Using the quantum boards, I had to refigure my blurple closet ventilation, and here's what I ended up with. There are no idea patents, so enjoy.

Other than upgrading the exhaust from a 190cfm 4" to a 350cfm 6", I had to get rid of fans. The only one running is the little white oscillating fan. I made a little adjustable shelf for it, just a board with holes in it, and the little board with pegs on the back. The fan in the corner is just there. It moves more air, so I tried putting it on the shelf instead - messed up the climate quick. temp shot up about 5 degrees in a half hour.
The little vent on the side is just a hole in the wall, covered with a piece of washable filter and a register. I cut a hole in the bedroom side and did the same thing, but I cut it higher on the wall to help keep light out.
So for ventilation I recommend over-sizing the exhaust and letting it do its thing. Have extra cfm available if needed.
Other stuff -
- I have the light hanging from a single point, so it spins. I stuck a small piece of metal on the light that has a hole in the end. I use a thumb-tack to hold the light straight.
- the thermos/hygrometer under the fan is a remote (1 of 3) that reads off a 'base' unit in the living room.
- I put 2x4 and plywood floor on the base of the closet to raise it a few inches (I could flush multiple plants in place if needed) then a piece of old vinyl I had lying around on top of the plywood.
- the little black sensor hanging down on the right above the vent is attached to the exhaust fan control unit. you can set an 'emergency' temp, and it will automatically kick the fan on high speed if it gets there.
- busted tape measure piece hanging on the wall has the "0" mark at soil level on the plant.
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