Well-Known Member
I think u took my post the wrong way mr luke... I wasn’t having a go. I was just saying that the word “flush” in a horticultural context is still very widely used in A LOT of literature!, so u can’t really blame people for still using it as it’s everywhere especially when talking growing cannabis. You taught me “leaching” and that’s the term I’ve used ever since, and the correct one.I live in a rural area of a rural state...flushing is not used in agriculture despite what your free maximum yield magazine that is just one advert after another says. Lets face it its not the best publication...
yes, Leaching is leaching...watering is watering (irrigating) and fertilizing is fertilizing.
But your more than welcome to pop down to a local bar and ask the farmers (who these days are extremely well educated with degree in agriculture unlike their parent's) how long they flush their crops for.....I'll even drive.
The stoner term flushing has three?? Meanings.. Which means its a confusing term to start with. See the post above urs and the one above that for proof of the third one. So why use it when horticulture already has terms for those 3 things?
Its time this old stoner word went away. You being a younger generation of grower who likes correct terms would of agreed with me I would of thought.
I was only saying if you’re picky about terminology u should jump on every fucker describing the white (brown/orange etc) hairs on their buds as pistils. Because they are not.
That’s all dear, wasn’t having a go at you.