SuperSkunk Manifold

May I ask why decarb process is so important?
Can you imagine a world where your buzz comes on slowly after 30-45 minutes, then eases you into a full-body high for 4-6 hours that intensifies the advertised properties of the strain you grew? Yes, this includes the dry-mouth as well :)

Now - can you imagine achieving that result on .,25g of weed? I smoke because I like it and it is recreational and gives you the fun high - the edibles give you the relaxing, medicinally viable body feel that is different from the smoking high.
I learned something new today, and it's super viable info for me because I'd much rather have at least half the harvest sent to a trusted edible maker so I can spare my pulmary system the smoking if I can at my older age! So eating cannabis raw off the plant is a waste
Can you imagine a world where your buzz comes on slowly after 30-45 minutes, then eases you into a full-body high for 4-6 hours that intensifies the advertised properties of the strain you grew? Yes, this includes the dry-mouth as well :)

Now - can you imagine achieving that result on .,25g of weed? I smoke because I like it and it is recreational and gives you the fun high - the edibles give you the relaxing, medicinally viable body feel that is different from the smoking high.
I had lozenges and a gummy or two that absolutely sent me into a stupor for five hours! I had no clue how intoxicated I was until noon the next day when I felt sober again! Heavy heavy
I learned something new today, and it's super viable info for me because I'd much rather have at least half the harvest sent to a trusted edible maker so I can spare my pulmary system the smoking if I can at my older age! So eating cannabis raw off the plant is a waste
Yes. Eating it raw just passes through you and does little to nothing. Heat has to be involved somewhere. Decarbing and edibles is one option, and vaping is another. I want to get a Volcano next now that I am done buying lights and fans, but the vaping still produces the smoking effects, and lasts about as long, so they are two different highs.
I learned something new today, and it's super viable info for me because I'd much rather have at least half the harvest sent to a trusted edible maker so I can spare my pulmary system the smoking if I can at my older age! So eating cannabis raw off the plant is a waste
I got to thinking about what you said, and with decarbed weed, making budder, or brownies, or any of that other mess isn't needed. It also makes the dosage less even, because your brownie batter might not be mixed well or the butter didn't infuse well, or whatever.

The claims made on the NOVA site are accurate, and you could just eat a bud and get effed up. Just make sure to weigh it so you don't go straight to nap time. I measure out a dose, then grind it and sprinkle it on whatever I'm eating. I am sure that this would work for weed you decarb in the oven (I always used 240for40 (degrees minutes) as the standard, but most home ovens suck. The thing I like is that the Nova never gets above 120degrees, and has sensors (for weight I guess) and it adjusts the cook time by that. It takes about 1hr45min for the process. I have set a timer for that and come back and sometimes it is done, sometimes it goes longer.

So you can do the butter/oil/edible/candy/gummy whatever, or you can just put it on your eggs and it will save you paying someone.
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@harryhoudinii feel free to ask whatever,

I have the decarbed keif in a container slowly drying out, and when it can break back apart fairly easily I will make budder and post about it.
Can you decarb it without drying and curing if I'm just using it for oil? Also if I just want to use it in a vial for micro dosing, what oil do you think works best, olive oil maybe? The nova doesn't arrive until next week so I've got some time to read in to it, had to order from America (UK). Would you reccomend getting any accessories for it?
Can you decarb it without drying and curing if I'm just using it for oil? Also if I just want to use it in a vial for micro dosing, what oil do you think works best, olive oil maybe? The nova doesn't arrive until next week so I've got some time to read in to it, had to order from America (UK). Would you reccomend getting any accessories for it?
I haven't tried it green yet, (not a bad idea for larfy buds you prune during growth), but I have tried using the dried larf (2-3 days) and it was great. That harvest hasn't cured yet, so I don't know how much better it will be.

Shannon, or one her peeps will answer emails and Q's on their site. I'll definitely try it, but they may already have.

Oh, and they have testing data for which oils work best.

The silicone sleeve is new, so I grabbed it.
And a "major" pruning LOL on the GDP monster clone
the 3 little fans were all pointing towards the center at the top and shading stuff. The big ones were all the lowers. First time I have gotten this far with that little nute damage (more like age) so I am leaving as much foliage as possible and letting it go as long as I can to see if there really is some purple in there somewhere.
This is using the Gringo Rasta trio from FF, and the "soluble" trio (open sesame, beastie bloom & cha ching) There are no solids (sediment) in these nutes. and I think I like that.

I started a new generic page since I no longer have a Superskunk manifold and you can't edit that stuff after a few months :) LOL

Joint me here: for future updates:
hello my friend , got a question if I may , I'm getting some leaves with some dots had a few that were older fan leaves is I just pulled them ,
I'm in day 40 of flower , and getting a couple of more towards the middle . I noticed you had one but she was about done . Mine still has at least 3 weeks . Any ideas ?
IMG_6285.JPG IMG_6286.JPG IMG_6287.JPG IMG_6288.JPG
hello my friend , got a question if I may , I'm getting some leaves with some dots had a few that were older fan leaves is I just pulled them ,
I'm in day 40 of flower , and getting a couple of more towards the middle . I noticed you had one but she was about done . Mine still has at least 3 weeks . Any ideas ?
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Those look fine for the age. I have had some way worse and the plant did fine. When they look like that in veg you have issues. I would flush it next watering, then re-feed. Easy to have deficiencies in flower by being too careful.
Mine still has at least 3 weeks . Any ideas ?

There are an abundance of "leaf diagnosis" charts that show the different problems and what they look like. Once you whittle it down to a few possibilities, look them up. See if how and when they showed up makes sense with what you read, and see if one is more likely than another. Most of the articles that go into detail will tell you how to fix it.
Those look fine for the age. I have had some way worse and the plant did fine. When they look like that in veg you have issues. I would flush it next watering, then re-feed. Easy to have deficiencies in flower by being too careful.
Thanks my friend !
i have read both nebula and nugbuckets tutorials on manifold/mainline, both were good reads.

i was thinking i would take the nugbuckets approach and top for 8 colas

BUT it looks like you have topped for 16? is that correct? pic at top of this page, that plant is a thing of beauty, i want one like that lol

the 6th node on mine is just showing growth now, so maybe another few days/week and ill be ready to begin
I know this is an old thread but I Just want to mention that Nugbucket's method is a much tidier version, the plants end up more uniform and more symmetric in shape when using his approach. Nebula's version does work very well, but I think it was more designed to save the grower 2 weeks of extra veg time. Personally, I don't mind the extra veg time because it allows the plant more time to build up that much more of a strong root system, which in turn helps the plants bounce back faster and become much more forgiving to any mistakes that might get made by over pruning etc.