Dwarf plant / Impatient / issues I don’t see?

Rebounded great from the pruning. In fact, the tops popped up about an inch in the last three days so that’s good. Other girls coming along nicely. Excited to see what happens when they go under the new light.

Ps. Droopy there got a watering, hence the drop.

Well, coming up on close to two months of veg for the runt. New light can’t come soon enough. She is absolutely tiny compared to what I was hoping for. The plant puts out tons of growth, it just doesn’t seem to be getting bigger. I prune under the plant often to keep the canopy being the energy absorbed but it just seems like it isn’t working. I’ve made it this far with her though so I’m still going to flower her when the other two are ready. They seem to be growing much better than she did. Other than genetics or possibly old seed, I don’t know another reason other than the light that she would be so small. Anyways, I’ll probably veg for about another week after I get the new light and then flip it to flower. Off the three plants, I’m hoping for a couple zips. With the new light I am hoping I can get the flowers big, so there is always hope. Like I said, she has the growth, she just never grew up.


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With the new lighting I think you will get a couple oz just off this plant. It's a decent size now that once you switch your lights it's gonna be beautiful. It really looks healthy, and it's got a strong stem and branches it looks like, which will support nice buds.
The stalk or stem or whatever you want to call it actually isn’t very strong. That’s why I have the pen there. It’s like the taproot originally grown sideways first which makes it very awkward.
whenever i have a plant that is acting like yours its one reason! the others roots are moving along nice and while that one plant is growing slower below the pot the others arent so when your watering all your plants and treating them the same the one with the root problem wont grow alot like the others/. my advice is to let it dry out super dry and hit it with a TEA caps bennies if you have or a great TEA with microbes to get that root system going again!... thats really the only time ive ever seen one plant behind the rest! it was the roots not being as developed as the rest and me dumping too much water into the pot... feed her small doses
whenever i have a plant that is acting like yours its one reason! the others roots are moving along nice and while that one plant is growing slower below the pot the others arent so when your watering all your plants and treating them the same the one with the root problem wont grow alot like the others/. my advice is to let it dry out super dry and hit it with a TEA caps bennies if you have or a great TEA with microbes to get that root system going again!... thats really the only time ive ever seen one plant behind the rest! it was the roots not being as developed as the rest and me dumping too much water into the pot... feed her small doses
I will give it a try. I will have to get some compost tea first. I won’t water until she is really showing she needs it. She was transplanted to a five gallon very early so I wouldn’t be surprised if the root system was small from the watering.
Well I waited until the plant was dropping from needing water. I made sure the soil was moved around good and hit the side of the bag a bit to loosen it up. I then watered and fed at 1.5x strength since the soil has to be getting pretty depleted of bites after this long. We will see what happens.
Well I got the new light today and all I can say is wow. Of course when I first got it, I turn it on and unknowingly had the dimmer dial all the way up and have the lights beaming right in my eyes. Seeing spots for 5 minutes was fun. Drawing about 470 at the wall is a big leap from where I was. It’s so nice to have room in the tent too since the light is only about and inch thick. It does seem warm, so I moved a fan above it to help dissipate the heat. I also cranked up my exhaust fan by about 20%. The room did get up to about 82 after an hour of running the light but it’s also really warm in that room in general so the cool air it’s pulling in from the bottom isn’t so “cool” plants are looking good, excited to see if the light will accelerate growth on the small plants and the minis. The boards say they are true lm561c diodes. From what I can tell, they look like the real thing but I’m not an LED expert so I guess who knows. Anyways, here’s some photos.

Ps - light cost $352 shipped and arrived in 6 days. The customer service was also excellent. If it can do even 75% of what an HLG can do I’d be more than happy.


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Awesome dude! I'm excited to see how things go from here. I've been looking at similar lights.

What are the physical demensions? I'm wondering how well 2 of them would fit over my 4x4.

500w will make a little more heat but you've got more power and more light so it's a win in my book. At that level you should still be able to control it with ventilation. I never turn my fans or lights below 100%
It is separate, but not a long enough cord to put it outside. I have since hung the driver up off the heatsink as well as having put the dimmer up as well. I’m quite happy with how the tent is set up now.
She’s dropping again today though she has had her watering meticulously done. She still has a bit of weight to her fabric pot and I let it get quite dry before each watering. I’m not sure what would be causing the dropping but I am concerned about root rot. Also, the second photo here is of how close the roots are at the top, this is if I brush away just a litttttttle but of soil. I can also lift the plant by the stem and it will slightly pick up the surrounding soil from the roots being lifted. This an issue? 34A53B9E-13CF-49E2-8709-692879CED793.jpeg056C8348-9CB8-4618-913A-EDCEE92079DA.jpeg
I wouldn't be pulling it up and disturbing the roots any more then nessecary, but honestly I wouldn't be to worried about it. I can't tell if the branches are tied down still or not, but I would tie them off so the plant had the extra support. If the plant has supports it won't have to spend as much energy holding itself up and can focus on other growth.

It's possible it's droopy because it's adjusting to the new light and environment.

When did you water last? The roots at the surface are no big deal thats totally normal. I'm a little surprised the roots aren't deeper down then they are if you can lift it easily. It's possible that bottom part of the pot isn't drying well and allowing deeper growth. I doubt your having rot problems in soil unless it's really wet, and other then the occasional droopy leaves and slowish growth it seems healthy not damaged.

It looks really nice and is definitely getting much bigger now!
Well I got the new light today and all I can say is wow. Of course when I first got it, I turn it on and unknowingly had the dimmer dial all the way up and have the lights beaming right in my eyes. Seeing spots for 5 minutes was fun. Drawing about 470 at the wall is a big leap from where I was. It’s so nice to have room in the tent too since the light is only about and inch thick. It does seem warm, so I moved a fan above it to help dissipate the heat. I also cranked up my exhaust fan by about 20%. The room did get up to about 82 after an hour of running the light but it’s also really warm in that room in general so the cool air it’s pulling in from the bottom isn’t so “cool” plants are looking good, excited to see if the light will accelerate growth on the small plants and the minis. The boards say they are true lm561c diodes. From what I can tell, they look like the real thing but I’m not an LED expert so I guess who knows. Anyways, here’s some photos.

Ps - light cost $352 shipped and arrived in 6 days. The customer service was also excellent. If it can do even 75% of what an HLG can do I’d be more than happy.

Which model light is that? Isnt that super cheap for a model like that?
It is very very cheap for this model, but it’s also a chinese light from Alibaba which makes it cheaper. HLG makes their own boards in America, they just order the diodes. They also have larger heat sinks. So far however, I have had zero issue with this light. It keeps decently cool, and the lights are genuine lm561c after I did plenty of research. Everything seems very high quality. I was nervous buying from China, but I have to say, I’m very pleased with my decision. I WOULD have bought from HLG but truth be told, I just can’t afford to drop 1,000 on a grow light when I’m doing this at such a small scale as a hobby type deal.
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Thanks for the link bud! I'm definitely gonna be looking into these. 2 would fit great over my 4x4 and I could even fit 3 if I wanted to get crazy. I'm all about keeping the max amount of light possible as close to my plants as I can.

Light intensity drops crazy fast just being a few inches farther away. Going from 12"-18" cuts your intensity 1/4 right off the bat. Going from 12"-24" cuts it by 3/4. Checkout the inverse square law if you haven't.
Took a lot off her yesterday. There is just no light pen with her being so bushy so I have no choice. Other two are doing well, but today I have ran into another issue. The big girl and the bigger of the other two are droopy and the second biggest has tacoing leaves. Idk what this can be from because it’s not too hot in the tent, it is setting right around 75-77. However, humidity is 17-25% which is stupidly low. Will that cause this? I have tried a mini air humidifier in their for like essential oils but it doesn’t even do anything with the exhaust on. And if I shut exhaust off we are taking about high temps. Help a brother out.


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