or making you tingle?
what if you drink coffee and then green juices like Kale, Apples and Lemon, lovingly called Kalespresso.
If you are a vegan, can you drink coffee without pH issues by eating tones of Alk leaves?
aak leaves? aak is giant milkweed.....it's poisonous....using it as a "supplement" is insane....i looked at some of the websites advocating it...they're all full of shit, new age morons. eat poison if you want to. butterflies eat it, and it makes them poisonous to predators.....
I was a coffee drinker for 24 years. At least 2-3 cups a day. A few months ago it started fucking my stomach up. There was even a few times it made me puke. I haven't drank it in almost a month now and can't believe how much better I feel. Not just my stomach, but physically and mentally feel much better. I was a lifelong coffee lover up until this point and I highly doubt I will ever drink it again.

Cheers :)
Is drinking coffee good for health?

Fun thread. I understand how you brew your coffee makes a "health" difference too. If I am not working I'll begin my day with a french press cup, which I understand is the "least healthy" way to brew. My press is small, 12 ounces, really just over one large mug.

For my "second and third" cup I'll switch to my Kurig and either use a commercial k cup if I'm in a hurry or grind more bean.
i got a mr. coffee.....
apparently, i am not a discerning consumer. i can taste a difference between this and that kind of coffee, sometimes a difference between this brewing method and that one...but it's all coffee to me...put a little cream and sugar in it and i'll drink it....
I was a coffee drinker for 24 years. At least 2-3 cups a day. A few months ago it started fucking my stomach up. There was even a few times it made me puke. I haven't drank it in almost a month now and can't believe how much better I feel. Not just my stomach, but physically and mentally feel much better. I was a lifelong coffee lover up until this point and I highly doubt I will ever drink it again.

Cheers :)
I was a ciggie smoker coffee and ciggies = bliss

no ciggies ..ok but like you much better without coffee

lets not talk about how they de Caf coffee

and the headaches from all that caustic soda I used to get lol
I was a ciggie smoker coffee and ciggies = bliss

no ciggies ..ok but like you much better without coffee

lets not talk about how they de Caf coffee

and the headaches from all that caustic soda I used to get lol

I was also an a pack a day smoker up until two years ago. Loved every smoke I ever had but had no issue giving it up. The money I am now not spending on cigs is paying my mortgage lol
I also tried the decaf and it still made me feel like shit.
I can't get over how much better I feel not drinking coffee. Even more then the cigs. Like night and day.

Cheers :)
aak leaves? aak is giant milkweed.....it's poisonous....using it as a "supplement" is insane....i looked at some of the websites advocating it...they're all full of shit, new age morons. eat poison if you want to. butterflies eat it, and it makes them poisonous to predators.....
AAk? wtf? who said this...you? I said Alkaline
Any time the power goes out, the propane stove and the percolator go on.
You can stick a MrCoffee filter in the basket, if you don't like it Cowboy style.

I had to declare an Caffeine Emergency a week back.
80 miles to go to get home, all like this.
Any time the power goes out, the propane stove and the percolator go on.
You can stick a MrCoffee filter in the basket, if you don't like it Cowboy style.

I had to declare an Caffeine Emergency a week back.
80 miles to go to get home, all like this.
View attachment 4271975
80 miles! you got me beat but I did go shopping today instead of my usual Friday because I ran out of coffee over the weekend because I can't stop drinking this percolator stuff, it's the best!

Talking to a girl in the check-out line today we decided that only running out of coffee or toilet paper can get you to the market in a hurry! lol :mrgreen:
a long time ago i had a job as a cook in a homeless shelter. they had three 3 gallon peculators. any time the power went out, those were the first things to get set on the fire pit....20 homeless guys and half a dozen employ / volunteers can drink some coffee...and they get cranky without it, quick