usually I don't remove the seeds from the water until I see the hull crack open... but most seeds that's within 24hrs, usually never more than 36. However, I don't have any experience with seeds that are as old as yours, so there's really nothing I can offer haha. However, once I do see the casing open, I transfer them to a moistened paper towel in a sterile Tupperware container with the lid cracked just a tiny bit, and keep it in a slightly warm place for the first few days (i'm sure you're using a warming mat and a dome so not really any difference haha). Then gently into soil. I was going to suggest some kelp as well, but you're already using gibberellic acid soooo bongsmilie

Lol I guess fate and fate alone will dictate which seeds will pop. All I can do is give it 110%.

Just got the humic acid in the mail and going to try it with the next batch of Pineapple Light5. Also ordered some fulvic acid to give it a go.
Over the last few days I've tried a few different soaking solutions.

1 - just distilled water
2 - distilled water + gibberellic acid
3 - distilled water + humic acid + fulvic acid
4 - distilled water + humic acid + fulvic acid + gibberellic acid

Some of the seeds are 5-6 years old. Tossed in some Black Triangle (recently purchased), Pineapple Lights (5yrs old) , New Blue Diesel f2s (5 years old), and some Pineapple Thai BX (6 years old).

black triangle pack.jpg

Pumped up for the Black Triangle. Love Triangle was some of the my favorite plants and smoke. All the reports on BT sound great, except for a few low yield reports. LT had some good yield will certainly f2 the next pack I put in. Really need some of the pineapple lights or pineapple thai to pop so I don't lose the pineapple flavor smoke.

Will update the results of the seed soak solutions after about 2 weeks.

Oh, and the Real Seed Company (RSC) got back with me on the Sinai seeds. They said it's certainly possible that many of the Sinai seeds will auto-flower. I mentioned that they don't say that on the Seedsman site or even on their website. They noticed it was not mentioned anywhere on their site and added it. Really glad they were able to update the info that quickly but at the same time a little disappointed in the purchase and the time/tent space they took up. I have no interest in autos. I'll f2 them since they're flowering and will mess with them again in a few years or so for fun, but they won't be outcrossed.

I have a couple other packs of RSC gear. Nada Devi and Parvati and inquired about them auto-flowering too. They said Parvati is "unlikely to show this trait" and it's "not impossible in Nanda Devi because it's an early plant, harvested in August and September. But not yet seen it reported if so."

Sinai = 7/8 have auto-flower traits after 4 weeks growth under 18/6.
Parvati = unlikely to auto-flower
Nanda Devi = could auto-flower

ND is going to the back of the line now. Might give Parvati a chance in couple few months.
Good news is 12 black triangles and 9 pineapple lights have popped so far.

Bad news is Pineapple Thai BX and New Blue Diesel f2s still haven't popped. Will give them 14-20 days before I add the peat pellets to the compost pile.

Got a little baked this morning and in a moment of super high clarity, I started soaking all my Da Purps Lights and all the Ms. Universe beans I have. Da Purps Lights seeds are labeled April 2013, so over 5 years old. The Ms. Universe seeds are about 6 years old I believe. Here goes something!ms universe pack.jpg

History of Da Purps: I got this cut from Llama Dan in Sonoma County back in 2012 I believe. Not sure where Dan got the plant from, but this description seems to describe my experience: Da Purps is the frostiest plant I've ever grown. The original cut yielded very poorly, so I pollinated her with the Bodhi Northern Lights males. I've grown out only one of these before and the yield was increased by 3-4x. The frost, taste, and smell all remained from the original cut. Fingers crossed on the remaining seeds.

Original cut grown outdoor.

Original cut grown indoor 5 weeks

after 1 month cure.
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I'd actually heard that about Sinai by the way - that it's got early flowering traits outdoors. Haven't seen much documentation indoors but that it was hard to keep in veg. But also reports of great flavours. I've got 2xf2 Sinai recently germinated and the seeds were very very tiny but the sprouts seem eager so we'll see what happens.
I do think this trait is unique to Sinai in the RSC stock and would encourage you to try the other two. Most of what pops out at me from your list is the bodhi/nierika, sannies herijuana X's, RSC, ace zamaldelica, dark horse & the bright moments.

Snowhigh has some good writing on germination practice.
My seed process is soak in tap water, with a tiny dash of fulvic in solo cups til they sink. Then each in towelsfolded paper soaked in the same water with dry paper towels folded over, in a sandwich bag, blown into and sealed shut to make it a big air bubble. Set in the dark on top of a heat source (air pump). Check the pouches daily and you'll usually have taproots with a 1-3 days.

I have dependable results for this. Sometimes if you pick the really healthy Tiger Striped seeds they're such tough exteriors it's worth scratching up the outside a bit to make them more permeable (I just use my thumbnail but you could use a nail file maybe to be precise).

Also try move them to cold/frozen dry storage now and then your germination efforts might have improved results after a quick chill. (Based on anecdotal evidence that one)

Enjoy. It's a great seed selection there.
Have you grown any of the tk crosses before?
yo! no, i havent, well not from bodhi. I ran Rare Danks Scotts OG which is apparently a TK cross.

iv seen rave reviews about bodhis but unfortunately im semi winding down for the summer so cant squeeze them in at the mo..theyll get popped next i think.

miss universe looks great
I'd actually heard that about Sinai by the way - that it's got early flowering traits outdoors. Haven't seen much documentation indoors but that it was hard to keep in veg. But also reports of great flavours. I've got 2xf2 Sinai recently germinated and the seeds were very very tiny but the sprouts seem eager so we'll see what happens.
I do think this trait is unique to Sinai in the RSC stock and would encourage you to try the other two. Most of what pops out at me from your list is the bodhi/nierika, sannies herijuana X's, RSC, ace zamaldelica, dark horse & the bright moments.

Snowhigh has some good writing on germination practice.
My seed process is soak in tap water, with a tiny dash of fulvic in solo cups til they sink. Then each in towelsfolded paper soaked in the same water with dry paper towels folded over, in a sandwich bag, blown into and sealed shut to make it a big air bubble. Set in the dark on top of a heat source (air pump). Check the pouches daily and you'll usually have taproots with a 1-3 days.

I have dependable results for this. Sometimes if you pick the really healthy Tiger Striped seeds they're such tough exteriors it's worth scratching up the outside a bit to make them more permeable (I just use my thumbnail but you could use a nail file maybe to be precise).

Also try move them to cold/frozen dry storage now and then your germination efforts might have improved results after a quick chill. (Based on anecdotal evidence that one)

Enjoy. It's a great seed selection there.

Thanks @bleepboop I've tried the paper towel method and had great results at my previous residence. Here I've had terrible results using that method for some weird reason.

I did have some success trying putting them in the freezer for 3 days, then the refrigerator for 3 days, then room temps for 3 days and soaking. Might try that more but it's a little tedious especially for a lot of seeds. I should just start storing them in the freezer. Maybe for now on I will :)
yo! no, i havent, well not from bodhi. I ran Rare Danks Scotts OG which is apparently a TK cross.

iv seen rave reviews about bodhis but unfortunately im semi winding down for the summer so cant squeeze them in at the mo..theyll get popped next i think.

miss universe looks great

How was Rare Dank Scotts OG?

When you starting your Black Triangles? Looks like someone else on the Bodhi thread just started some too. Should be fun to see how we all like it.
Just started soaking some Love Triangle! One of my favorite smokes of all time so I'm looking forward to growing out this pack again.

love triangle pack.jpg

old photos - #11 at 18 days flower.

#3 at 7 weeks flower. not a great shot and doesn't show off her color/frost.

#3 cola - you can see the colors and frost better here from the same bud. I believe this was 11 weeks.
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Next up for the bean popping party...

Blue Herijuana - New Blue Diesel f2 (navy blue specimen) x Herijuana.
New Berry - the new DJ Short offering.
Hood Mt. Goji OG - Mt. Hood Huckleberry x Goji OG. Should be a berry explosion. Fingers crossed.
Did you pop those black triangles yet
nawwwww not yet, dude. i got the black triangle x strawberry milk testers to pop first. they were gonna get popped asap but they took like two months to get to the UK so i to had pop something else (discobiscuit from ugorg, cookies x cheese) that had been begging me to plant em! ive got landlords coming in march so ive gone from five tents to one for a few months. ill pop em after i know what their plans are...hopefully.
Check out the Blue Heri beans (New Blue Diesel x Herijuana). So dark. Everything from the New Blue Diesel f2s were super dark like this.
blue heri seeds.JPG

Just started soaking some New Berry from DJ Short/New World Genetics. Nice effort on the packaging but it's a little too much. I guess they had to make it look worth the $245.
new berry pack.JPG
new berry pack2.JPG new berry seeds 11.JPG
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Ramping things up now that it's getting closer to outdoor time. Already got some Love Triangle's popping up.

Just started soaking some Hood Mt. Goji OG (Mt. Hood Huckleberry x Goji OG). FYI, I'm giving my pollen chucks names to make it easier on me to keep track of the pollen chucks vs the originals. No intention of selling these seeds. We're growing them all out.

Would love to see a cross of the Mt. Hood buds with the size and taste of the Gojis. Here's a few pics of the relatives:
Mt. Hood Huckleberry #4 (not the mom of the pollen chuck, but she was very similar. mom had the biggest cola. they were all super frosty like this)

Goji OG #9 (selected father #5 was the twin to this female)