Intellectual Dark Web

i think you are being dishonest, esteemed new member and intellectual thought leader

my position is to let scientists do science, and to not spam pot forums with racist pseudoscience from cross burners
i think you are being dishonest, esteemed new member and intellectual thought leader

my position is to let scientists do science, and to not spam pot forums with racist pseudoscience from cross burners
Obviously you're mistaken.

You can't claim that studying differences in people/races is inherently racist or supports eugenics while also claiming to be a champion of science. Doesn't work like that.

In order to claim that there are no genetic differences between races one of two things needs to happen;

You deny science altogether or you deny science that your ideology doesn't agree with, for political reasons.
Obviously you're mistaken.

You can't claim that studying differences in people/races is inherently racist or supports eugenics while also claiming to be a champion of science. Doesn't work like that.

In order to claim that there are no genetic differences between races one of two things needs to happen;

You deny science altogether or you deny science that your ideology doesn't agree with, for political reasons.
Who said there were no genetic differences between humans?

There are

All I said is that you’re spamming us with junk pseudoscience from a cross burner who was funded by a white supremacist eugenics group
Who said there were no genetic differences between humans?

There are

All I said is that you’re spamming us with junk pseudoscience from a cross burner who was funded by a white supremacist eugenics group
You imply it with your inane commentary.

You claimed there are no differences between races with regards to intelligence.

You claimed it racist to even test to see if there are differences, and you claimed that people who do testing are eugenicists.

How do genes know "where to stop" making differences within people?

Is it where "Buck feels uncomfortable"? Pretty convenient for your cognitive dissonance.
You imply it with your inane commentary.

You claimed there are no differences between races with regards to intelligence.

You claimed it racist to even test to see if there are differences, and you claimed that people who do testing are eugenicists.

How do genes know "where to stop" making differences within people?

Is it where "Buck feels uncomfortable"? Pretty convenient for your cognitive dissonance.
I just stated that nazis were white supremacist eugenicists who used “racial genetic differences” to justify the holocaust

I also pointed out that cross burner Charles Murray was funded by the pioneer fund, a white supremacist eugenicist organization

Maybe stop spamming their racist pseudoscience and let real scientists do science
I just stated that nazis were white supremacist eugenicists who used “racial genetic differences” to justify the holocaust

I also pointed out that cross burner Charles Murray was funded by the pioneer fund, a white supremacist eugenicist organization

Maybe stop spamming their racist pseudoscience and let real scientists do science
The American Psychological Association (and 52 other scientists) verified the findings. (MENSA, bunch of racists I tell ya!)

Is the APA racist for stating that there are differences in the measure of "G" between groups? And for the record, neither Murray nor the APA is claiming there is no environmental factors at play. Only that when tested, on average there is a clear distinction between "groups", not even races because "race" isn't actually real due to so much cross-over with genetics.

There are also differences between men and women. Men, on average, test higher in spatial tests and math, and women, on average test higher in verbal skill.

This is from the APA's special task force; (you know, scientists)

Seems like they agree with Murray, that there are measurable differences between groups but they aren't 100% of all the factors. However, the explicitly state that the differences are not due to biases in the testing.

Cognitive dissonance, much? Where is the pseudoscience? Not here, I can tell you that.
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Do you know what it's called when a group of scientists take all the data, put it all together, and write about their findings?


Do you know which studies have the highest likelihood of being correct?

The American Psychological Association (and 52 other scientists) verified the findings.

that is not even close to reality

i know you desperately want to run down the streets screaming that black people are just naturally dumber than whites, but that ain't the case, klanman.
Seems like they agree with Murray

murray: oh man look at all those genetic racial differences in IQ. well, off to burn a cross now

APA: race is too blurry to even define and there is no support for a genetic interpretation

  • ABC News reported in 1994 that almost half of the footnotes in support of "The Bell Curve's most controversial chapter that suggests some races are naturally smarter than others refer to Pioneer Fund recipients."

  • One example: Murray and Herrnstein wrote in the acknowledgements that The Bell Curve "benefited especially from the advice of" a Pioneer Fund eugenicist named Richard Lynn. As FAIR reported, Richard Lynn wrote, "What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the 'phasing out' of such peoples.... Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality."

  • Another Pioneer Fund researcher, Philippe Rushton, received nearly $800,000 to study the correlation of penis, breast and buttocks size to intelligence. "It's a trade-off: More brain or more penis. You can't have everything," Rushton told Rolling Stone. [ 11 ]

  • The Pioneer Fund's first president, Harry Laughlin, spearheaded the campaign in the early 1920s to restrict Jewish immigration, testifying before Congress that 83% of Jewish immigrants from eastern and southern Europe were feeble-minded. In The Bell Curve, Murray describes Laughlin as "a biologist who was especially concerned about keeping up the American level of intelligence by suitable immigration policies."

  • The Pioneer Fund's founder, Wickliffe Draper, advocated shipping blacks back to Africa

Conclusions; TLDR version for Buck.

1) Genetic differences increase with age.
2) Environmental factors like school play a part.
3) Malnutrition affects intelligence
4) Information processing speed and psychoanalytical intelligence are linked.
5) Scores of "G" are going up across the board
6) The IQ difference between blacks and whites is not due to biases in testing. There is no direct empirical evidence for caste, culture, socioeconomic status, or genetics causing lower "G" scores, so no one knows exactly why there is a difference. Only that there is a measured difference of about 1 standard deviation, on average. That means there's A LOT of cross-over FYI....
7) There are many types of intelligence and standardized tests don't account for all of them.

Follow up from the APA;
We don't know exactly why there's differences, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about any one cause, and we need to continue testing if we want answers.

So racist! The nerve....
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And for the record; I have never (and will never) claim black people are "naturally dumb".

I try to stick to the facts only, and the facts say that blacks TEST LOWER than white people, and they do.

This is demonstrated by multiple sources.

The only time the words "black people are naturally dumb", has been uttered on this site is by you, Buck. I specifically stated, they test lower on IQ tests by 1 standard deviation. That is all.

You try to pull a Cathy Newman, and strawman yourself up an easy target because you're too unintelligent to interpret what's actually being said. It takes work to actually discuss something, it's much easier, and intellectually lazy to burn a strawman and claim victory.

I'm not a white supremacist, but you appear on the low side of the bell curve on intelligence. This seems to be demonstrable.
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We also know that IQ is 60-80% genetic.

If you have 2 genius parents, your likelihood of being a genius is much, MUCH higher than the average person. This is fact.

We just don't know if there are significant changes across groups that would determine the differences in scores yet.There are too many variables to point to a smoking gun.
We also know that IQ is 60-80% genetic.

If you have 2 genius parents, your likelihood of being a genius is much, MUCH higher than the average person. This is fact.

We just don't know if there are significant changes across groups that would determine the differences in scores yet.There are too many variables to point to a smoking gun.
So stop spamming us with a cross burners racist pseudoscience which was funded by white supremacist eugenicists that wanted to ship black people back to Africa and leave the Jews for Hitler to holocaust
It must be difficult for you getting through life being a giant, sweaty, dumbass. lol

It's not pseudoscience, it's science that was even stated by the APA to be "not biased".


You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Either the APA supports pseudoscience, (they don't) or the study was scientifically valid.

P.S. Do you know how averages work? Because I don't think you do. If you have 5 sweaty dumbasses in one room, and 10 sweaty dumbasses in another, you add 5+10 then divide by the number of rooms filled with sweaty dumbasses, to get the average. You'll notice, the average, which in this case is 7.5 sweaty dumbasses is less than the number of sweaty dumbasses in one of the rooms, and higher than the number of sweaty dumbasses in the other. It doesn't mean there are 7.5 sweaty dumbasses in each room.
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It must be difficult for you getting through life being a giant, sweaty, dumbass. lol

It's not pseudoscience, it's science that was even stated by the APA to be "not biased".

View attachment 4264287

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Either the APA supports pseudoscience, (they don't) or the study was scientifically valid.

P.S. Do you know how averages work? Because I don't think you do. If you have 5 sweaty dumbasses in one room, and 10 sweaty dumbasses in another, you add 5+10 then divide by the number of rooms filled with sweaty dumbasses, to get the average. You'll notice, the average, which in this case is 7.5 sweaty dumbasses is less than the number of sweaty dumbasses in one of the rooms, and higher than the number of sweaty dumbasses in the other. It doesn't mean there are 7.5 sweaty dumbasses in each room.
They said IQ tests in general are valid

They disagreed with the white supremacy funded cross burner
They said IQ tests in general are valid

They disagreed with the white supremacy funded cross burner
Uncle Buck no offense dude but you seem to have this complex in your psyche where every white do is racist and supremacist it seems to be all you ever say is your a nazi, dude just give up the fight, this doesn't lead to anything good or productive.
They said IQ tests in general are valid

They disagreed with the white supremacy funded cross burner
Yes, IQ testing is valid and the valid IQ testing they did found that there was a difference of one standard deviation between blacks and whites when averaged out. They also found that there was a difference between Jewish people, Asians, whites and Hispanics.

It's not racist to state that Ashkenazi Jews scored higher in "G" on average that blacks anymore than it is to say Asians scored higher than Hispanics, or white people. It just is.It becomes racist when you use it to pre-judge groups based on the testing because of an average. Individuals should be judged individually - which was the entire point of IQ testing in the first place. To allow people of lower socioeconomic status to gain entry to institutions - that were previously reserved for people who could afford to be there - because of their merit.

There is no white supremacy here, just acknowledgement of differences between "groups" with regards to IQ testing results. There is nothing that says one group is inherently "dumber" than another. Just that there are measurable differences they cannot explain completely, and that it warrants further research.

Stop being a giant douche bag, and take some time to understand what you're arguing against because it's clear you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.