Gorrilla Glue #4, Pandora OG, Strawberry Thunderfuck, & Maui Waui


Well-Known Member
After trying roots organic last grow and failing miserably due to the worst fungus gnat larvae infestation I have ever seen come onboard a bag of dirt. If I moved my fabric pots on the ground I could literally see the fucking larvae crawling on the floor. Long story short, growth was stunted severely and I wound up with less than 8 ounces off of 5 plants. My last harvest from 3 five gallon hempy buckets was just a shade over 13 ounces, so needless to say 8 ounces off of 5 plants this time was fairly depressing.

I ditched the roots organic line and will never use it again. If I grow organically down the road I'm building my own live soil and will be implementing microbe / compost teas. But first things first. I need some fucking pot stock piled because god knows I don't wanna buy it from somebody else :)

Here's some pics of the babies in the tent. The 4 in 5 gallon hempy's are GG#4 clones. The babies are all from regular seed from an Oregon breeder. The reservoir is filled with rinsed and PH buffered lava rock. Cheap and light weight. The rest of the bucket is filled with a rinsed coco and perlite mix. Also bought at home depot for $10.00 for a big bag 1.5 cubic ft I think. Also on clearance. The bag said it was rinsed and I rinsed it anyways which was a good move. There was a lot of crap still in the coco. It took a lot of rinsing before I got clear water to run out of the bottom of the tote. I just drilled 30 or 40 holes in a 50 gallon tote. I put it in the bath tub and run water through it until it's clear. Or you can do it in the basement drain if you don't want to piss of the wife. But piss off the wife I will :)

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And home depot carries a line of nutrients called Black Magic made by the same company that owns General Hydroponics. Apparently the shit isn't selling so they had it discounted to less than half price. I scored the whole line for under $40. I was going to buy 25LB bags of hydroponic fertilizer salts 1 for veg and 1 for flower, but $110 is a little over my budget right now. Maybe next round after I have some pot in the bank :)

20190115_210658.jpg And my deep freeze serves as a nice work table for mixing my nutes and of course my 55 gallon trash can of bubbling water.

Nothing impressive enough to write home about, but a solid setup to produce a steady supply of personal smoke that's far better than that shit dispensary pot.

And a few of the good buds from my pathetic last grow. All I can say is fuck roots as a company and fuck their fertilizer line. I have never produced such a shit grow in my life. But that's in the past now.....
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I'm gonna journal the whole grow so hopefully I don't disappoint.
Best of luck to you on your new grow. I'll be interested in hearing how the stuff from GH via Home Depot works out. I've used GH Flora series for many years and love it.
Best of luck to you on your new grow. I'll be interested in hearing how the stuff from GH via Home Depot works out. I've used GH Flora series for many years and love it.

GH Flora line is solid and works well at a great price. The only thing I ever added was their floralicous plus which I feel is the only additive worth spending your money on. The rest is unnecessary. I was actually on my way to the grow store to get a bottle of flora micro because my old bottle was beginning to foam which I think indicates it's time to toss it, and I had to pass by the depot to get there. I thought what the hell, lets see what they have. Well the quart of A and b were only $7/each. The cal/mag was $9 and the quart of their version of floralicous plus was $14 I think which was marked down from $30 if I remember correctly. Fucking thing actually had a security device on the cap which I've never seen in my life. What must home depot think of us lowly growers? :)

I'm also brewing beneficial microbes for foliar applications to strengthen the plants resistance to pests and disease. Might even incorporate into my fertilizer feeding to see if the girls respond positively. I figure the worst that can happen is the synthetic fertilizer kills some or all of the microbes. If the microbes survive and thrive, then the plant's root systems benefit greatly. I'll keep ya posted what I'm brewing and what I'm applying. I'm currently working on "jump starting" my fungus growth with some moist worm castings (4 cups) mixed with rolled oats (1 cup) sitting in a dark warm container. As described in the book, teaming with microbes, after 3-4 days a blanket of beneficial fungus will have developed on the castings. You then brew your microbe tea with the castings already inoculated with a thriving blanket of beautiful mycorrhizal fungal growth. I'll post pics of the fungus covered castings prior to the brew. Should be pretty gnarly man :)

With those prices and the fact that my GH bottles were all pretty old (4+ years) and with my flora micro foaming, I thought I'd just get all new fresh bottles and call it a day. Black magic is made by Hawthorne Hydroponics who owns a little piece of just about everything in the grow business. Can, Bontanicare, General Hydroponics, and the list goes on... Have a look https://www.hawthorne-gardening.com/#brands

I started off at 1/4 strength as usual. End up around 700ppm. Tap starts at 180. The babies just got their first does of the new fertilizer. Will report back tomorrow with pics to see how they respond. The 4 GG#4's will get their first feeding with the new line tomorrow.
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GH Flora line is solid and works well at a great price. The only thing I ever added was their floralicous plus which I feel is the only additive worth spending your money on. The rest is unnecessary. I was actually on my way to the grow store to get a bottle of flora micro because my old bottle was beginning to foam which I think indicates it's time to toss it, and I had to pass by the depot to get there. I thought what the hell, lets see what they have. Well the quart of A and b were only $7/each. The cal/mag was $9 and the quart of their version of floralicous plus was $14 I think which was marked down from $30 if I remember correctly. Fucking thing actually had a security device on the cap which I've never seen in my life. What must home depot think of us lowly growers? :)

With those prices and the fact that my GH bottles were all pretty old (4+ years) and with my flora micro foaming, I thought I'd just get all new fresh bottles and call it a day. Black magic is made by Hawthorne Hydroponics who owns a little piece of just about everything in the grow business. Can, Bontanicare, General Hydroponics, and the list goes on... Have a look https://www.hawthorne-gardening.com/#brands

I started off at 1/4 strength as usual. End up around 700ppm. Tap starts at 180. The babies just got their first does of the new fertilizer. Will report back tomorrow with pics to see how they respond. The 4 GG#4's will get their first feeding with the new line tomorrow.
I had some GH 3 part stored from 1996 to 2011 and it worked PERFECTLY! I was shocked (and happy). That stuff is rock solid :) I am now going to HD tomorrow and poke around. GH's CaliMagic is wonderful too.

PS I have 6 GG#4s from seeds I selfed about 1 month along now. So we are both doing a GG grow
I saw that clearance at the HD. I didn't need any nutes, but I picked up a couple sacks of their soil mix and I'm impressed. The ladies have loved it and $6 for a 1.5cf bag was great. Wish I would have bought the rest of the pallet they had because it's all gone. Oh, and I did pick up the ph up and down which works just like they should especially for like $4/bottle.
I saw that clearance at the HD. I didn't need any nutes, but I picked up a couple sacks of their soil mix and I'm impressed. The ladies have loved it and $6 for a 1.5cf bag was great. Wish I would have bought the rest of the pallet they had because it's all gone. Oh, and I did pick up the ph up and down which works just like they should especially for like $4/bottle.

I always knew some day I would be able to buy pot growing gear at Home Depot and that day has come. Hard nipples anyone? I could cut glass right now :) I bought one of their tents and it was an epic piece of shit. The frame was so wobbly I could hardly open the zipper without the thing swaying back and forth. And they think you're going to hang a carbon filter and 600W light in there? Yeah fucking right. I tore it down and returned it. It's a shame too because the tent itself was very good quality. Total failure on the frame. I also ordered a double ended 1000W HPS air cooled hood that was very nice, but I didn't realize it was only for double ended bulbs and they just don't sell 600W double ended HPS bulbs. 1000 watts available allover the place, but no 600's. I run 600's so back to the depot it went. I find their prices very competitive on everything. By the way, I got a solid 4x4x7 on Amazon for $92. It's fucking sweet and solidly built. Can't believe I paid $230 for a secret jardin a few years back. What an ass reaming....
Yeah, Amazon is my go to for cheap growing stuff. I got a very nice 2x4 tent for $60. Also got fans, filter, grow bags, timers, etc. All cheaper than I can get locally and delivered to my door in 2 days. Man, I love shopping in my underwear and not having to drag my kids around town while they complain and beg me to buy them crap. Brick and mortar is doomed.
Here is a couple pics of me jump starting my fungal growth on earth worm castings in preparation to brew microbe tea for a foliar application. The remainder of tea left in my 5 gallon bucket will be used in my regular fertilize feeding for my plants that are all in hempy buckets. I've been told beneficial microbes are still effective when growing in inert growing mediums where synthetic fertilizers are used, so I'm testing that theory. After this experiment I'll determine if beneficial microbes are worth adding to inert media such as coco. I'll post lots of pics.fungus.jpg fungus1.jpg